Even though YouTube is primarily thought of as a video platform, many people use the site as a way to host and listen to just about any song they would want to hear for free. Some online services let users easily convert those streaming audio clips into MP3 files, but one of the more popular destinations for this conversion will be shutting down as part of a legal settlement with several record companies. [More]

Sony Returns To Making Vinyl Records After 28-Year Break
Although streaming music services are currently duking it out for listeners’ ears, there will always be people out there who insist to their friends, “You know, this actually sounds a lot better on vinyl.” For those folks — as well as many other music fans who enjoy tunes produced by a solid hunk of plastic — Sony has decided to resume pressing vinyl records for the first time since 1989. [More]

Is Tesla Working On Its Own Streaming Music Service?
Tesla already makes cars, solar panels and roofs, and CEO Elon Musk also dabbles in space travel, so maybe it’s not that big of a stretch that he’s also looking to create a new streaming music service. [More]

Samsung To Make Google Play Default Music App On All Devices
If you’re planning to order one of Samsung’s new Galaxy S8 devices today, you’ll also be getting a little bit more — or at least Google hopes you do: Google Play Music streaming service will now be the default music app on Samsung devices. [More]

Debut Of Previously Unreleased Prince EP Blocked By Court Order
Songs that Prince recorded a decade before his untimely passing were slated to be released on April 21, the first anniversary of the artist’s death. However, a federal judge has barred these songs from being made public, at least temporarily, while it considers a dispute between Prince’s estate and the co-producer of that EP. [More]

Spotify Premium Users Will Get Some Albums Two Weeks Before Everyone Else
Everyone has that friend who’s always asking, “Have you heard the new [insert requisite cool band here] yet?” In a move that will please the music snobs among us, Spotify will offer Premium users early access to some albums. [More]

New York Times All Access Subscriptions Now Come With Spotify
With so many sites offering news for free, news sources that charge for access are having to get clever about how to convince people to pay for news. To that end, the New York Times is now hoping that it can get people to subscribe to its $5/week All Access service by throwing Spotify Premium into the mix. [More]

Sony Algorithm Will Compose New Music Based On Songs You Like
Services like Pandora and Apple Music have replaced friends and hipster record store employees, automatically suggesting other music we might like based on things we’ve already listened to. But Sony is working on taking it to another level, developing an algorithm that will actually create new music by analyzing other songs you’ve liked.

Shazam Now Shows Music Videos When You Scan Songs
We’ve likely all been there, jamming out in the car (from the passenger seat, of course) but unable to put our fingers on the song’s singer or the name of the tune itself. To ease your mind, you pull out your phone and open Shazam. Now, not only will you have all the relevant information about the song, you’ll also have a whole list of other tracks to listen to and watch. [More]

Amazon Joining Spotify, Apple With New Music-Streaming Service
As it was predicted, so it has come to pass: after rumors heated up last week that Amazon was close to launching a music-streaming service to rival Spotify and Apple, the company announced today that its on-demand offering Music Unlimited is ready for the masses. [More]

Spotify Is Reportedly Looking Into Buying SoundCloud
It looks like Spotify could be preparing to shore up its streaming music service amid competition in the digital field: according to a new report, Spotify is in advanced talks to buy SoundCloud. [More]

Amazon Working On Discount Music Subscription Service For Echo Users
Amazon already offers Prime Music as part of its Amazon Prime subscription package, but now it looks like the online retailer is looking to offer this music streaming independent from Prime while also giving a discount to users of the company’s Echo web-connected speaker. [More]

Samsung Shutting Down “Milk” Streaming Music Service
Just two years after launching its own streaming music service, Samsung will shutter Milk Music next month. [More]

Spotify Now Has A Portal Dedicated Solely To Video Game Music
There’s a lot more to the music in video games than that song from Tetris: whether it’s the tunes blasting straight from the game or the playlist you use to gear up for a marathon gaming session, music can make all the difference. Spotify has caught on to this, and has launched a new portal designed to put all that music in one spot. [More]

Amazon Echo Users Can Now Set Spotify, Pandora As Their Default Music Service
Until now, if you wanted to tell Alexa to play a certain song using a music service other than Prime Music, you’d have to say something like, “Alexa, play ‘Hotline Bling’ by Drake on Spotify.” Those days are gone, as Amazon Echo users can now set their default music services to either Spotify or Pandora. [More]

Rhapsody Decides It’s A Great Idea To Rename Itself Napster
There’s a new player in the streaming music scene, and it’s name is Napster. No, you have not been suddenly transported to your college dorm room, where you spent hours upon hours gleefully downloading mp3 after mp3: though it’s not exactly a new venture, streaming music service Rhapsody has decided to rebrand itself Napster, a service it owns, because why not? [More]

Apple Music’s Confusing Deletion Of Songs Is One Reason You Should Back Up Your Files
Powering on your computer only to find that all of your downloaded music, including original content, is nowhere to be found is an understandably devastating situation. But it’s one that has apparently happened to several Apple Music users since the service launched last year. [More]