Amazon already has an interest in cutting down on third-party sellers who offer counterfeit or knock-off products, but one way for a brand to really get Amazon to care about fakes is for that brand to start selling directly to customers through Amazon. [More]

Nike Cutting Jobs, Reducing Production Of Some Products
There might be fewer styles of sneakers, sweatpants, and other Nike apparel to choose from next time you go shopping, as the athletic company makes plans to cut back on its workforce and product lines. [More]

Chinese Show Accuses Nike Of False Advertising
A so-called Chinese “name-and-shame” consumer protection show called out Nike this week, accusing the company of making false claims about its basketball shoes. [More]

16 Companies That Started Out Life With A Different Name
They’re names you probably come into contact with every day — Walmart, McDonald’s, Nike, and more — but they were once newcomers on the scene, with names they shed years ago. [More]

Nike Getting Out Of The Golf Equipment Business To Focus On Apparel, Footwear
No more golf clubs, bags, and balls for Nike — from here on out, the athletics company says it will focus on apparel and helping golfers make those questionable fashion choices they love to make. [More]

Nike’s Starbucks Sneaker Is The Latest In Food-Themed Footwear
They say some people wear their hearts on their sleeves, but more and more it seems consumers are wearing their appetites on their shirts, pants, and shoes, among other things. One company looking to fill the tasty clothing arena is Nike and its newfound taste for food-themed sneakers. [More]

Your Marty McFly Dreams Are Coming True: Nike Debuting Self-Lacing Sneakers
If you weren’t one of the lucky few to snag a pair of Nike’s special edition Air Mag self-lacing shoes last year, don’t give up hope — your Marty McFly dreams may still come true this very year: Nike unveiled sneakers with self-lacing technology, as well as sensors that adjust the sneaker’s fit. [More]

Nike Exec Sees A Future Where Shoppers Could 3D Print Their Own Sneakers At Home
Making your own footwear at home won’t have to include cardboard, duct tape and those slippers you refused to throw out soon enough: A top executive at Nike says he thinks customers will someday be able to 3D print their own customized sneakers at home (or in Nike stores, for those without 3D printers at home). [More]

Owners Of Nike+FuelBands Eligible For $15 Check Or $25 Gift Card Under Class-Action Settlement
Owners of Nike+Fuelband fitness trackers are eligible for a partial refund after Nike and Apple agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit that claimed the companies misled consumers about the accuracy of the wearable device. [More]

Dick’s Sporting Goods Ditching Some Adidas Merchandise In Favor Of New Celebrity Line
The Adidas section at your local Dick’s Sporting Goods stores might seem a bit smaller soon, as the company has decided to hitch its apple wagon to a celebrity star and turn the spotlight on its new line of women’s workout gear. [More]

Nike: Marty McFly’s Air MAG Sneakers With Power Laces Will Arrive In 2015
It’s haaaaappening, it’s finally haaaaaappening! After teasing fans of Back to the Future II first with a limited run of replica Air MAGs that it auctioned off for charity, followed by an apparently licensed pair that lit up but didn’t lace up automatically or hover, Nike has confirmed that it’ll be releasing Marty McFly’s Air MAG sneakers with Power Laces sometime this year. [More]

Nike Officially Dumps Adrian Peterson After Plea Agreement
After previously suspending its endorsement contract with Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson when he was accused of hitting his son, Nike has now officially dropped the NFL player after his plea agreement to a misdemeanor assault charge. [More]

Converse Suing 31 Companies For Allegedly Selling Knock-Off Chuck Taylor Sneakers
You’ve seen them on hipsters, your mom, that girl who lived down the hall from you freshman year, maybe you wear them — the point is, Converse’s Chuck Taylor All-Stars, or Chucks, as they’re known by fans, are worn by a whole lot of different kinds of people. Though once the shoe of choice for mainly greasers, nonconformists and athletes, nowadays the sneaker look is appealing to a wide range of people. It’s that popularity that has other companies churning out knock-offs, claims Nike’s Converse in a new lawsuit against 31 companies for allegedly copying the style. [More]

Hal The Sweating Nike Mannequin Exercises All Day Testing Clothes On The Walk To Nowhere
The next time you’re running miles upon miles without sliding around in a pool of perspiration, you might want to offer up a quick breath of thanks for the people who make the kind of moisture-wicking clothes you’re wearing. Although Nike’s case, you’ll want to thank Hal, the sweating mannequin. [More]

Nike Doesn’t Want To Be Associated With Adrian Peterson Right Now
Even before Nike took over as the official supplier of NFL jerseys, one of the company’s highest-profile NFL endorsement deals was with Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson. But now that the Pro Bowl back faces allegations of child abuse, Nike has decided it’s probably a good time for the two to take a break from each other. [More]