TV host Stephen Colbert recently responded to President Donald Trump’s insulting remarks to CBS reporter John Dickerson with a slew of invective of his own. Now, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai says his Commission is looking into complaints that the Late Show host’s remarks may have violated obscenity regulations. [More]
stephen colbert

Stephen Colbert Says Comedy Central Unhappy With CBS’s Use Of ‘Stephen Colbert,’ So He Introduces New ‘Stephen Colbert’
Last week during the Republican National Convention, CBS Late Show host Stephen Colbert brought backhis arch-conservative former alter ego — also named Stephen Colbert — from Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report to comment on the goings-on in Cleveland. The brief stunt apparently didn’t go over well with the lawyers at Comedy Central, forcing Colbert to a new intellectual property work-around: introducing a completely new character who just happens to look and sound exactly like him. [More]

Not Even Stephen Colbert Can Keep A Straight Face Discussing Dorito-Flavored Mountain Dew
We recently told you about Dewitos, the nightmarish concoction that combines Mountain Dew and Doritos into a beverage that is more of a dare than a drink. Last night, the hard-hitting Colbert Report took on this story and not even stone-faced host Stephen Colbert could keep from laughing. [More]

Bidding Is Open For The Microwave Stephen Colbert Stole From Bill O’Reilly
We like to think that Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly and Stephen Colbert are secretly super best friends who sit in a treehouse and giggle about their next moves, because how else would an auction of the microwave Colbert stole from O’Reilly’s green room in 2007 be possible? Or we’re all just lucky the universe loves comedy. [More]

Introducing The Gooder Version Of The KFC Go Cup: The Wheel Meat
KFC’s recently launched Go Cup, which combines the thrill of eating fried foods with the exhilaration of being stuck in traffic on the way home, is just the latest from the attention-seeking food-marketers at Yum! Brands who brought you the Double Down, the Doritos tacos, and cheese on donuts. But Stephen Colbert thinks KFC could still make it even more convenient to clog your arteries while clogging the intersection. [More]
Stephen Colbert Mocks Marketingspeak By Cramming Face With 17 Wheat Thins
Have you ever wondered about the specific brand rules that regulate product placement and on-air sponsorships of products on TV? Yeah, us either. Until Stephen Colbert spent the entire second act of his show last night dissecting and mocking a memo from Nabisco spelling out precisely how Wheat Thins can be consumed and presented on the program. [More]

After Colbert Mocks, Gas Driller Stops Making "Friendly Fracosaurus" Coloring Book
After the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette highlighted a coloring book made by natural gas driller Talisman Energy for pushing propaganda on kids, and Colbert ripped it a new one, the gas company announced it will stop making “Talisman Terry’s Energy Adventure.” [More]

Flashback To 2007: Stephen Colbert On AT&T's Formation
It seems like only yesterday that Cingular gobbled up AT&T Wireless, becoming the AT&T Wireless that we know and love today. Now that they’ve proposed bringing T-Mobile USA into the family, we can’t help but remember this classic clip from “The Colbert Report” from 2007 — way back when no one had ever heard of a toxic asset, and the original iPhone was enthralling new technology. [More]

Colbert: KFC Double Down Is "Warped Creation Of A Syphilitic Brain"
As the country is overtaken by an insatiable desire to eat — or at least talk about — KFC’s latest heart-stopping creation, the breadless sandwich wonder known as the Double Down, Stephen Colbert is jumping on the deep fried train, dubbing it “the warped creation of a syphilitic brain.” [More]

Stephen Colbert Weighs In On McDonald's Sponsored Report Cards
Stephen Colbert interviewed Susan Pagan, a mother offended by McDonalds’ sponsorship of her daughter’s elementary school report card, for his segment “People Destroying America.”
Stephen Colbert Interviews Rick "Dr. Evil" Berman From The Center For Consumer Freedom
60 minutes profiled him in a segment called “Meet Dr. Evil.” You could watch that, or you could watch Stephen Colbert. Yeah, we thought so. Enjoy.
Stephen Colbert Interviews Michael Jacobson, Executive Director Of The CSPI
The substance of the interview is that trans-fat is bad for you and should be replaced with oils that are less likely to make you die, but by far the best part is when Colbert says, “If you have popcorn you might as well just slap your children.”
Stephen Colbert Weighs In On Botulism, Chinese Poison Train, Subprime Lending
Who’s reading us now? Stephen Colbert weighs in on a bunch of Consumerist topics with more gravitas than we can muster ourselves. Sorry we missed the whole “dentist puts boar tusks in your mouth while you’re anesthetized” story. We’ll try to do better next time.

Stephen Colbert Tastes Like "Vanilla Ice Cream with Fudge Covered Waffle Cone Pieces & a Caramel Swirl"
Ben and Jerry’s is releasing Stephen Colbert flavored ice cream. Is this a fact? Certainly not. It may be truth, however. Expect more info in April. Watch out for Bears. —MEGHANN MARCO
Stephen Colbert Versus High Gas Prices
This is a couple years old, but we’re posting it for two reasons: one, it’s Stephen Colbert interviewing his daughter, demonically possessed by Getty Oil. It’s adorable and worth a chuckle.Two, the point the segment makes is as pertinent as ever: if gas stations can lower their prics by thirty cents and find business and profit booming, exactly why aren’t gas prices thirty cents lower per gallon? Oh wait… greed. Right.

Robert Greenwald on Colbert Report
Robert Greenwald, the director/producer of WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price is appearing on the Colbert Report this Thursday.