All over the world, sports fans set their heroes up on high pedestals. So when scandals hit, it’s a long way for professional athletes to fall, and they often lose lucrative endorsement deals on their way down. [More]
tiger woods

Study: Putting Celebrities In TV Ads Only Makes Them Worse
Do you buy Activia because Jamie Lee Curtis says you should? Or a Sony TV because Peyton Manning is their pitchman? What about that stash of Extenze you keep in the bedside table — did you purchase that on the recommendation of Jimmy Johnson? A new study shows that the answer to all these questions is probably a big “no.” [More]

EA To Tiger: Start Winning Or We'll Pull Your Name Off Golf Game
Just as comments that begin with “no offense, but…” are always offensive, Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitello’s ultimatum to Tiger Woods that begins “This is no threat against Tiger” is most definitely a threat against Tiger. Speaking at a media summit in New York, the CEO said the Tiger Woods PGA Tour line of video games will lose Tiger’s name if he continues his slump. [More]

Don't Nail Perkin's Waitresses, Lose Golf Skill And Expect Your Video Game To Sell
Tiger Woods is not Tommy Vercetti, and thus his whoring and reckless driving escapades do not translate to video game sales. [More]

Drunk Golf Fan Gets Taser Treatment For Heckling Tiger Woods
Hey, drunkie! You mess with Tiger Woods and you’re going to get Tasered: A drunken golf fan got the shock treatment from cops yesterday during the 11th hole of The Players Championship after he wouldn’t stop heckling Woods from the crowd, the New York Daily News reports. [More]

VIDEO: Tiger Woods' Creepy New Nike Ad
In case you have been comatose since Thanksgiving, Tiger Woods has been in the news a lot because the Masters will be broadcast in 3D or something. In advance of that golf tournament, Tiger Woods has returned to the world of being a human billboard with this new ad from Nike, which resurrects the golfer’s dead dad. [More]

Cable Providers Rushing To Broadcast Tiger's Return To Golf In 3D
It would be so easy to make jokes about Tiger Woods’ club and balls being seen in 3D. But it’s not gonna happen. Regardless, in spite of the fact that about 4.2 people have purchased 3D TVs — and that golf is probably the least interesting sport to televise, let alone in 3D, cable companies are lining up to broadcast the Masters golf tournament in its three-dimensional glory. [More]

Will Tiger Woods Regain His Status As Walking Billboard?
Now that Tiger Woods has come out of sex rehab hibernation — if only momentarily — to beg for a bit of forgiveness from the public that once loved him, the question still remains: Will he ever get close to regaining his status as the poster boy for poster boys? [More]

AT&T Drops Tiger Woods
AT&T ended its sponsorship of Tiger Woods today. As a driving force for the ditch, company sources cited “increased fraudulent activity” inside his pants. [BBC] [More]

Tiger Woods' Off-Road Adventure Cost Shareholders $12B
A new study says that Tiger Woods spectacular fall from grace has cost shareholders of the firms that used him as a spokesperson to lose $12 billion in value. [More]

Advertiser Stuck With Ironic Tiger Woods Ads Fires Him
Remember this ad? It was in the Wall Street Journal the day after Tiger Woods crashed his car and unleashed a torrent of trashy mistresses on an unsuspecting nation? Yeah, it was for Accenture. Now that company has decided that Tiger Woods is bad for its reputation. [More]