There are the travel nightmares that you can walk away from after you leave the plane, and then there are those that stick with you. Literally: British Airways has apologized to a family who claim they had to endure an overnight flight while being bedeviled by bed bugs. [More]
travel nightmares

United Accused Of Stranding Woman In Wheelchair After Bumping Her From Flight
United Airlines is apologizing to yet another passenger, after a man said airline employees left his 77-year-old mother to her own devices after bumping her from her flight home to London. [More]

United Passengers Terrified After Pilot Warns They’ll Be Flying Through “Horrific” Storms And Tornadoes
Some passengers on a United Airlines flight this week heading for Newark were more worried they’d end up in Oz instead of New Jersey after they say the pilot warned them before takeoff that they’d be heading through some particularly nasty weather. [More]

British Airways Passenger Claims He Had To Sit In Urine-Soaked Seat For 11 Hours
There are uncomfortable flying situations, and then there’s sitting in a urine-soaked seat for 11 hours. [More]

American Airlines Strands Reporter At Airport For 24 Hours, Forcing Her To Subsist On Soft Pretzels & Licorice
In what sounds like a terrible idea for a Chopped spinoff, a reporter says she’s had to subsist on a diet consisting solely of snack food after various American Airlines delays trapped her at the airport for more than 24 hours. [More]

United Gives Away Toddler’s Paid Seat, Forces Mom To Hold Son On Lap For 3 Hours
Here’s a little empathy exercise: Go find a 25-pound weight and put it on your lap. Now imagine you’re stuck like this on an airplane for three hours. Oh, and the weight is actually a 2-year-old boy who had a seat of his own until a United Airlines crew member ousted him to make room for a standby passenger.. [More]

Delta Passenger Claims He Was Interrogated After Falling Asleep On Flight
A Delta Air Lines passenger claims he was yelled at by a flight attendant and grilled by law enforcement after he fell asleep on a recent flight. [More]

People Who Paid Thousands For “Luxury” Music Festival Stuck In The Bahamas After Event Falls Apart
For some, an outdoor music festival means portable toilets, camping, and braving the elements in the name of a good time with good tunes. But for music lovers who shelled out anywhere from $1,500 to $200,000 for a ticket to a “luxury” festival experience in the Bahamas that promised famous faces and fancy food, they were expecting a much more lavish experience than what reality provided. [More]

Delta’s Travel Woes Left Man’s Body Stranded For Days
A North Carolina family says Delta Air Line’s recent spate of cancelations and delays was particularly hard on them, as it left their late son’s body stuck in a cargo hold over the weekend. [More]

Southwest Passengers Recall Three-Day Nightmare Travel Experience
There are travel hiccups that keep passengers from getting to their destination by a few hours. And then there are ordeals that keep people in limbo for days. Case in point: a Southwest Airlines flight from the Dominican Republic to Atlanta that turned into a three-day real life nightmare. [More]

JetBlue Puts Kids On Wrong Planes In Unaccompanied Minor Switcheroo
It sounds like a classic movie switcheroo, but it’s one that gave the families of two five-year-old boys a bit of a real-life scare: JetBlue apparently confused the children, putting a boy who was supposed to go New York City on a flight to Boston, and a boy meant for Boston on a plane to New York City. [More]

6 Months Later, No One Knows Why My Ticket Home From Nairobi Was Canceled
When traveling, sometimes you wish you could stay in your destination forever… or at least for another week to enjoy it more. A woman from Pennsylvania extended her trip to Kenya last year by an extra week, but not because she was having such a wonderful time. Her return tickets had been mysteriously canceled, and no one could tell her why it had happened. [More]

Thousands Of Flights Canceled, Delayed As Storm System Wreaks Holiday Travel Havoc
Even if you haven’t had to fly anywhere yesterday or today, you’re likely aware that there’s a large storm system currently duffing up air travel across the U.S. Time to break out the leftover egg nog and reconcile yourself to the inevitable nog hangover, travelers, as thousands of flights have been canceled or delayed already. [More]

FAA: Software Upgrade Could Be Behind Technical Glitch That Snarled Hundreds Of Flights Over The Weekend
If you had a terrible time trying to fly somewhere in the U.S. this past weekend, you’re not alone: hundreds of flights were delayed or canceled along the East Coast on Saturday before travel returned to a more normal pace on Sunday. The Federal Aviation Administration says the technical problem at a Virginia air traffic control center that caused the travel issues could be linked to a software upgrade at the facility. [More]