Sonos, the current popular brand of smart speaker that people don’t [yet] talk to, really wants its customers to agree to the company’s new privacy policy; so much so, that failing to acknowledge the new rules can turn your Sonos speakers into very expensive shelf decorations when they eventually “cease to function.” [More]

Alibaba Goes After Amazon Echo With $73 Voice-Activated Speaker
Amazon’s Echo is about to have some more competition in the digital assistant arena: China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba will start selling a $73 voice-activated speaker. [More]

Everyone Thinks Apple’s HomePod Looks Like Really Expensive Toilet Paper
When Apple announced yesterday that it would be joining the likes of Google and Amazon with a Siri-connected speaker that can play music called the HomePod, the reaction was immediate. “It’s expensive!” some said of the $349 price tag. “It’s been done!” others chimed in. “It looks like a roll of toilet paper!” said basically everyone. [More]

Apple Makes Up With Amazon, Takes On Venmo
Today at its annual developers’ conference, Apple predictably promised a wide array of small and large hardware and software upgrades across its whole line of devices — TV, Watch, laptop and desktop computers, and phones and tablets. The full keynote got into the tech specs and details that largely interest developers more than consumers, but some of the highlights will directly interest Apple users. [More]

Amazon Echo Is Coming To Staples, But Not One Near You – Only Online
So who will be the first retailer to offer Amazon’s high-tech, sort-of assistant speaker? None other than the e-tailer’s office supply rival Staples. [More]

Amazon Makes Echo Available To Everyone, Not Just Invited Prime Members
If you’ve been patiently waiting for your chance to boss around a speaker, now is your time: Amazon has finally made Echo (also known as Siri in a box) available to the masses. [More]

Amazon Echo: What Happens When You Put Siri Inside A Speaker
Have you ever been working in the kitchen, or just sitting on the couch, and wanted to update your calendar, find out the weather, or get the answer to a trivia question… but your phone or computer was out of reach? Amazon is hoping to cater to people in that situation — and anyone who enjoys talking aloud to electronics — with its newly announced Amazon Echo speaker. [More]

Amazon Sells Me Speaker I Think Is Fake, Sends Refund Two Years Later
Two years ago, Jamison ordered a speaker system from Amazon. They worked all right, and there was nothing about this story to write home about. Until he decided to take them apart recently, just because he could, and discovered that one of the speakers was actually fake. As in, there was a speaker in the box not even connected to a wire. That was very strange. He contacted Amazon. They don’t have any reason to do anything about it, though, right? The purchase was two years ago. It’s not their problem anymore. [More]

Use Hollowed-Out Books To Hide Ugly Speakers
Speaker systems are necessities for audiophiles, but it takes some clever design skills to make them look presentable. [More]

5-Year-Old Speaker Dies, Logitech Replaces Entire System For Free
Sifting through readers’ customer service stories, it seems that Logitech has really great customer service, and the company stands by its products: once you’re actually able to get hold of them. Reader Matt writes that when he called in looking for a replacement for a dead speaker, expecting to pay for it, Logitech simply shipped him an entire new system instead. For free. [More]

Brookstone Replaces Broken Electronic Thingy, Delights Skeptical Customer
Reader Deejmer had a lovely experience at Brookstone that he couldn’t help but share. He writes that he received a wireless speaker as a gift and grew to love it. When the device died, he couldn’t produce the receipt, but his local store was happy to exchange it out for him. Yay! [More]

Blog All Day, Dance All Night
What are the speakers of choice for successful overlords of blog industry? Nick Denton, Gawker Media head honcho and international bon vivant, prefers Mackie 450s.
Morning Deals Round Up
• H&R Block is giving away free copies of their DeductionPro software, which we’ve been told is normally a $20 upgrade ot thier TaxCut software. (Although it works in a standalone mode, as well.) [via Slickdeals]