Brown Can’t Do Anything For Denver

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The snowstorm that slammed the Denver area canceled Christmas for many folks expecting deliveries from UPS, aka Brown Santa.

The snowstorm that slammed the Denver area canceled Christmas for many folks expecting deliveries from UPS, aka Brown Santa.

Don’t try for a refund, though, a notice on the UPS site reads, “The UPS package delivery guarantee does not apply when transportation networks are disrupted. “

That’s of little consolation for Brian, his missing packages, and his conspiracy theory about how UPS is using the storm to cover up for general holiday incompetence.

    My brother sent a package via UPS, it got to about 10 miles from here on the 21st and hasn’t moved since. Today the truck came by and they said they had a package for me in the back but couldn’t get to it. When I got irate they told me to look for myself…

Brian continues:

    “The truck looked like it had been packed floor to ceiling, wall to wall, by my five-year-old son.

    Oh, and despite being so far behind, they still didn’t do any deliveries on Sunday or Christmas. The kicker?: Another storm is supposed to hit tomorrow: 6 inches to 2 feet of snow.


    Frankly, I think this is just an excuse to cover them dropping the ball this holiday.

    The storm knocked out roads for a day. They’re more than four days behind now.”