
Kellogg’s Cereal City Shuts Down

Friend of Consumerist: “Kellogg had a museum?”

How To: Beat The Claw Game

How To: Dominate the Arcade Claw Game [Gizmodo]

Never Overstate Your Income On A Loan App

Never say you make more than you really do on your loan application. It’s:

Best Buy: Just Change Your Last Name

Charles Yu wanted a plasma tv, so when he learned about Best Buy’s reward program, he thought he’d better sign up. Trouble is, Best Buy’s website requires a last name to be at least 3 letters long. When he called to complain, the Best Buy CSR suggested he change his last name.

New Hampshire’s Crappy Lemon Law

New Hampshire’s Crappy Lemon Law

In New Hampshire, if you buy a car rated for over 9,000lbs, and that car is a lemon, you’re in trouble. New Hampshire’s lemon law has a loophole that classifies any vehicle over the 9,000lbs limit as a commercial vehicle, and thus ineligible for consumer protection. So what do SUV buyers do with their lemons? “They either have to fight it out with the dealership or perhaps even file a civil claim depending on the defect,” said a spokesperson for the Department of Motor Vehicles. Fun.

Holiday Travel Tip: Don’t Wrap Before You Fly

Oh no. Lifehacker also points out that you might want to check that the liquids you are bringing are approved… so you don’t lose a tasty dessert.

Charges Dropped in “Liquid Terror” Plane Plot

Charges Dropped in “Liquid Terror” Plane Plot

A Pakistani judge has dropped charges against the main suspect in a purported terror plot to blow up airlines with half a sports drink bottle full of dangerous liquids. This plot is the reason you now have to fly with a ziplock bag full of tiny toiletries, and the reason we have started to pay attention to the quality of hotel soaps. From BBC News: “Anti-terrorism court in Rawalpindi found no evidence that he had been involved in terrorist activities or that he belonged to a terrorist organization. As well as forgery charges, Mr Rauf has also been charged with carrying explosives. But his lawyer says police evidence amounts only to bottles of hydrogen peroxide found in his possession.”

Walmart Mysteriously Finds Hidden Stash of Elmos

We hope we are not dignifying this obvious publicity stunt with coverage, but Walmart has “found” 4,000 of those stupid Extreme Tickle Me Elmo pieces of crap and will be “make [ing] the toys available “around noon E.T. on a first come, first serve basis” for $39.97 apiece.” So, if you’re one of those people who wants a zombified psychotic Elmo beast that will amuse your brat of a kid for about 10 seconds total, here’s your big chance to hit refresh 300 times and still not get one. Have fun. —MEGHANN MARCO

Bluefly’s Customer Service Sucks And Lies

Bluefly’s Customer Service Sucks And Lies

Online fashion store Bluefly failed to give reader Helen $20 off a purchase using a coupon code.

Domino’s “Brooklyn Style” Pizza vs. The New York Times

Domino’s “Brooklyn Style” Pizza vs. The New York Times

The New York Times has a left-wing anti-Domino’s Pizza analysis up today. Far be it from the Consumerist to tell you what sort of pizza to eat, we have to admit the Domino’s “Brooklyn-style” pizza fills us with ire. And we don’t even really give a shit about Brooklyn pizza.

The $27,933.55 Gas Bill

The $27,933.55 Gas Bill

Michelle Stevens was shocked to open her mail and see People’s Gas bill for $27,933.55

Chase Pitches Imaginary Credit Card

Chase Pitches Imaginary Credit Card

Here’s a great new trick to get consumers to fall for your credit card offer. Smudge the outside of the envelope with the outline of a credit card so they think there’s one inside. Then when they open it, there isn’t one! But hey, you got them to open the envelope, right? And that’s half the battle when you’re pitching 29% APRs.

How Not to Corner the Propane Market

How Not to Corner the Propane Market

BP is under federal investigation for allegations that a group of executives plotted to corner the propane market. And corner they did, but instead of making $20 million, they lost $10 million. Now Font Size Is A Business Model! Now Font Size Is A Business Model!

How Not To Steal A Sidekick

How Not To Steal A Sidekick

Drivers Run Out of Gas to Save Monies

Drivers Run Out of Gas to Save Monies


eBay Auction: $51 for $50 McDonald’s Coupon Book

eBay Auction: $51 for $50 McDonald’s Coupon Book

You know, we’ve always gotten the feeling that things purchased on eBay actually cost more than if you bought them locally. But to what degree exactly do you need to slope your head to have your liquified gray matter start slopping out of your ear to purchase a McDonald’s coupon book (value: fifty dollars) for fifty-one dollars off of eBay? That’s not including shipping and handling.

Tom Hanks To Film Starbucks Movie

Tom Hanks To Film Starbucks Movie

Oh what the f….