Just when you thought American’s love affair with that hot-sauce-of-the-moment Sriracha was beginning to wane, the largest fast food chain in the country has begun experimenting with the spicy red sauce: select McDonald’s restaurants in San Diego are reportedly offering a Sriracha-Big Mac Sauce hybrid. [More]

Huy Fong Founder Doesn’t Regret Failing To Trademark “Sriracha”
Twenty-Five years ago, David Tran’s Huy Fong Foods began selling its now-famous Sriracha hot sauce. Now the “sriracha” name shows up on Heinz ketchup, the Taco Bell menu, Pizza Hut crusts, potato chips from Pringles, and numerous other items. But Tran and his company don’t see a dime for any of those products because he didn’t think to trademark the word back in 1980. [More]

Heinz Jumps On The Thai Hot Sauce Bandwagon, Debuts Sriracha Flavored Ketchup
One of America’s most iconic condiment makers is embracing the “it” condiment of recent years: Sriracha. That’s right, H.J. Heinz Company is spicing things up with a new Sriracha-flavored ketchup. [More]

California City Drops Lawsuit, Public Nuisance Declaration Against Sriracha Factory
It looks like the Huy Fong Foods Sriracha factory won’t have to uproot from its home in Irwindale, CA after all: The city has decided to drop its lawsuit against the factory, sayings its former stinky foe is no longer a public nuisance. [More]

Texas “Sriracha Delegation” Heads To California In Attempt To Woo Huy Fong Foods
Hey, Irwindale, Calif. So you don’t want that pesky sriracha factory stinking up your air and stinging your eyes anymore? You might be in luck — there’s a delegation of Texans in your town right now with the express purpose of convincing Huy Fong Foods to uproot its sriracha operation and move to The Lone Star State. [More]

Sriracha Makers Mull Factory Move Over Odor Ordeal
Days after being declared a smelly “public nuisance” by the California town it calls home, Huy Fong Foods — makers of the spicy Sriracha sauce loved by many a person — may be packing up its peppers and moving. [More]

California Town Officially Declares Factory’s Sriracha Odor A “Public Nuisance”
It wasn’t enough for the town of Irwindale, CA to simply call the Huy Fong Foods Sriracha factory a public nuisance, it’s now voted unanimously to declare it as much. The city council is expected to official adopt the resolution at the next meeting, at which point Huy Fong will have 90 days to mitigate the odor. [More]

Sriracha-Flavored Pringles Now Available, Only At Walmart
Maybe this means that the sriracha trend is finally over? Nah, probably not. And we’re glad for it. Sriracha-flavored Pringles are now a thing, and are available exclusively at Walmart. [More]

You’re Probably Already In Line For The New, Free Sriracha Factory Tours, Aren’t You?
Check your pulse. Is it increasing rapidly? Now check your pantry. Ah yes, you’ve got sriracha sauce in there. That means the above headline has sent you into a tizzy, filling your head with visions of hot sauce fountains and sweet, sweet sriracha streams. And you don’t even need a golden ticket. [More]

There Is Now Sriracha Aged In Whiskey Barrels Because OMG, Sriracha
When you’ve got one thing that everyone and your neighbor’s cat goes crazy for (sriracha! On everything!) and combine it with another trendy thing (whiskey!) of course there’s an opening for a new product that will hopefully get everyone from those bandwagons to hop on one big wagon together. Thus, sriracha aged in whiskey barrels. [More]

Huy Fong Sriracha Shipments Will Resume This Month
Remember how a judge shut down part of the factory near Los Angeles that makes the fab hot sauce sriracha? Spicy food lovers freaked out over the possibility that they might have to check more than one store or buy a different brand of sauce. The nightmare is now over: huy Fong is resuming shipments. [More]

Sriracha Vodka Is Here To Chili Up Your Booze
Sriracha mania continues nationwide. The newest product with the flavor of spicy chili to hit the market? Vodka. We were ambivalent about the idea until we saw UV Vodka’s serving suggestion on their site: use in Bloody Marys. Hmm. Sounds good, whether that’s before or after you add the cheeseburgers to your tomato-based mixed drink. [UV Vodka via Jezebel] [More]

Judge Shuts Down Part Of Stinky Sriracha Hot Sauce Plant
The sriracha saga continues, with a Los Angeles Superior Court judge ruling yesterday that the Irwingdale, CA, plant where the “rooster sauce” is made must shut down plant operations that contribute to the smell that has been the cause of complaints from nearby residents. [More]

Sriracha And Bacon Candy Canes Are A Thing Now. No, Not Together
If there’s anything we learned during the controversy over the eye-burning chili stench put out by the new Huy Fong sriracha factory in Irwindale, California, it’s that people on the Internet don’t want anything to get between them and their favorite hot sauce. J&D’s, the inventors of such life-changing products as Bacon Salt, thrives on capitalizing on the Internet’s favorite products, and have introduced sriracha-flavored candy canes. [More]

Philadelphia City Councilman Pleads With Sriracha Makers To Relocate Factory There
With the makers of Sriracha chili sauce feeling the heat from folks in Irwindale, CA, who say the Huy Fong factory is releasing a smelly, stinging odor into the neighborhood, one Philadelphia City Council member is calling on the company to relocate its saucy operation to the City of Brotherly Love. [More]

Hot Food Lovers Rejoice! Sriracha Factory Avoids Shutdown For Now
Days after a lawsuit by a California city put the future of the much-loved but hard-to-pronounce Sriracha chili sauce in jeopardy, the judge in the case has denied the plaintiff’s request to shut the plant down until it deals with odor issues. [More]

City Sues Sriracha Hot Sauce Factory Over Eye-Burning Chili Stench
There are many things in life that we love having, but that we wouldn’t love to have in our literal or figurative backyards. Things like sriracha, the powerful chili sauce that scorches your taste buds off with deliciousness. You might love the sauce, but have you ever thought about the people who live near the factories where it’s made? [More]

We’re All So Obsessed With Sriracha That Of Course Someone Had To Make A Documentary
While there’s no Mustard: The Movie or Citizen Ketchup, fans of Sriracha hot sauce are so totally crazy about the stuff that one devotee it has decided it’s time to immortalize the hot sauce on film. Because there’s nothing quite like seeing how things are made, as people of a certain generation may recall on certain episodes of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood (remember the one in the crayon factory?!?). [More]