In the wise words of the late musician Aaliyah, when it comes to launching a successful apparel business, “age ain’t nothin’ but a number.” Just ask the teenager who has already sold $1 million worth of his custom-designed socks — before he’s even finished high school or moved out of his parents’ home. [More]

Holy Crap, A Great Dane Ate 43.5 Socks
We can all stop scratching our heads and wondering what dimension all those lost socks have disappeared to. Dogs are going around eating them in bulk, apparently, because the smell of your feet is just so irresistible (?). At the very least, one Great Dane seems to have an appetite for the foot frockery: Vets found 43 and a half socks in the dog’s stomach. [More]

UK Subway Sandwich Artist Decides Bread Ovens Work Just As Well At Drying Socks
We’re totally fans of subverting everyday objects to serve a need they might not have been designed for — does the name MacGyver ring a bell? — but when you’re employed in the food industry, snapping a pic of your wet socks toasting away in the bread ovens at Subway will not get you any kudos for creativity. [More]

How To Fix Those Darn Socks With Holes In Them
When you find a sock that’s holier than a game-winning touchdown drive by a Bronco quarterback, natural reactions include suffering with the added ventilation or throwing it away. The alternative is to resurrect the sock through the age-old tradition of darning it. [More]

Man Tries To Rob Burger King With A Sock
You know the economy is bad when crooks can’t even afford decent stick-up weapons. Police have arrested a man who tried to rob a Burger King, using a sock. [More]

GE: Missing Socks Are Running Away From Us
If you’ve lost a sock, or two, or three in the laundry, GE wants to help. Actually, GE wants to help your socks, which, according to the manufacturer, are running away from insensitive consumers who don’t treat them right. Actually, the whole thing is a marketing campaign designed to promote GE’s washers and dryers. Where is Jack Donaghy when we need him? [More]