
New "Checkpoint Friendly" Laptop Cases Will Help Travelers Breeze Through Security

New "Checkpoint Friendly" Laptop Cases Will Help Travelers Breeze Through Security

According to the USA Today, the Transportation Security Administration is likely to approve new “checkpoint friendly” laptop cases which would allow passengers to put their laptops through x-ray machines without removing them from the case. The new policy, designed to streamline airport security, is likely to be enacted within a few months. Details, inside…


Airlines aren’t just hiking fees to cover fuel costs—they’re also reducing the number of places where they’ll fly. Nearly 30 cities across the country have lost their scheduled service over the last year, making it just a little harder to get to sparsely populated areas. [New York Times]

Will June 29th Be A Big Cluster#@$! For Airlines?

Will June 29th Be A Big Cluster#@$! For Airlines?

Matt writes in to warn us all not to fly on June 29th and 30th if we can help it, because the 29th is when flight plans for all domestic flights have to switch over to the international standard. Matt adds that it’s just his personal opinion, so we’re not sure how worried we should really be (remember the fake-out of the Y2K bug?). But then again, we’re talking about airlines, so at the very least you should pack some extra energy bars if you’re traveling on the day of the switchover.

Department Of Transportation Says Airlines Can't Charge Extra Baggage Fees After Ticket Purchase

Department Of Transportation Says Airlines Can't Charge Extra Baggage Fees After Ticket Purchase

What To Expect From Airlines Now That Oil Is $130 A Barrel

What To Expect From Airlines Now That Oil Is $130 A Barrel

Scott McCartney, who writes the Wall Street Journal’s “Middle Seat” column, has some thoughts about what consumers can expect from airlines, now that oil has hit $130 a barrel. He says that “he change in oil prices from a year ago to today translates into $24.6 billion in added fuel costs for passengers and cargo airlines on an annualized basis,” which is more than the airline industry has ever earned– its best year saw $5.3 billion in earnings.

American Airlines Now Charges $15 For The First Checked Bag

American Airlines Now Charges $15 For The First Checked Bag

American Airlines has just announced that it will begin charging a $15 fee for the first checked bag starting June 15. The airline also said that it would raise fees for things like “reservation help” and “oversized bags.”

Fuel Prices Force Southern Skyways To Abandon Flights

Fuel Prices Force Southern Skyways To Abandon Flights

Brian writes in to let us know that Southern Skyways has fallen partially victim to soaring fuel costs:


Even basketball teams get stuck on the tarmac. The Spurs spent the night sleeping on a grounded airplane (that was experiencing mechanical difficulties) after the team beat New Orleans in Game 7. “We slept on the plane — as much as you can sleep,” a team spokesperson said. “We tried to keep some normal semblance of order.” [ESPN]

Banned For Life From Royal Caribbean For Complaining Too Loudly On The Internet

Banned For Life From Royal Caribbean For Complaining Too Loudly On The Internet

Brenda and Gerald Moran are what you might call “regulars” on Royal Caribbean — or they were — until they were banned for life after they complained too loudly on a cruise website. For the past 3 years, they took two cruises a year with Royal Caribbean, but according to the cruise line, they complained about almost all of them. Finally, after stirring up too much controversy on a popular cruise site, the company banned the Morans for life.

5 Common Airline Ticket Errors And How To Avoid Them

5 Common Airline Ticket Errors And How To Avoid Them

Despite security headaches and rising fuel costs, air travel is still a popular way to get to your destination. But because of heightened security, a simple error on your ticket can result in extra fees or even leave you grounded. To help you avoid some common ticket-buying pitfalls, CNN Travel has complied 5 common ticketing errors and how tells us how to avoid them. Check them out, inside…

Which Airlines Are Charging What Fees?

Which Airlines Are Charging What Fees?

Thanks, Northwest, For Flying Me To Chicago Because I Asked Nicely!

Thanks, Northwest, For Flying Me To Chicago Because I Asked Nicely!

Contrary to published rumors, I did not spend last weekend trafficking Canadian drugs or performing “community service.” No, I enjoyed a gluttonous weekend in Chicago thanks to Northwest’s generosity. In the age or rising fees, reduced frequent flier miles, and general travel hell, it’s still possible to extract favors from airlines, if you know which levers to push…

Carnival Ignores Sewage Stench, Tells Passengers To Do The Same

Carnival Ignores Sewage Stench, Tells Passengers To Do The Same

Joseph’s four-day Carnival cruise was tainted by a sewage stench that steamed through his stateroom. Carnival’s only advice was to “shut the bathroom door and close the air vents,” an ineffective solution that forced Joseph and his girlfriend above deck. Now he wants Carnival to clean up their mess.

Why Airline Buddy Passes Suck

Why Airline Buddy Passes Suck


Trim a little here, trim a little there: beginning in July, United will no longer give customers a minimum 500 frequent flyer miles for short trips. The new policy will be to give only the actual trip miles. [Chicago Tribune]

United Airlines Glitch Drops Fuel Surcharge And They Won't Be Able To Fix It Until 8pm Tonight

United Airlines Glitch Drops Fuel Surcharge And They Won't Be Able To Fix It Until 8pm Tonight

You can save up to $130 due to a “human error” that is causing United Airlines to drop the up to $130 fuel surcharge, says the Wall Street Journal. The airline says they won’t be able to fix the glitch until 8pm tonight, so hurry up and book it:

JetBlue Forces Passenger To Sit On Toilet For Flight

JetBlue Forces Passenger To Sit On Toilet For Flight

Talk about crappy service! JetBlue is the number 1 and the number 2 airline! A man from NYC is suing JetBlue “for more than $2 million because he says a pilot made him give up his seat to a flight attendant and sit on the toilet for more than three hours on a flight from California,” reports CBS News. We’re not going to judge the airline too harshly until more of the story comes out, just in case it turns out to be another upset passenger overstating the situation—but if it’s true, it’s going to be hard for JetBlue to wipe this story from the public’s memory for a while. Especially with all the joke opportunities.

With Northwest's Help, Ticket Scammer Ruins College Student's Volunteer Trip

With Northwest's Help, Ticket Scammer Ruins College Student's Volunteer Trip