Here at Consumerist, we have an unhealthy obsession with what we call “exotic Oreos,” the ever-expanding variety of flavors of the classic creme-filled cookie that are now available…for some reason, only at Walmart. While we’ve featured new flavors that raise our eyebrows, from limeade Oreos to pumpkin spice, what we haven’t done is taste-test them. [More]
taste test

Frito-Lay Inflicts Mystery Dorito Flavors On Public Again
Are you willing to volunteer your taste buds for flavor science? Do you also want to pay for the privilege? Frito-Lay is at it again, offering a selection of mystery flavors to find out which ones the public likes best. It’s similar to the “Do Us A Flavor” contest at sibling brand Lay’s, but without actually telling consumers what those flavors are. [More]

Consumer Reports Tests Prove: Generic Twinkies Not As Good As Original
Since negotiations broke down between management and workers and the mass-consumption snackery Hostess liquidated, American consumers have been left bereft and Twinkieless. No one really cares about Wonder Bread, but Twinkies hold a special place in our national imagination, even for people who haven’t tasted one of the hydrogenated delights in decades. But are the generic Twinkie-ish cakes you see on store shelves worth your time? [More]

Consumerists' Hands-On Taste Test With The KFC Double Down
It’s April 12, 2010. For those unaware, this date will be remembered in the annals of fast food and coronary surgery as the day that KFC unleashed its Double Down — once more, that’s the bacon-n-cheese sandwich that uses two pieces of fried chicken for bread — and Consumerist was there to do some tastin’. [More]