An independent ad-industry watchdog is recommending that T-Mobile stop making claims that its 4G LTE network is the fastest, or that its network is “newer” than Verizon. [More]

Following American Airlines Lawsuit, GoGo To Upgrade In-Flight WiFi
Just days after American Airlines dropped its lawsuit accusing GoGo of providing unacceptably slow service, the in-flight WiFi provider said it would upgrade its systems to offer faster connections for customers flying with its contracted airlines. [More]

Man’s Eventual, Inevitable Death Only Obstacle In His Quest To Own Every VHS Copy Of ‘Speed’
Do you own a VHS copy of Speed, that 1994 insta-classic starring one vacant-eyed Keanu Reeves and a young Sandy Bullock? There’s a guy in Idaho who’d like it, because he only has about 550 VHS copies as it stands and he’d really like to own um, all of them, before he dies. Eventually. [More]

Netflix Streaming Speeds Getting Worse For Comcast and Verizon FiOS Customers
Do you have broadband internet? Do you like to watch streaming movies and TV on Netflix? If so, great news: your connection to Netflix is getting faster! Unless, of course, you happen to be one of the tens of millions of Americans who use Comcast or Verizon FiOS for internet access at home, in which case it’s completely the opposite. [More]

How Fast Is T-Mobile's "4G" Data Network?
T-Mobile rushed out of the gates with news this week about its high-speed 4G mobile data network. Not so fast, said competitors and telecom experts, who were quick to point out that the network is more like “3.5G” and isn’t nearly as fast as other 4G networks. [More]

Videos Suggest New Slim PS3 May Be Slower Than Old Fat One
The advantages of the newly released PS3 Slim over the older models are numerous: smaller size, larger hard drive and faster booting — um, wait, maybe not that last one.