What’s that? You aren’t the type who finds reading quarterly financial parts titillating? Totally fine, because other people are around to read them and pull out the fun parts, like the fact that Netflix is bringing The Interview to its streaming library starting this weekend. [More]
The Interview

Sony: ‘The Interview’ Grossed $15M In Online Sales & Rentals
It’s a tale as old as time: Entertainment company makes movie, hackers threaten company over movie’s release, movie debuts online anyway and grosses millions of dollars. Sony Entertainment says that after peddling The Interview online, it’s made $15 million in rentals and sales of the Seth Rogen/James Franco flick. [More]

Sony Releasing “The Interview” Online Today For $6
The saga of the The Interview may finally be coming to an end, with Sony deciding to release the film for rental and purchase through multiple online outlets a day earlier than it had originally planned to put it in theaters. [More]

“The Interview” Will Actually Get A Limited Christmas Day Release
Take that, terrorists who may or may not be backed by the government of North Korea! Sony has confirmed today that it will go ahead with the Christmas Day release of The Interview but only at a small number of theaters. [More]

Sony To Twitter: Stop User From Publishing Stolen Files Or We’ll Sue
A week after Sony told reporters to stop doing their job of reporting on the contents stolen in the massive Sony data breach, the company is threatening to sue Twitter unless it stops users from sharing files that have been leaked. [More]

Sony Says ‘The Interview’ Will Be Distributed Somehow — George RR Martin Says “Let Me Show It”
The fallout continues from Sony’s decision to pull The Interview following threats from hackers with alleged ties to North Korea. Over the weekend, a lawyer for the entertainment giant said the movie will eventually be distributed but no one is saying just how this could happen. [More]

Obama: Sony “Made A Mistake” Pulling ‘The Interview’ From Theaters
The FBI announced today, and President Obama confirmed during a press conference, that North Korea is indeed behind the attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment. The President expressed his sympathy for Sony employees, but gave voice to what many in the United States are thinking: that hacks are inevitable, and in pulling their movie, Sony did the wrong thing. [More]

Of Course People Are Already Trying To Sell ‘The Interview’ Movie Posters For Hundreds On eBay
While there will be no backsides warming theater seats at screenings of The Interview in the United States (at least, not on the movie’s planned Dec. 25 release date), there is still money to be made on the bro-com starring Seth Rogen and James Franco sent on a mission to kill the leader of North Korea. At least, people are still trying to make money off the flick. [More]

Sony Pictures Entertainment Cancels Release Of ‘The Interview’
Throughout today, more movie theater chains have announced that they would prefer not to screen the comedy “The Interview” in the wake of vague terrorist threats against theaters screening the film. Sony Pictures Entertainment, had already canceled the scheduled premiere in New York City tomorrow and told theater operators that they were welcome to not screen the movie if they don’t want to. All of the major theater chains took Sony up on this offer, and now the planned Christmas Day release has been canceled. [More]