In yet another example of Walmart’s effort to increase its online presence and best rival Amazon, the big box retailer has filed a patent for an automatic home ordering subscription system similar to Amazon’s “Dash” buttons. [More]

RFID Tag Technology In Stores Means You Can Find Exactly Where That Sweater Is
You’ve probably had this experience before: A store’s own inventory system or its website says that the item you’re looking for is supposed to be, and no one seems to know where it went. That’s why stores are increasingly turning to RFID technology to quickly locate and track in-store inventory. [More]

Alaska Airlines Testing Electronic Baggage Tags With Some Passengers, Crew
For years now, airlines have experimented with different programs — like real-time baggage tracking — that aim to ensure that passengers and their luggage arrive together and in one piece. Alaska Airlines is jumping on the issue, allowing some passengers to replace traditional checked bag tags with a high-tech, electronic version. [More]

This Fireplace Appears To Be Totally Lame
Reader Cynthia spotted this error at a Lowe’s store while looking at fake fireplaces. “Mesh grill produces a realistic lame effect,” reads the last line of the tag. Well, which is it, fireplace tag? Is it realistic or is it lame, in the colloquial sense where “lame” means “crappy”? [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
10 secrets of off-season homebuying [MSN Money] “With the housing market in its sluggish months, savvy buyers can squeeze out some nice deals. But first you’ll need to do your homework.”

Personal Finance Roundup
10 Ways To Make Your Boss Love You [Smart Money] “10 strategies that employees in almost any job can use to help keep their bosses happy-and keep themselves off the street.”

Personal Finance Roundup
When the Fledglings Return to the Nest [NY Times] “Boomerangs may be turning up on your own doorstep soon. And with them come a host of unusual economic – and parenting – questions that you may not have considered.”

Here Is What This Pillow Is Made Of
Unable to stand the mystery any longer, Matt caved and cut open his pillow that sports a tag saying it contains 100% of “TEXTILE FABRICS OF AN UNKOWN KIND.” Now we know what’s inside these pillows: a heterogeneous mixture of shredded clothing and fabric factory leftovers. Mmm, downy soft sweet dreams. Don’t worry, this isn’t some scam, “Textile fibers of unknown kind” are a legally accepted industry label meaning, “new material consisting of a variety of fibers that has been reduced to a fibrous state.” Still, it’s crazy to think that’s what you might be sleeping on. More pics, inside.

Nobody Knows What This Pillow Is Made Of
I had a pillow that says ‘contains textiles of 100% unknown kind’ on that tag that says ‘Do not remove under penalty of law’. Kind of defeats the purpose of the tag, and I’m wondering what is in my pillow. Used underpants? Human hair? It does say ‘all new materials’ but that might just be ‘new to me.’

How To Search Our Archive
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Watch Out For Falling Rising Prices
Walmart’s little yellow smiley face must have taken revenge on the corporate overseers who make him slash through the aisles like a jaundiced deflationary Casper. More pictures and our tipster’s email, inside…

Yuppie Street Art For Sale
If you’re a yuppie and would like to purchase some street cred, literally, head on over to He leaves white plywood board in graffiti hotspots around London, lets it get soaked in tags, then assembles the pieces into “repurposed urban furniture,” yours for just a few thousands of dollars.