
UPS Loses Your Overnight Package, Amazon Sends You A New One Via Private Courier

UPS Loses Your Overnight Package, Amazon Sends You A New One Via Private Courier

Hey guys,

What Part Of "Must Obtain Signature" Did FedEx Misunderstand?

What Part Of "Must Obtain Signature" Did FedEx Misunderstand?

Frank told FedEx to require a signature before delivering his skis, instructions FedEx found vague and confusing. When Frank complained, FedEx said that in order to deliver the increased volume of goods over the holidays, they reserve the right to essentially chuck your delicate gifts from a speeding truck.

Email Addresses For 7 UPS Executives

Email Addresses For 7 UPS Executives

Here are the email addresses for seven UPS executives..

6 Months Later, Reader Gets New Xbox After UPS Loses His

6 Months Later, Reader Gets New Xbox After UPS Loses His

Dan, whose Xbox360 was “lost in transit,” spent the past six months trying to get either UPS or Microsoft to give him what he had paid his hard-earned money for, has finally succeed in his quest. After we posted his story (see Microsoft Presents: UPS And The Case Of The Vanishing XBOX 360) and he sent executive email carpet bombs (EECBs) to both UPS and MIcrosoft, they are shipping him a brand new Xbox360. We briefly spoke with Dan over IM about his harrowing journey…

Best Buy Ships Crumpled Seinfeld DVDs

Best Buy Ships Crumpled Seinfeld DVDs

What’s the deal with Best Buy? Reader Brian ordered the first eight seasons of Seinfeld, but instead of shipping seasons one, two, or seven, Best Buy decided to send two copies of seasons three and eight. Best Buy was willing to correct its shipping error, but when Brian noticed that several DVD cases were crumpled, Best Buy asked him to keep all eight seasons wrapped for eight business days while UPS conducted an investigation.

Microsoft Presents: UPS And The Case Of The Vanishing XBOX 360

Microsoft Presents: UPS And The Case Of The Vanishing XBOX 360

Reader Daniel’s XBOX 360 went missing after he shipped it back to Microsoft via UPS. UPS did not give him a receipt. Now that they’ve lost the package, Microsoft won’t send Daniel a new XBOX 360 because he has insufficient proof that he shipped it in the first place. Daniel has a signed letter from the UPS manager stating that UPS did indeed pick up the package, but that’s not good enough.

How UPS Delivers When You're Not Watching

(Thanks to gbcue!)

Would UPS Lie About Delivering Harry Potter To Stay In Amazon's Good Graces?

Would UPS Lie About Delivering Harry Potter To Stay In Amazon's Good Graces?

Jason Kottke was home Saturday at 3:36 pm when UPS claims they attempted to deliver his copy of Harry Potter. No notice was left on Kottke’s door; the neighboring doorman saw no UPS truck; UPS’ own website shows that the package never transitioned from the penultimate status of “In Transit To Final Destination” to “Out For Delivery.” Why would UPS lie about delivering a copy of Harry Potter?

UPS Supervisor "Exceedingly Helpful, Concerned, And Very Proactive." Really? UPS?

UPS Supervisor "Exceedingly Helpful, Concerned, And Very Proactive." Really? UPS?

Andro ordered several props on Wednesday that he needed for a seminar this weekend. He paid extra for 2nd day air, but on Thursday, he noticed an odd error on his package’s tracking information: “LATE TRAILER. GROUND MOVEMENT CAUSED THIS DELIVERY DELAY”

Along with that, new delivery date on tracking page was listed as July 23rd, the Monday -after- my seminar. Alarmed, I dialed the 800 UPS line in hopes of expediting the shipping, or even upgrading it to overnight if possible. The first representative I reached was very unhelpful – I was told that ‘UPS commits to deliver packages within set timeframe, but takes no responsibility for delays.’ – I was told there’s nothing he could do for me; an inquiry about his name or service number went ignored, and upon asking for call to be escalated, he hung up on me.

DHL Wins Package Race, UPS Still In Transit

DHL Wins Package Race, UPS Still In Transit

Every year Georgia Tech’s Supply Chain and Logistics Institute holds a shipping race to see who can deliver packages to remote locations the quickest. Unbeknownst to the companies, they’re competing in the Olympics of shipping.

The Mystery Of The Closed UPS Store

The Mystery Of The Closed UPS Store

Someone get Nancy Drew’s skinny ass down here, we’ve got a puzzler. The UPS Store in Marietta, OH is closed. Are they out of business? Is someone on vacation? Did someone die inside?

Intercept UPS!

Intercept UPS!

* Will Call: Hold the package for pickup by the consignee

Lifehacker says using this service might cost up to $10, but for people experiencing package problems 10 bucks may be a small price to pay. —MEGHANN MARCO

UPS Breaks Package, Won't Reimburse Shipping Charges

UPS smashed a gift package containing wine Ryan sent to his father-in-law-to-be, but won’t reimburse Ryan for the shipping charges. We instinctively fear fathers-in-law, especially the ‘to-be’ variety. Like throwing salmon to a bear, Ryan’s gift package, worth about $100, contained fine chocolate, wine, and a leather wine holder. Ryan prominently labeled the package “FRAGILE” before shipping.

About a week after Christmas I receive a call from the manager of the UPS store informing me that my package was destroyed along with the “cider” inside (they decided it was no longer wine at some point). The manager (in very very broken English) requested me to come in bearing receipts for the products or advertisements for items close there to

Ryan brought in his advertisements and told them that they shipped wine, not cider. UPS adamantly declared “this store does not and will not ship wine.” That would be nice, expect they did ship wine. They broke it, too.

Why Is It So %#$%@-ing Impossible To Get Your Mail Delivered in Brooklyn?

Sorry for the local flavor of this post, but we live in Brooklyn. When we order things from UPS the UPS guy does not ring the bell. Ever. We work from home, so we know he does this. We’ve seen him do it. When we complain, they tell us that he’s a 10 year veteran with no prior complaints. We’ve complained before, so we assume this is part of a standard script. It’s not just UPS that’s messed up in Brooklyn. The post office may be even more screwed up. We hardly ever get any mail. Even junk mail.

Brown Can’t Do Anything For Denver

The snowstorm that slammed the Denver area canceled Christmas for many folks expecting deliveries from UPS, aka Brown Santa.

Shipping Showdown: What’s The Best Way to Ship?

Good Morning America tested all the major shippers from the USPS to FedEx. What did they find? The USPS took the longest, wasn’t guaranteed, but was the cheapest. Stores offering shipping services, like Mail Boxes Etc., were a rip-off, they charged an extra $8 to $15, and tagged on “Saturday Delivery” charges and fuel costs. Best to go straight to the source. —MEGHANN MARCO

UPS Won’t Give Refunds During Holidays

UPS Won’t Give Refunds During Holidays

UPS ground doesn’t give refunds during the holidays.

ShopNBC Demands Money For Broken TV

ShopNBC Demands Money For Broken TV

The McKenzies ordered two TVs from ShopNBC three months ago. The boxes arrived damaged and the family sent them back for a warranty replacement, which has yet to materialize. As such, the McKenzies haven’t paid for the tv sets.