“Netflix and chill” took on an entirely different meaning this weekend: The streaming service hosted a pop-up at a medical marijuana dispensary in California, offering pot strains inspired by several of its original television shows. [More]
tv shows

3 Things We Learned About How Netflix Recommends Shows
You just finished watching (or re-watching) Breaking Bad on Netflix, what do you watch next? Perhaps, Switched At Birth? Wait, what? While you might not see the connection between a show about a high school chemistry teacher dabbling in the drug trade and a family drama about two teens switched at birth, the streaming service’s recommendation algorithm does — at least in the case of my viewing habits. [More]

Yet Another Unreleased Episode Of HBO’s ‘Game Of Thrones’ Leaked Online
If you don’t want to find out what happens in the upcoming episode of Game of Thrones before Sunday, you better watch where you step on the internet: Yet another unreleased installment of the HBO show has leaked online. [More]

Report: Apple Is Going Shopping For Original Content With $1B To Spend
Months after rumors first started swirling that Apple was looking into buying its own original content to bolster its Apple Music platform, a new report indicates that the tech giant might be ready to go shopping — with $1 billion to burn. [More]

Netflix May Let Users Download Videos For Offline Viewing, But Probably Not You
While competitors like Amazon Prime, Google Play, and iTunes allow users to download videos for offline viewing, Netflix has yet to offer this option. Netflix is now considering the idea, but probably not for its millions of customers in the U.S. [More]

Netflix Wants Half Its Library To Be Original Content
There are basically two ways Netflix can get streaming content: it can either license TV shows and movies, or it can make its own original stuff. The company would like that balance to be an even split, with one executive saying Netflix is working toward the goal of having half its library be original content over the next few years. [More]

Apple Getting Into TV With Reality Competition Show About App Developers
If hours spent staring at your iPhone/Apple Watch/iPad/Mac isn’t giving you enough from Apple, the technology giant has a new offering in the works, with its first TV show, a reality competition featuring app developers duking it out for featured placement in the App Store. So it’s like Game of Thrones, just with more branding, a bunch of people wielding tech instead of swords, and no brutal battles to the death (we think). [More]

Netflix Binge Scale Reveals Which Shows Turn Us Into Unmoving Couch Potatoes
We’ve all got them, those shows that have the power to keep us glued to our couches, in front of a screen, watching each and every episode available until it feels like nothing else exists. Netflix knows it too, and has released a new Binge Scale that it says reveals which programs we’re most likely to sacrifice our social lives to. [More]

Delta To Offer Free In-Flight Streaming Entertainment Starting Next Month
If movies and TV shows make your flying experience more enjoyable, Delta Air Lines has some good news for you: by July 1, the carrier will make all of its in-flight entertainment for free. [More]

Walmart’s Streaming Video Service VUDU Discounts All Of This Year’s Emmy-Nominated Shows To $.67
For folks who might enjoy, say, Game of Thrones and Veep, but not enough to pay for HBO or HBO Now just for those two shows, or someone who wants to watch House of Cards without getting a Netflix subscription, Walmart’s streaming service VUDU might make sense: it charges per episode for TV shows, instead of requiring an upfront subscription fee for access to its libraries. VUDU is now sweetening the deal on some shows, knocking the per-episode price of all 2015 Emmy nominees and winners down to $0.67. [More]

Netflix Knows The Exact Moment You Get Hooked On A TV Show
“I know, it starts out slow, but if you can just get through a few episodes, I swear, it’s totally worth it and you will be addicted. Just trust me.” We’ve all heard something like that before, and now Netflix is repeating it, with a list that pinpoints the exact episode its users get hooked on a TV show. [More]

Hulu Scores Deal For Streaming Rights To Every Single Episode Of ‘Seinfeld’
One of the best things about hanging on to that TV cord? Flipping through the channels with the knowledge that at some point, likely very soon, you’ll land on an episode of Seinfeld. Cord-cutters can get in on that feeling now as well, as a report says Hulu has signed a deal to snag reruns of Seinfeld. [More]

Fans Of ‘Twin Peaks’ In Need Of Fresh Pants Upon News That The Show Will Return 25 Years After It Ended
Hear that? It’s the faint yet immediately recognizable strains of the theme to Twin Peaks, accompanied by squeals of unrestrained glee from its fans after hearing that the show will be returning to TV 25 years after it ended. Also, we’re all old because seriously, 25 years? [More]

Netflix's New Auto-Play Feature Enables TV Bingeing More Than Ever
Kristin’s complaint may be the archetypal definition of a first-world problem. But that’s okay, because it’s just annoying as all get out. She noticed when watching a TV series on Netflix streaming that when one episode finishes, the next one starts up right away. While this is extremely helpful if you want to, say, get through an entire season of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer in one glorious, slothful weekend day, Kristin doesn’t like it. She’s probably not alone in this. [More]

Verizon Wants To Take On Netflix In Entertainment Streaming
Dipping its toes into the waters inhabited by Netflix and Amazon, Verizon is planning to launch its own streaming video system. The company’s aggressive plans call for its service to potentially reach 85 million households. [More]

Netflix Lands Deal To Stream Old Seasons Of CW Shows
The revolving door that is Netflix’s streaming service has lined up another entrant. The company nailed down a deal to stream previous seasons of scripted CW TV shows starting the year after they air. [More]