Does your child have one of the Play-Doh Cake Mountain playsets, and you want the weirdly phallic frosting extruder gone because you can’t stop laughing every time your kid picks it up? Good news for you: Hasbro has offered to exchange the syringe for the more boring yellow version on request in case the part offends or amuses you too much. [More]
play doh

Parents Are Upset About This Play-Doh Extruder For Some Reason
Do you know who I feel sorry for this week? The people running social media for Hasbro’s Play-Doh brand of perpetual play clay. People keep posting to point out the resemblance of an accessory in one of their current play sets to a human phallus, and Hasbro keeps taking down their posts. Update: Hasbro has acknowledged the issue on Facebook and will send a replacement extruder to families on request. [More]

Make Your Own Playdough
Looking for a cheap way to entertain your kids or spice up a rainy day? Make your own playdough! The homemade stuff may not come in a shiny yellow play-doh container, but you probably have most of the ingredients in your cupboard already, and the concoction won’t smell or contain yucky toxins. Hit the jump for the recipe…

Hasbro Release Play-Doh Perfume
If you’ve ever wished someone would capture your squandered youth, distill it of the nasty bits inside the whipping booth and standing in the schoolyard with your pants down, put in in a bottle and sell it you… have cheer. Hasbro is now selling eau du Play-Doh.