Jim can’t prove that a technician working for Verizon cut his cable line. He didn’t see it happen, and the vandal didn’t leave a signature or anything. All the perpetrator left behind was a dug up, severed Comcast cable, some fiber optic cable, and a conduit. Less than a week before, Jim had booked a tentative FiOS installation a month ahead of time, pending the approval of his housemate. Instead, this turned out to be one of those very rare Consumerist stories where the hero is… Comcast. [More]

Business's DSL Still Out 1 Month After Account Breach
Derek tells Consumerist that someone contacted AT&T and canceled his business’s DSL account. Which is interesting, because that person had no affiliation with Derek’s business, didn’t have any of the account information, and really shouldn’t have been allowed to edit the account at all. Did that stop AT&T from letting the person end the business’s Internet access, resulting in early termination fees? Guess. [More]

Dental Surgery Leaves Woman With A European Accent
It’s not unusual to find it tough to talk normally after oral surgery, but an Oregon tax consultant who had several teeth removed and replaced with dentures was stuck with a strange twist — an accent that folks describe as British, Swedish or Eastern European. [More]

Want A Coupon For Neutrogena Men? You'd Better Be A Woman
Reader Mark notice that he was only offered a coupon for “Neutrogena Men” if he said he was a lady on their website. [More]

Chase: Just Ignore That Strange Patriot Act Letter Someone Sent You
Chris is not impressed with his recent interaction with Chase, his bank. He writes that he received a letter telling him that his credit card had been closed because it lacked Patriot Act verification. This would be less of a concern if he actually had the credit card in question. Chase told him to “go ahead and disregard” the letter. He’s now considering switching banks. [More]

10 Of The Strangest Unclaimed Airline Baggage Items Ever Found
You’ve probably heard of the Unclaimed Baggage Center in Alabama. It’s where all lost suitcases that are never reunited with their owners end up. This makes it both the world’s most amazing thrift store and a collection of pretty weird stuff. A recent mental_floss article rounded up ten of the strangest (and most valuable) things they’ve found. [More]

Adidas Launches Shoes That Double As Game Controllers
I’ve been thinking lately that my sneakers are too stupid. They don’t do anything, at least not anything video game related, which is where it matters. Adidas has recognized this problem and has announced a new “augmented reality” sneaker that you have to hold in front of your webcam in order to play special online games. [More]

15 Years In Prison After Cutting The Line At Walmart?
Here’s a strange story from southeast Missouri. Three years ago a college student was waiting in line at Walmart. Her cousin was waiting in another line that was moving faster. The college student, now a teacher who lives in Louisiana, joined her cousin in the “faster” line. This apparently started a confrontation with other customers (and eventually the police) that may cause the woman to spend 15 years in prison.

Office Depot: Buy More, Pay More!
Stores usually offer discounts as an incentive to buy in bulk. Not the rebels at Office Depot! Penny-pinching thriftmongers can buy three boxes of paper at $32.99 each, but the true cash-wasters out there won’t miss the chance to buy four or more boxes at $42.99 each. Take that, office managers! (Thanks to Andrea!)

This Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant Is Really Concerned About Your Sugar Intake
Of all the weird encounters to have on an airplane, we never would have expected to have a flight attendant point out just how bad a full can of soda is for you. That’s what happened to Laura, though.

Bear Grylls Loves Post Trail Mix, When He Can't Grab A Handful Of Goat Balls And Spiders
-That’s why you’re a junior account manager, Chuck. You don’t think outside the box.
Newsweek has six tax deductions that you’ve probably never heard of, unless you manufacture fishing tackle boxes that is. Also included are clarinets for medical use and deductions for the parents of kidnapped children. [Newsweek]

Animals Are Attacking US Airways, Run For Your Lives
“No injuries were reported when a passenger jet hit a deer Wednesday evening while taxiing at Charlotte/Douglas International Airport,” reported the Charlotte Observer. An airport official told the paper that it was a “freak accident.”

Need work? The New Museum in New York is looking to pay $10 per hour to women aged 18-40 who are willing to spend six hours sleeping as part of an exhibit. [WDSU]

Hug Me Pillow Relieves The Loneliness Until Morning
You don’t have to be sad anymore, single person. Overstock has you covered. Just don’t turn over in the middle of the night, especially if you have night terrors.

Can You Finish The 50 Pound Burger And Win $1,000?
ABCNews took a look at “Free if you can finish it” challenges all over the US — and even sent the reporter to attempt one — with the help of a championship competitive eater. So, was the 50-pounder a bargain?

Mail Carrier Gets Probation For Burying Your Junk Mail In His Backyard
“Mailman Steve,” as he’s known to the children on his route, got 3 years probation yesterday for failing to deliver years worth of junk mail that was found stacked in his garage and buried in his backyard. He’ll also have to pay a $3,000 fine and serve 500 hours of community service.