When specialty sporting goods retailer Gander Mountain recently went bankrupt, the future of the company’s physical locations was in doubt. Now comes a report that there may be a buyer for Gander Mountain that could keep some of the chain’s stores open. [More]
sporting goods

Report: Outdoors Superstore Gander Mountain Looking To File For Bankruptcy
Wait, there’s yet another sporting goods store potentially headed for bankruptcy? There are reports that Gander Mountain, an outdoorsy chain that calls itself “America’s firearms superstore” is headed for bankruptcy. [More]

Owner Of Eastern Mountain Sports And Bob’s Stores Files For Bankruptcy Again
Last year, Vestis Retail –– parent company of Sport Chalet, Eastern Mountain Sports, and Bob’s Stores –– filed for bankruptcy and shed the Sport Chalet brand. Now the company formed out of that bankruptcy, Eastern Outfitters, is itself filing for bankruptcy and hoping for a buyer. [More]

Dick’s Plans To Bid On Bankrupt Competitor Golfsmith
This has been a bad year to be in the brick-and-mortar sporting goods business, unless you’re the dominant chain in that market, Dick’s. Golfsmith filed for bankruptcy protection earlier this year, and a major competitor was Golf Galaxy, a similar specialty chain owned by… Dick’s. Now the bankrupt chain’s former competitor is reportedly preparing to buy its United States business, at least, out of bankruptcy. [More]

Report: Bass Pro Partnering With Goldman Sachs To Acquire Rival Cabela’s
The same day that the dire fates of Sport Chalet and Sports Authority give us reason to ponder the state of the sporting goods industry, we have news of more possible changes in this niche retail market: Outdoor goods giant Bass Pro is reportedly looking to buy rival Cabela’s. [More]

Another Sporting Goods Company Files For Bankruptcy; All Sport Chalet Stores Closing
With the dust just beginning to settle surrounding the bankruptcy and 140-store closure of sporting goods retailer Sports Authority, another, albeit smaller, outdoor gear retailer is following suit. Vestis Retail Group, the operator of brand Eastern Mountain Sports, Bob’s Stores, and Sport Chalet, officially filed bankruptcy papers today, outlining a restructuring plan that focuses on closing 56 stores. [More]

Why Ship Four Hockey Sticks In One Box When You Can Use Four?
Reader Leeny placed an order from Amazon: four hockey sticks, because Amazon really does sell everything. We have to admit that hockey sticks pose a packaging challenge, but Amazon was up to the task with tall and spacious boxes. What prompted Leeny to take some pictures and send them to Consumerist was that each of her sticks was mailed in a box that could have fit a few dozen more. [More]

Dick’s Sporting Goods Sues Modell’s CEO For Allegedly Posing As Dick’s VP
When you think of corporate espionage and snooping, you probably think of big manufacturers — electronics, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, packaged food — trying to learn what the competition is working on. One industry that is unlikely to come to mind is retail sporting goods. [More]
Mend Your Busted Balls
That flat basketball or soccer ball that’s been sitting in your closet for the past few years won’t help you get back into shape in its current state. You always knew you’d repair it one day, and although today may not be that day you go through with it, at least it’s the one in which you find out how to do it. [More]