
Judge Says USA FREEDOM Act May Scuttle Twitter’s Transparency Lawsuit

Judge Says USA FREEDOM Act May Scuttle Twitter’s Transparency Lawsuit

Last October, Twitter sued the Justice Department, the U.S. Attorney General, the FBI, and FBI Director James Comey, because the social media platform believed it has a First Amendment right to be fully transparent with its users about the number and nature of national security requests it receives from the government. But with the recent passing of the USA FREEDOM Act, the judge in the case says there may be no need for the lawsuit to move forward. [More]


Report: Airlines Get A Lot Of Hate On Social Media, Especially The Big Ones

As often as we use social media to proclaim our likes and loves, just as often we air grievances to our friends and the world — including complaints about the companies we do business with. When it comes to talking about airlines on social media, a new report says it’s a negative arena, especially when it comes to the largest carriers. [More]

Tom Raftery

Twitter Reportedly Looking To Buy Article-Curating App Flipboard For $1B

If you’re one of the largest social media networks in the world and happen to have $1 billion burning a hole in your pocket, what do you do? If you’re Twitter, you apparently start talks to buy article-sharing app Flipboard. [More]


Survey Says: 30% Of People Who Admit To Tweeting While Driving Do It “All The Time”

While we’ve heard of people doing things they shouldn’t be doing while they’re driving — like playing the guitar and taking selfies, not to mention texting — it’s still shocking to look at the numbers tied to distracted driving. A new survey says the trendy thing to do behind the wheel now is using social media like Twitter, with plenty of people admitting they do it “all the time.” [More]

Coming Soon: Tweet The Pizza Emoji At Domino’s, Get Pizza Delivered

Coming Soon: Tweet The Pizza Emoji At Domino’s, Get Pizza Delivered

It’s a good thing for Domino’s customers that there’s a pizza emoji (even if there’s no hot dog or taco yet, what is going on there?!?) because now they’ll barely have to lift a finger to order pizza on Twitter. The chain says it’s launching a Tweet-a-pizza delivery service starting May 20, allowing customers to simply send 🍕 [pizza emoji if you can’t see it on your device] to @Dominos to place their order. [More]

Data Analysis Proves That Some Brands Are Really Good At Twitter

Data Analysis Proves That Some Brands Are Really Good At Twitter

As more members of the public have turned to Twitter to keep up with the news and post photos of their lunches, brands have also turned to the service to promote themselves and to reach out to customers. As we’ve seen, some companies are really fantastic at social media, and others aren’t. Yet it is possible to scientifically prove which brands are good at Twitter and which aren’t. [More]

Though we can't imagine why anyone would want to watch Game of Thrones through someone else's smartphone, a number of Periscope users chose to share Sunday's season premiere with their Twitter friends. (image via Mumbrella)

HBO Complains To Twitter About Periscope Users Who Streamed Game Of Thrones

While plenty of people were legally watching the Game of Thrones season premiere on Sunday, some of those viewers were also using their accounts on Periscope, the Twitter-owned live-streaming service, to illegally re-broadcast the show to their online pals. In response, HBO has sent takedown notices and these Periscope users may have their accounts suspended. [More]

Hostess Claims It Actually Does Know The Difference Between Baseball And Football

Hostess Claims It Actually Does Know The Difference Between Baseball And Football

The arrival of spring means one thing for many sports fans across the country: Baseball is back, and with it, warm days and cool beers at the stadium. So how could Hostess possibly think there are touchdowns in baseball? [More]

HBO Finally Gets Around To Replying To Consumers Who Said They’d Pay For HBO Go…. Three Years Ago

HBO Finally Gets Around To Replying To Consumers Who Said They’d Pay For HBO Go…. Three Years Ago

With the launch of standalone streaming service HBO Now just around the corner, it appears the premium cable channel is attempting to drum up sales by going back in time and replying to Tweets from three years ago. [More]

Comcast Says It’s Tripling Size Of Social Media Customer Service Team

Comcast Says It’s Tripling Size Of Social Media Customer Service Team

Comcast has been responding to customer complaints on Twitter and Facebook for years, but that didn’t help the company get out of the basement of customer satisfaction ratings — not just for cable and Internet providers, but for all U.S. companies. And now that Comcast is trying to merge with the one consumer-facing business with a worse reputation, it says it is making an investment to improve its social media customer service team. [More]

Bud Light Deletes Tweet Suggesting You Randomly Pinch People For St. Patrick’s Day

Bud Light Deletes Tweet Suggesting You Randomly Pinch People For St. Patrick’s Day

Today is the day some people celebrate the legacy of St. Patrick by wearing green, wearing shamrock antennae, and — if you’re a drunken, mannerless troglodyte — randomly walk around pinching people who didn’t wear green. [More]

(Atwater Village Newbie)

Woman Says United Airlines Flight Attendant Shamed Her For Breastfeeding During Flight

For years now nursing mothers have encountered any number of displeased looks, rude remarks and requests to cover up. A Vancouver mother says she was the latest victim of such a run-in when a flight attendant on a United Airlines flight tossed a blanket to her husband in an attempt to get her to cover up.

Tom Raftery

Twitter Cracks Down On Revenge Porn In Update To Site Rules

After leaked emails showed Twitter CEO Dick Costolo admitting that the social media site isn’t all that great at dealing with abuse and trolls, and in fact has “sucked at it for years,” the company included a new bit in its terms of service on Wednesday that outlaws revenge porn. [More]

Montel Williams Defends Hawking Payday Loan Generator Money Mutual

Montel Williams Defends Hawking Payday Loan Generator Money Mutual

By now we know that celebrities (and pseudo-celebrities) often lend their names to products that may or may not have devastating effects on consumers. Of course, hawking a product for a paycheck doesn’t automatically make the spokesperson in question an expert on the product or the consequences of using it.  [More]

The tweet that has since been deleted. (@JetBlue)

JetBlue Realizes Pun Referencing Large Flying Machines Falling From The Sky Is Not The Best Idea

JetBlue is busy apologizing on Twitter for a now-deleted and ill-advised Tweet that made a bad pun referencing the Hindenburg Disaster. Too soon, perhaps, but also, reminding people of the time a flying machine crashed isn’t the best way to instill confidence in your own flying machines. Just sayin’. [More]

Twitter Decides It Loves Net Neutrality, Endorses Proposed FCC Plan

Twitter Decides It Loves Net Neutrality, Endorses Proposed FCC Plan

With the FCC set at long last to vote on strong net neutrality protections later this week, everyone is getting their last digs in. While many tech companies have previously spoken out on the issue, both for and against, the big social networks have been slow to plant their flags. That changed today, when Twitter came out swinging, cheering on the FCC’s plan. [More]

(Mike Mozart)

Prank Callers Trolling Comcast Twitter Feed For Victims

Comcast’s public image has sunk so low that customers now assume that a customer service rep who threatens you with violence or calls you a “b*tch” is actually someone working for the nation’s largest cable provider and not a prank caller. [More]

Today In Social Media Hacks: Delta, Newsweek, And CFO Of Twitter Really Need To Change Their Passwords

Today In Social Media Hacks: Delta, Newsweek, And CFO Of Twitter Really Need To Change Their Passwords

Social media tools are an effective way for businesses and bigwigs to communicate with their customers… that is, as long as those companies or people are in charge of their own accounts. When hackers “borrow” their social presences, much less good things can happen. And today at least three high-profile accounts found that out the hard way. [More]