
Sprint Shuts Down Your Phones, Demands $500 Deposit 2 Days After Activation

Sprint Shuts Down Your Phones, Demands $500 Deposit 2 Days After Activation

Peter is a longtime, but not particularly happy Sprint customer. Still, his nephew could get more from Big Yellow than with his previous provider, so the two went to the Sprint store to move his service over. It wasn’t unexpected that a young man without much of a credit history would have a limits on his account, but Peter was surprised when Sprint disconnected his nephew’s phones and demanded a $500 deposit that they had been assured at the Sprint store wasn’t required. [More]

Sprint Won't Give Me Credit For Service Outage Because I Could Theoretically Use My Phone Somewhere Else

Sprint Won't Give Me Credit For Service Outage Because I Could Theoretically Use My Phone Somewhere Else

More and more people are using their wireless phones as their home phones, which means that when wireless service goes out near your home, you are telephonically cut off from the rest of the world. But Sprint says that’s not worthy of an adjustment to your bill because Sprint service still exists somewhere out there. [More]

Sprint Raising ETF To $350 For Smartphones &

Sprint Raising ETF To $350 For Smartphones & Tablets

While Sprint hasn’t yet joined AT&T and Verizon Wireless in switching from unlimited data plans to tiered pricing, the company has announced it will soon jack up the cost of cancelling your smartphone contract to match the early termination fees charged by these competitors. [More]

Sprint Tells Employees Not To Discuss iPhone Rumors With
Customers, Friends, Family

Sprint Tells Employees Not To Discuss iPhone Rumors With Customers, Friends, Family

Among the many rumors and reports surrounding the inevitable release of the iPhone 5 is that the device will finally be made available to Sprint customers. With speculation building, Sprint has reportedly issued a memo to staffers instructing them how to respond to customer queries about the iPhone… with a “no comment.” [More]

Study: Sprint Smartphone Users Hog The Most Data

Study: Sprint Smartphone Users Hog The Most Data

Ever since AT&T and Verizon did away with unlimited data plans and T-Mobile offered unlimited-but-throttled plans, Sprint has been bragging about both that its unlimited plan has no cap and that its 4G network is quite speedy. And according to the results of a new study, Sprint users are gobbling up much more data than subscribers to any of the other companies. [More]

Get $500 Each Time Sprint Called You After You Said

Get $500 Each Time Sprint Called You After You Said Stop

If Sprint telemarketed you after you told them not to call you again, you could get $500 for each time they rang you up, thanks to a recent class action settlement. [More]

Sprint CSR Waives Activation Fee, Calls Back To Tell Me She

Sprint CSR Waives Activation Fee, Calls Back To Tell Me She Can't

When one of our readers writes in to tell us about a follow-up call from a CSR, it’s usually because the rep is putting forth the extra effort to make sure the customer is satisfied. In the case of Vince and his dealing with the folks at Sprint, that call back was to let him know the company would not be making good on its promise. [More]

Sprint Loves You, Kinda Creeps You Out

Sprint Loves You, Kinda Creeps You Out

Jerry doesn’t really have a problem with Sprint, his mobile phone carrier. But what the carrier’s site told him when he looked up the status of his contract has him holding back a bit. “We love you,” it proclaims, offering a discount on a new phone. Sprint loves him? [More]

Sprint Tries To Convince You Your Phone Sucks, Not Their Tower

Sprint Tries To Convince You Your Phone Sucks, Not Their Tower

Cal is at his wit’s end. After the third service outage in the past three months and going through the laundry list of troubleshooting procedures, an upper-level Sprint tech assured him there was no problem with the towers near his house. It was his phones. But when he drives just a few miles away, the signal is perfect. Then when he returns to within 250 meters of the towers near his house, his phone goes into roaming. He’s sick of the runaround and just wants Sprint to fix the towers. Here is the letter Cal wrote Sprint CEO Dan Hesse and several other top Sprint execs: [More]

Bank Of America Tops List Of Companies With Craptastic Customer Service

Bank Of America Tops List Of Companies With Craptastic Customer Service

Bank of America may have lost this year’s Worst Company In America tournament by the narrowest of margins, but the results of a new customer service satisfaction survey put BofA at the head of the class when it comes to irking consumers. [More]

Sprint Officially Asks FCC To Block AT&T Purchase Of T-Mobile

Sprint Officially Asks FCC To Block AT&T Purchase Of T-Mobile

Since AT&T announced its plans to purchase T-Mobile USA for around $39 billion, the folks at Sprint have been quite public about their opposition to the deal, taking out mocking ads and testifying before lawmakers in Washington. Yesterday, Sprint made its stance official, filing a “Petition to Deny” the deal with the Federal Communications Commission. [More]

A Sprint Phone Upgrade Is Immutable, Never To Be Undone

A Sprint Phone Upgrade Is Immutable, Never To Be Undone

If you upgrade your mobile phone, then return the new phone because software problems render it unusable, does this mean that you’ve used up your upgrade and cannot receive a new subsidized phone again for the term of your current contract? Based on reader Jason’s experience…yeah, that’s pretty much it. [More]

AT&T, Comcast Rank Last In Customer Satisfaction Surveys

AT&T, Comcast Rank Last In Customer Satisfaction Surveys

The folks at the American Customer Satisfaction Index have released their annual report on the various elements of the information sector. And it probably won’t come as a surprise to Consumerist readers that AT&T’s wireless division and Comcast each brought up the rear in their respective fields. [More]

Sprint Bets $125 That You Really Want To Switch To Its Smartphone Service

Sprint Bets $125 That You Really Want To Switch To Its Smartphone Service

With AT&T’s pending purchase of T-Mobile USA threatening to push Sprint into a very distant third place in the wireless wars, the cell phone company is offering to put its money where its mouth is (or something like that) by offering $125 service credits to new customers who defect from other carriers. [More]

AT&T CEO Grilled By Senators Over T-Mobile Deal

AT&T CEO Grilled By Senators Over T-Mobile Deal

There was much anticipation in Washington, DC, for this morning’s Senate Sucommittee hearing on AT&T’s pending purchase of T-Mobile USA. Interested parties hoping to get a seat inside the crowded hearing room had hired dozens of place holders to stand in line for them starting as early as Tuesday afternoon. [More]

Sprint Takes Out Satirical Ad Against AT&T T-Mobile Deal

Sprint Takes Out Satirical Ad Against AT&T T-Mobile Deal

Sprint really is not fond of the proposed AT&T and T-mobile merger. This week they ran an ad in some papers and on political websites that was a takeoff on T-mobile’s recent ads. They feature an older shaggy businessman with a cigar wearing a pink dress like the one sported by the gal in the T-mobile ads. The man looks very similar to the one T-mobile used to depict AT&T in their ads mocking their rival before the merger was proposed. [More]

Sprint CEO Has A Few Things To Say About The AT&T/T-Mobile Deal

Sprint CEO Has A Few Things To Say About The AT&T/T-Mobile Deal

As mentioned earlier today, the CEO of AT&T will have his first chance to make his case for purchasing T-Mobile USA in front of a Senate subcommittee. But not without the Senators hearing from some parties opposed to the deal, including Sprint CEO Dan Hesse, who pulls no punches in his prepared remarks. [More]

AT&T CEO: T-Mobile Purchase Is "All About Consumers"

AT&T CEO: T-Mobile Purchase Is "All About Consumers"

Tomorrow morning the Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights will hold a hearing titled “The AT&T/T-Mobile Merger: Is Humpty Dumpty Being Put Back Together Again?” It’s the first in what looks to be numerous hearings on AT&T’s pending purchase of T-Mobile USA and earlier today, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson released his prepared statement to the subcommittee, where he explains that his company isn’t spending over $39 billion to leapfrog ahead of Verizon in the standings. No, it’s all about you, the consumer. [More]