
Verizon Specifies How You're Allowed To Link To Its Site

Verizon Specifies How You're Allowed To Link To Its Site

Harry Maugans discovered that Verizon thinks it can stipulate how you link to their website.

Dude Busted For Running An Illegal Bank For Tax Evaders From His Suburban Home

Dude Busted For Running An Illegal Bank For Tax Evaders From His Suburban Home

An IRS investigator said Robert Arant had hundreds of customers, many of whom apparently used his bank, Olympic Business Systems LLC, to conceal assets for the purpose of evading taxes.

Dead Goats Are Not Cool: Sony Apologizes For Using Freshly Slaughtered Goat At Video Game Release Party

Dead Goats Are Not Cool: Sony Apologizes For Using Freshly Slaughtered Goat At Video Game Release Party

Here’s the best idea ever: Get a slaughtered goat and use it as a prop at a release party for God of War II. Then, take pictures of the bloody carcass and put them in Official PlayStation Magazine. Oh wait, no. That’s not actually a very good idea at all.

RIAA Sends Cease And Desist Letters To Its Own Viral Marketing Campaign

RIAA Sends Cease And Desist Letters To Its Own Viral Marketing Campaign

Trent Reznor leaks songs from his new album via USB drives hidden in bathrooms. Fans share the songs. Websites post the songs. Websites receive cease and desist letters from the RIAA. From Billboard:

Another Web posting alleged that all this activity resulted in entertainment blog Idolator and other sites receiving e-mail from the Recording Industry Association of America, demanding that they remove the MP3s from their sites. An RIAA representative confirms this, a move that boggles the minds of many. “These f*cking idiots are going after a campaign that the label signed off on,” the source says.

Good job, guys. —MEGHANN MARCO

Greed Floats: Carnival Cruise Line Bans Liquids

Greed Floats: Carnival Cruise Line Bans Liquids

“Carnival spokesman Vance Gulliksen said guests had been bringing on too many nonalcoholic beverages. “There had been some abuse of the previous policy which is why the new policy is more restrictive,” he said.”

Other cruise lines don’t seem to have any such policy. You’d think Carnival would be more worried about the drunk people who are always falling off the ships.—MEGHANN MARCO

CapitalOne Sends Blank Checks From Someone Else's Account

CapitalOne Sends Blank Checks From Someone Else's Account

So, I wrote in recently to mention that WaMu had sent me blank “checks” in an open, unsealed envelope. I complained, of course, and got a generic reply. Today I got another unsealed envelope of blank checks from Washington Mutual. Hmm.

The Paradox Of MSN: You Want To Cancel Because You Lost The Password, You Need The Password To Cancel

The Paradox Of MSN: You Want To Cancel Because You Lost The Password, You Need The Password To Cancel

Reader Kim is mad. Her dad called MSN because he was having some computer issues, and they changed his password to something that he doesn’t remember. Unfortunately for Kim’s Dad, MSN’s solution to a lost password is to email the password to the account that you lost the password for. Even more brilliantly, if you call to reset your password, MSN’s verification system is based on the credit card number used to open the account, and that Kim’s Dad no longer remembers.

Time Warner Cable: Your Internet Isn't Working So We're Sending A Tech To Disconnect Your Cable

Time Warner Cable: Your Internet Isn't Working So We're Sending A Tech To Disconnect Your Cable

Time Warner Cable in Southern California is completely broken. There is no hope. They’ve fired the head guy, but we think the ship may have already sank. They may as well have let the captain go down with the boat.

Cingular Notifies You About Daylight Savings Time… Today

Cingular Notifies You About Daylight Savings Time… Today

Today, Cingular texted Kevin that he needed to update his phone for daylight savings time. Thanks for the heads up! — BEN POPKEN

Home Depot Thinks 'Lorem Ipsum' Is Spanish

Home Depot Thinks 'Lorem Ipsum' Is Spanish

Consumerist Flickr Pool member brylyn says, “Saw this while shopping for ceiling lights in Home Depot.”

Can Andrew Dan-Jumbo Save Home Depot?

Can Andrew Dan-Jumbo Save Home Depot?

Each episode follows Andrew as he searches for people looking to tackle a pesky do-it-yourself home renovation project, but don’t quite know where to start. After identifying the perfect accomplice, Andrew convinces themto take him home so they can work side-by-side to get their weekend projects done right. Once Andrew confirms they’re game, the pair shops around The Home Depot for all supplies and tools necessary to complete the renovation. Then, Andrew loads up his all-new 2007 GMC Sierra and heads to their home to roll up his sleeves and get started!

We did suggest Home Depot hire more helpful staff… This isn’t what we meant. —MEGHANN MARCO

Sorry, Chase Does Not Accept $50,000 Checks From God

Sorry, Chase Does Not Accept $50,000 Checks From God

Police were called to Chase Bank, 1800 E. 80th, about 4 p.m. after Russell tried to cash the check, which was written on an invalid Bank One check with no imprint, White said. Russell had several other checks with him that were signed the same way but made out in different dollar amounts, including one for $100,000.

Who knew that the Lord and Savior had to worry about ID theft?—MEGHANN MARCO

Dr. Pepper "Treasure Hunt" Banned by Boston

Dr. Pepper "Treasure Hunt" Banned by Boston

You really have to wonder how anyone could have thought this was a good idea: Dr. Pepper announced via a clue in one of their promotions that it had buried a coin worth as much as one million dollars in the 347-yea-old Granary Burying Ground, final resting place of no less than John Hancock, Paul Revere and Samuel Adams.

KFC Asks The Pope To Bless Lent-Themed Fish "Snacker"

KFC Asks The Pope To Bless Lent-Themed Fish "Snacker"

“The president of KFC himself sent a letter to the Vatican, asking Pope Benedict XVI to bless the company’s new “Fish Snacker Sandwich. As you know a lot of Catholics give up meat on Fridays during lent, the period between Ash Wednesday and Easter, and fish is popular substitute, so the company is trying to capitalize on this by asking for a sort of “Papal Seal of Approval.”

Comcast Leaves Customer Information Out On the Curb for Anyone To See

Neighbors say the trash includes customers account information. This afternoon, when we looked at the piles of trash, you could see through the plastic what appeared to be customer bills.

Comcast doesn’t return calls about the problem. Can’t they afford a paper shredder?! At least make the ID thieves work for their money, Comcast. —MEGHANN MARCO

American Airlines Apologizes to Passengers Stuck On A Plane For 9 Hours

We hope that apology comes with a check. —MEGHANN MARCO

Airport Security Trays To Feature Advertisements

    Travelers nationwide could soon see ads for laptops, expensive cars and other products in the trays that carry their shoes and cell phones through X-ray machines at airport security checkpoints.

ThisIsDumb: Commerce Bank’s Monitors Face Window

ThisIsDumb: Commerce Bank’s Monitors Face Window

Can you spot the problem in this picture? Reader Conformco snagged it and writes: