Copyright law is surprisingly pervasive. It affects everything from computers to cars (and tractors). The law says you’re not allowed to circumvent DRM on anything for any reason… except for a big pile of things you actually legally can. Those exemptions get re-evaluated every three years, and today the new list is out. [More]

Copyright Office Rules: Yes, Security Researchers May Hack Cars (And A Couple Other Things) For Science

Party City Takes Marketing Lessons From Macy's
Consumers are so literal-minded. We see a sign that says “all items $1,” and we foolishly believe that all items cost $1. Marketers take advantage of these tendencies with signage trickery and cruel, cruel asterisks. That’s what Andrey found at a Party City store. “It’s neither [all] on sale, nor does it make any sense,” he typed on his phone. [More]

Lane Bryant Sale Flyer Redefines 'Entire Store,' 'Everything'
David isn’t really sure why he received this Lane Bryant flyer in the mail, seeing that he’s not only thin, but, well, male. But that doesn’t matter at Lane Bryant, where they’re stretching the limits of reality and of the English language. [More]

$10 XSport Fitness Upgrade Really Costs $20
Cache asked about the $10 “Super Power Pass” add-on at his local XSport Fitness club today—the sign in the window says “work out where you want, when you want with a Super Power Pass for just $10 more*,” and lists “Chicago – New York – Washington” across the top. We don’t know what’s linked via that asterisk, because the fine print on the ad is so small that it’s unreadable in the photo Cache took, but as you might expect there’s no such thing as a $10 add-on that lets you use any XSport Fitness.