The retail slaughter continues on in 2017 with its latest victim: after shutting down all 250 remaining stores Jan. 8, The Limited has filed for bankruptcy and has shuttered its online store — for now, at least. [More]
another one bites the dust

Another For-Profit College Chain Has Closed, Leaving Thousands Of Students Stranded
So far in 2016, a handful of for-profit college operators have announced plans to cease operations, closing hundreds of campuses across the country. Joining the likes of the ITT Technical Institute, Wright Career College, and Brown Mackie College brands, Heritage College and Heritage Institute closed its door abruptly this week. [More]

ITT Tech Closes All 130 Campuses
For the second time in two years, a billion-dollar for-profit education company has closed its doors leaving thousands of students stranded and billions of taxpayer dollars on the line: ITT Education Services has officially closed all 130 of its ITT Technical Institute campuses. [More]

Another Sporting Goods Company Files For Bankruptcy; All Sport Chalet Stores Closing
With the dust just beginning to settle surrounding the bankruptcy and 140-store closure of sporting goods retailer Sports Authority, another, albeit smaller, outdoor gear retailer is following suit. Vestis Retail Group, the operator of brand Eastern Mountain Sports, Bob’s Stores, and Sport Chalet, officially filed bankruptcy papers today, outlining a restructuring plan that focuses on closing 56 stores. [More]

Target Shuts Down Their Video Streaming Service That Apparently Exists
Target Ticket began in the fall of 2013. It was meant to compete with streaming services like Amazon, Redbox streaming, Vudu, and Flixster. Now Target Ticket is shutting down. Members need not worry that they’ll lose the content they’ve bought or earned: films that users have purchased access to will transfer over to another competing service, CinemaNow. [More]

Teen-Targeted Retailer dELiA*s Is bANkruPt. Will Close Stores, Liquidate Merch
Clothing retailer dELiA*S — a store best known for its complete disregard for capitalization and punctuation — has announced today that teenage girls have moved on to other retailers, leaving it in d33p n dEbT and having to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection while it closes stores and liquidates its assets. [More]

Apple Purges Last Bitcoin Wallet From Its App Store
While you can now use bitcoin to buy anything from basketball tickets to cars, that doesn’t mean you’ll have a way to use your digital currency if you’re an iOS user. Apple has been ditching bitcoin apps that people use to exchange it and just gave the boot the last one remaining. [More]

Amazon To Collect Sales Tax, Build Distribution Center In New Jersey
One by one, the number of states where Amazon does not collect sales tax continues to shrink. New Jersey Governer Chris Christie has announced that the e-tail giant will not only begin collecting sales tax in the Garden State, but will also open a distribution center there. [More]