How To Search Our Archive

Here’s some of the methods we editors use to find older posts on our site:

1. Tag tweaking: All consumerist posts get “tags” which help describe the posts contents. If you enter this URL
You’ll get all the Comcast stories. Change the word after “consumer/” to search by that tag. Company name is a good one to use especially. Use hyphens for phrases, like “executive-customer-service.”
Tag tweaking part 2: Search by phrases by
Tag tweaking part 2: Narrow tag search results by using multiple tags. returns return all posts tagged Comcast AND Top AND customer service.
2. Google site search: Type “” and a query into Google to search just our site by that phrase. This is even easier if you rock Google Toolbar, or use Firefox Keywords.
3. Search box: There’s that big white box at the top. You can type stuff in it and press the button. It returns results. Sometimes they’re useful!
4. Ask! You can always try asking another reader in the comments, on the message board, or sending us an email or an IM (see under Consumerist Team on left sidebar).

Got any others? Let us know your fave ways in the comments. — BEN POPKEN