In a move that will please countless 30- and 40-something gamers who remember the days of pounding out not-so-secret cheat codes on their controllers, Nintendo has announced plans to release a downsized version of its classic NES gaming console — complete with 30 games to warm the cockles of your (possibly aging) nostalgic heart. [More]
video games

AAA Would Like To Remind You Not To Use Pokémon Go While Driving
While it might seem obvious that you shouldn’t have your phone in front of your face for any reason while you’re operating heavy machinery, AAA would still like to remind all those Pokémon Go players out there to keep their eyes on the road and not on the app. [More]

What Happens When Pokémon Go Turns Your House Into A Gym
The world is still new to this Pokémon Go thing, Nintendo’s mobile game that has seen instant success since its release last week and sent players stumbling around in public with their smartphones out. But of course, there are bound to be things that go a bit funny in any game, like when Pokémon Go thinks your house is a gym for training all the virtual creatures people have captured. [More]

Ford Dealership Swipes Video Game Art For Ad; Doesn’t Understand How DMCA Works
We live in an age where a digital copy of just about any piece of artwork is obtainable for free with a couple of clicks and taps on your computer or phone. That doesn’t mean you can just use said artwork in an ad to tell people about some deal on a 2016 Ford Focus. [More]

Sony Confirms It Will Sell A More Powerful PlayStation 4, Codenamed “Neo”
If you’ve been waiting breathlessly for a new, more powerful version of the PlayStation 4, take a breath, already: it’s coming, but it won’t be arriving quite as soon as some rumors predicted. [More]

“Space Invaders,” “Oregon Trail,” & “Legend Of Zelda” Inducted Into Video Game Hall Of Fame
There are some video games you don’t have to explain to anyone, even if they were born way after those games first delighted fans. Among those are this year’s inductees into the Video Game Hall of Fame that were chosen from 15 finalists and make up the second group of games to join the list. If you’ve ever traveled digitally to Oregon or went on quests with Link, you’ll know which games we’re talking about. [More]

Amazon Makes Some Games Only Available On Prime, But Good Luck Guessing Which Ones
Amazon Prime started out a few years back as a way for power users to save on quick shipping. These days, it sometimes feels instead like Amazon is crawling one inch at a time toward a Costco-style membership-only future behind the Prime gates. The latest goods to move behind the velvet rope? A bunch of big-name video games. [More]

GameStop’s New Venture: GameTrust, A Game Publisher
Realizing that the business of selling consoles and physical copies of new and used games in malls won’t last forever, GameStop has been working to diversify its business, acquiring related businesses ranging from third-party Apple store chain Simply Mac to pop culture purveyor ThinkGeek. The company is now starting a new venture even more closely related to its core business: GameTrust, which will publish games from outside developers, and distribute them to its customers. [More]

Supreme Court Will Not Hear EA’s Appeal In Madden NFL Case
No, the First Amendment does not give one of the world’s largest video game publishers the right to make money off the likeness of professional athletes without their permission or compensating them. Or at least the U.S. Supreme Court doesn’t want to hear anyone argue that it does. [More]

Xbox One Will Support Cross-Platform Multiplayer With PS4, PC
If you like playing online multiplayer games on your Xbox One but hate that you can never play your pal because she’s a PlayStation 4 devotee, here’s some promising news. [More]

Science Says: Video Games May Improve Cognitive Abilities In Multiple Sclerosis Patients
“Video games will rot your brain,” is something I used to hear as a child. It’s not true, and in fact a newly published study claims that some video games may actually be helpful for the more than 2 million people around the world with Multiple Sclerosis. [More]

Lawsuit Claims NBA 2K16 Violates Copyright For LeBron, Kobe Tattoos
When you put a real, living human being’s likeness in a video game, you need their permission. But do you need an okay from that person’s tattoo artist — or a company that claims to have purchased the copyright for that design — to digitally recreate their body art? [More]

100 Classic Atari Games Coming To Steam Later This Year
Players of a certain age may have fond memories of some old Atari classics of yesteryear, but the hardware isn’t exactly around anymore and copies of games have literally been in a dump. Well, rejoice: Atari is releasing 100 classic game titles to the PC on Steam sometime this spring. In addition to actually running, the titles will have some modern upgrades like working local and/or online multiplayer and Steam Controller support. [via The Verge] [More]

Amazon Prime Adds 20% Discount On Video Game Pre-Orders & New Releases
For years, Amazon was able to win over some video game fans by guaranteeing release-day delivery of new titles. But now that gamers can pre-order digital downloads of their games (for the same price) so that they’re available right away when they go live, Amazon is going after customers who want to save money on these pricey new releases. [More]

Sony Cuts The Price Of A Year’s Subscription To PlayStation Now By More Than Half
If you’ve been eyeing PlayStation Now — Sony’s PS3 game streaming service — but if you haven’t been willing to fork over $19.99 for a month’s access or $44.99 for three months of the service, now might be your moment, as Sony is offering up a year’s subscription for $99.99. [More]

GameStop To Sell Steam Hardware Even Though It Can’t Sell You Games To Play On It
Why would a store want to sell you something that could mean you will not need to walk through its doors again? We don’t know, but GameStop is doing it anyway: the brick-and-mortar retailer will be selling Steam hardware next month — game consoles that are designed for digital video games purchased on the Steam marketplace… the exact kind of games you won’t find at GameStop. [More]

Kids These Days Would Rather Play Video Games On Mobile Devices Than On PCs, Consoles
Are the days of fighting over the best video game controller over? Perhaps, says a new report: though consoles and computers used to be the most popular for gaming, smartphones and tablets now rule the roost among the younger set. [More]