
Colbert Makes Dude Version Of Summer's Eve Hand Puppet Ads

Colbert Makes Dude Version Of Summer's Eve Hand Puppet Ads

In order to rectify a troubling imbalance in the world, the Colbert Report made a spoof commercial of the Summer’s Eve talking vaginal hand puppets, just for men. [More]

China Shuts Down Two Fake Apple stores

China Shuts Down Two Fake Apple stores

Chinese officials moved to shut down two detailed fake Apple stores in Kumnmig after a blogger’s post exposing the counterfeits went viral. [More]

Summer's Eve Ads Use Talking Vertical Hands

Summer's Eve Ads Use Talking Vertical Hands

Summer’s Eve is catching some flack for a series of ads that use hand puppets, titled vertically, to promote its line of feminine genital cleansing products. With three puppets, each portraying a different ethnicity with phrases like “”ay-yi-yi” (Latina) and “do you really want to be itchy down here? Mmmmhmm” (African-American), and “Just a little love for your vertical smile,” (Caucasian), for some viewers the clips are managing to hit that magical advertising sweetspot of being both sexist and racist. [More]

Man Fined $2,000 For Not Watering His Beehive

Man Fined $2,000 For Not Watering His Beehive

While New York may be trying to raise revenue by cracking down on city beekeepers, this looks like one sting operation that got its stinger broken off in the wound: inspectors fined a Queens man $2,000 for “not watering his beehive.” [More]

Chihuahua Emasculates Armed Robbers

Chihuahua Emasculates Armed Robbers

When you’re evaluating which pooch is worth the most bounce per ounce, consider the mighty chihuahua. Often itself the brunt of humiliation by being tied up in pink ribbons and carried around in tiny backpacks by humans who consider it fashionable, the chihuahua is actually a fierce and loyal companion capable of fending off attackers many times its size. Witness the ferocity and devotion of the chihuahua in this video showing one running off two masked thieves robbing a smoke shop. They may have a shotgun but he’s got moxie! [More]

China's Hypergrowth Fueled By Building Giant Cities No One Lives In

China's Hypergrowth Fueled By Building Giant Cities No One Lives In

Chin up, America. China ain’t so great. That 10% GDP growth they’ve been having? A lot of it is fake. Take this investigate report that looks at the big trend over there of Chinese ghost cities and ghost malls. China is building ten of these cities a year, cities that can serve millions, with rows of apartment complexes, shopping malls, and universities. But almost no one lives in them. By pouring materials and resources and labor in, the government can keep national GDP at its state-mandated levels, even if its not meeting any real demand. It’s like someone is playing SimCity with all cheat codes, but this is a game China is going to lose. [More]

After Colbert Mocks, Gas Driller Stops Making "Friendly Fracosaurus" Coloring Book

After Colbert Mocks, Gas Driller Stops Making "Friendly Fracosaurus" Coloring Book

After the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette highlighted a coloring book made by natural gas driller Talisman Energy for pushing propaganda on kids, and Colbert ripped it a new one, the gas company announced it will stop making “Talisman Terry’s Energy Adventure.” [More]

Small Arizona Town In Furor After 2nd Citizen Arrested For Speaking At Town Meeting

Small Arizona Town In Furor After 2nd Citizen Arrested For Speaking At Town Meeting

The town of Quartzsite, AZ, population 3,466, is in disarray after a video showing police hauling away a citizen for speaking at the town meeting podium went viral. The woman was saying that the town council had been violating open meeting laws. [More]

Town Drops Charges Against Woman For Front-Yard Veggie Garden

Town Drops Charges Against Woman For Front-Yard Veggie Garden

A woman who faced the prospect of 93 days in jail for refusing to stop growing vegetables in her front yard is sighing with relief after the Detroit suburb dropped all charges against her. All charges regarding her garden, that is. Now they have renewed charges against her for having two unlicensed dogs, even though she got her paperwork taken care of in June. [More]

AA Cancels Flight, Leaves Seniors En Route To Wedding To Fend For Themselves

AA Cancels Flight, Leaves Seniors En Route To Wedding To Fend For Themselves

Two days before they were to fly to Arkansas for a family wedding and reunion, American Airlines canceled the flight of five seniors, reports CBS Sacramento. They were handed back the frequent flyer miles they had used to buy the tickets, miles they spent years racking up, and told to find another flight on another airline. The only way to do it was for each of them to buy a $1083.40 last-minute ticket. They feel AA should have found them another flight or should reimburse them for the tickets, but according to both law and policy, they have no recourse. [More]

Duane Reade Has All Your Back To School Supplies. All Of Them!

Duane Reade Has All Your Back To School Supplies. All Of Them!

From pencils, to bear costumes, to urostomy pouches, Duane Reade is your one-stop back to school supershop. The drug store gets a little gentle ribbing over the extensiveness of its inventory in this amusing little parody ad. [More]

1950's Kool-Aid Commercial Drinks Itself

1950's Kool-Aid Commercial Drinks Itself

Here’s a retro Kool-Aid commercial from a simpler time. Back when the Kool-Aid man was just a jug with a condensation face that talked. No busting through walls. he just chilled there like a good friendly value sitting on a table. Children and adults just whistled at one another to signify that it was Kool-Aid time. And mothers spoke very precisely and articulately. Ahhh. [More]

Woman Faces Jail Time For Growing Veggies In Front Yard

Woman Faces Jail Time For Growing Veggies In Front Yard

Who knew a Victory Garden could have you facing defeat? A Michigan woman is looking at the prospect of 93 days in jail because she planted vegetables in planters in her front yard and refused to abide by the town elders’ interpretation of the planning code, WJBX reports. [More]

Chase Gets Man Thrown In Jail For Fraudulent Check. Except The Check Is Legit.

Chase Gets Man Thrown In Jail For Fraudulent Check. Except The Check Is Legit.

UPDATE: Chase and the customer tell Consumerist the situation has been resolved. [More]

Spike In Thieves Stealing Entire Central AC Units

Spike In Thieves Stealing Entire Central AC Units

They work silently, leaving no trace behind. A Chicago neighborhood is on alert after the number of thefts of air conditioning units have jumped sharply in recent weeks. The robbers are after the copper inside, which they can resell for scrap, a favorite quick money-making method for drug addicts. But they’re not just cracking open the units and plundering the pipe, they’re lifting the entire central AC unit. [More]

Video Of 25,727 Passwords From The Sony Hack, One Per Frame

Video Of 25,727 Passwords From The Sony Hack, One Per Frame

Stare agog as all the the passwords released in the Sony LulzSec breach race past your eyes in this video. [More]

User-Generated KFC Ad More Likely To Inspire Serial Killers Than Sales

User-Generated KFC Ad More Likely To Inspire Serial Killers Than Sales

I kind of love this very unofficial ad for KFC made by comedian Peter Serafinowicz. It juxtaposes a loop of a 70’s father cutting a chicken for his family with a staticy voiceover instructing how to serve a chicken. An ominous drone pulses underneath. At the end you feel like you’ve just witnessed the mental filmstrip of a serial killer right before he creatively dismembers his latest victim. Pass the mashed potatoes! [More]

Fireworks Can Explode Both Plastic And Flesh Humans

Fireworks Can Explode Both Plastic And Flesh Humans

Those wild and crazy folk over at the CPSC blew up a bunch of mannequins with fireworks on a public lawn in DC to showcase the danger of improperly using fireworks, using illegal fireworks and using professional fireworks when you are not a professional. Here’s the disturbing video. And if you’re a sick puppy, here’s the safety demonstration set to the 1812 overture. Instead of becoming like one of the disfigured humanoids in the video, here’s a few safety tips you can follow: [More]