Sure, talking to a speaker definitely isn’t the same as talking to your friend, but if you have an Echo — or other device with Alexa integration — it may soon seem more like a human-to-human convo. [More]

Police Want To Find Out If Amazon Echo Recorded Evidence Of Homicide
The issue of who can access information stored on your electronic devices has become increasingly controversial in the last year, with authorities obtaining search warrants to unlock smartphones for everyone in an office building, courts ruling that police can force smartphone users to give up their devices’ passcodes, and federal lawmakers trying to force weakened encryption on consumers. Now, police investigating a homicide are hoping to get a look under the hood of Amazon’s Echo speaker to see if its virtual “Alexa” assistant might have recorded evidence of a murder. [More]

Report: Amazon To Open 100 Pop-Up Stores In Next Year
Two years after Amazon opened two real-life seasonal pop-up stores in San Francisco and Sacramento, the company is reportedly working on a plan to open 100 more of the limited-run stores. [More]

Amazon Echo Will Let You Control Sonos Speakers
The Amazon Echo has a decent voice-controlled “assistant” in Alexa; too bad the speaker itself isn’t so great. Meanwhile, Sonos makes decent, web-connected speakers but without any voice control. You see where we’re going with this? [More]

Amazon’s Alexa Now Available On A Device That Isn’t The Echo Speaker
Alexa is spreading her personal assistant wings. The Amazon Echo mainstay is now available on its first device not produced by Amazon: the Triby, a connected message board of sorts for your home, office, or other destination. [More]

You Can Apparently Now Tell Your Amazon Echo To Order A Pizza
Not in the mood to call, go online, or send an emoji text or Tweet to order pizza? How about just yelling your order at the speaker in your living room? Now you can, at least if that speaker is the Amazon Echo, and you want Domino’s. [More]

Amazon To Make Echo Available At Home Depot, Radio Shack, Other Retailers
Three months after Amazon announced it would allow Staples to offer its high-tech, sort-of assistant speaker online, the company says it will allow retailers to sell the Echo at thousands of locations across the U.S. [More]

Amazon Echo Is Coming To Staples, But Not One Near You – Only Online
So who will be the first retailer to offer Amazon’s high-tech, sort-of assistant speaker? None other than the e-tailer’s office supply rival Staples. [More]

Amazon Makes Echo Available To Everyone, Not Just Invited Prime Members
If you’ve been patiently waiting for your chance to boss around a speaker, now is your time: Amazon has finally made Echo (also known as Siri in a box) available to the masses. [More]

Amazon Echo Now Lets Prime Members Reorder Stuff With Voice Command
Forget about the Amazon Dash. The company’s web-connected speaker – you know, the one that talks? – now has the ability to do your shopping for you; as long as the item is a reorder from a pervious purchase and happens to be Prime eligible. [More]