Reader Edd was shopping at his local Walmart when he noticed something annoying. There’s a Pepsi & Dorito display in the middle of the toy aisle. Not at the end of the toy aisle. In the middle of it. Update: Mystery solved.

US Airways Will Serve You A Cup Of Ramen For Only $3
US Airways recently debuted a new snack menu for their coach passengers, and it’s posted online.. It’s not that it’s bad, or even unreasonable. It just makes the snacks at the airport gift shop look like a discount grocery by comparison.

"Food In Real Life" Shows You Junk Food Without Makeup
Not content to wait for the next installment of our occasional “Picture vs. Reality” series, someone has started “Food in Real Life,” which helpfully lowers your expectations of the microwaved treat you’re about to inhale at your desk.

Wired Snaps Into The Slim Jim, Exposes Its Innards
Since the beginning of time, scientists have always thought Slim Jims were made up solely of everlasting beef and awesome, but Wired has dug a little deeper and examined the true contents of the checkout aisle wonder.

Slim Jim Shortages Cause Widespread Turmoil, Healthy Sodium And Cholesterol Levels
If you’re noticing a lack of mechanically separated chicken and hydrolyzed corn gluten in your diet, you’re not alone. The tragic ConAgra factory explosion that killed three people near Raleigh, N.C. ended Slim Jim production until this fall. [Update: The factory is reopening on July 27.] It was the only place where the snack sticks are manufactured.

Oh, Popchips, Say It Isn't So!
A little over a week ago, we brought to you a heart-warming tale of good publicity, free stuff, and tasty snacks from PopChips. Lurking in our files, though, was evidence that Popchips have been savagely zapped by the Grocery Shrink Ray.

PopChips: Turning Loyal Customers Into Cult-Like Snack Food Following
If you’re wondering how to build a cult-like following for your product, take some lessons from snack company Popchips. In this case, a small amount of free stuff went a very, very long way.

Self Check-Out At Supermarket Means Fewer Impulse Buys
Consumer Reports says that the supermarket self check-out line is better on your wallet and your gut. “You’ll find fewer snacks,” they write, “and because of the shorter wait time, you’ll have less time to contemplate a snack attack.” There’s even a study that shows impulse purchases dropped by nearly a third for women and a sixth for men when they chose the self check-out line. You also get to play with the scanner, touchscreen, and bag area, which is a lot more fun than just standing around. (That’s right, “bag area.”)

Movie Theater Pays $10,000 Damages In Snack Search Lawsuit
What ruins your movie-going experience more than being searched for surreptitious snacks? Having your mom discover that you’re taking birth control pills when movie theater employees go through your purse.

How To Tell If You Have Religious Food
Last week, a couple in Dallas discovered a Jesus-shaped Cheeto in their bag of Cheetos. They promptly named it Cheesus, which is a masterstroke of marketing (although not that original, it turns out), and are considering auctioning it off on eBay—with the implied threat that if it doesn’t sell, they may just eat it. The big question you may be asking yourself now is, “How can I get in on this racket?”

Convert Your Favorite Snack Into Sugar Cubes
This website displays photos of soft drinks, smoothies, candy, and even vegetables next to little piles of sugar cubes that represent the total sugar in them. This is a great service, because if you ever go into space you can simply use this site to pack a baggie full of an equivalent amount of cubes. Then you can enjoy your Space McFlurry without worrying about liquid contamination of the spacecraft.

This Pringles Super Stack Size Traps The Math Illiterate
The Super Stack can of Pringles on the right looks super big and super packed full of chips. It only has 12% more snack inside, though, while it costs 25% more of your money. Luckily, if you’re not handy with division or don’t have a calculator or phone with you, just look at the price per pound on the tags below. And never trust packaging!

Woman Finds Tiny Mammal Vertebra In Peanut M&M
A woman in Atlanta bit into a blue peanut M&M and discovered a tiny, blackened bone, probably from a nut obsessed animal who crept into the M&M to eat the peanut, then died of remorse. A Mars rep told the customer it was probably just a peanut twig. Whatever; by our estimations, this animal is most likely smaller than a peanut M&M, but has a comically wide and very short neck. Hmm, maybe we should instead ask an expert to deduce where this bone came from, which is what the customer did.

US Airways Saving Money Because Nobody Is Buying Their Drinks?
US Airways says that their decision to start charging for water, coffee and soft drinks is working — because no one is buying them.

United Airlines Thinks You're Willing To Pay $9 For A Snack
United Airlines is obviously not to familiar with the dollar menu at McDonald’s because they’re convinced that you’ll pay up to $9 for their “Buy-On-Board” snack offerings, says the Wall Street Journal.

United Airlines Drops Free Snacks In Coach And So Much More…
The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that United Airlines will no longer offer free snacks in coach starting September 2nd. They are also dropping complimentary meals in business class except for “premium transcontinental flights from San Francisco and Los Angeles to New York.” Shockingly, this move coincides with the airlines’ expansion of their “buy-on-board” food offerings, says the Chronicle.

Attention World: A US Airways Plane Is Just A "Flying Vending Machine"
When US Airways announced that they would no longer be offering complimentary beverages in coach, we wondered how long it would take before other airlines ditched the free stuff. So far, none have, and the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA), has denounced the move, calling US Airways planes “flying vending machines.”