
Girls Gone Wild Class Action Settlement Reached

Girls Gone Wild Class Action Settlement Reached

A settlement has been reached in the class action lawsuit against Girls Gone Wild for sending and charging customers for DVDs they didn’t order. After ordering one DVD, defendants Mantra Films, Inc., MRA Holdings LLC and Joe Francis were alleged to enroll customers in a monthly video club plan without the member’s knowledge or consent and charge their credit card without authorizations. Depending on how much proof of purchase they have, class members can get a refund for the videos, shipping costs, or a discount on future jug-jiggling videos. More info at the settlement website,

Comcast Gives $10 Coupon To Super Bowl Pecker Peepers

Comcast Gives $10 Coupon To Super Bowl Pecker Peepers

Comcast is giving a $10 service credit to every Tucson customer whose Super Bowl viewing was interrupted by a porno snippet, but you have to call in. The number to call is 1-888-315-8219. A thorough system review indicated there was no technical glitch, “suggesting someone deliberately seeking to interrupt the broadcast rather than a technical glitch,” wrote WSJ. US Attorney General spokesman Wyn Hornbuckle said, “We take this matter seriously.” The pancake pupcake pile said, “You can call me nanerpus, nanerpus.”

Porn Interrupts Comcast Super Bowl Broadcast

Porn Interrupts Comcast Super Bowl Broadcast

Comcast customers in Tucson, AZ watching the Super Bowl saw more pigskin than they bargained for when 30 seconds of a porno movie cut in to the final minutes of the big game. “I was watching the game with my family, Larry Fitzgerald scores the go ahead TD – then bam, penis,” writes reader David. A Comcastic Fight Club homage, perchance?

JetBlue Flight Attendant Offered Nude Pics Of Himself, And Sex, To Passenger

JetBlue Flight Attendant Offered Nude Pics Of Himself, And Sex, To Passenger

The first thing we thought when we read this article was, at least something is still free on an airplane! Unfortunately, in this case the passenger claims it was unrequested and wouldn’t stop, and the flight attendant, who no longer works for JetBlue, has been arrested “on charges of ‘obscene and indecent exposure’ and ‘for making sexual advances.'” He has yet to enter a plea.

Verizon Tech Made 5,000 Sex Chat Calls On Customer Accounts

Verizon Tech Made 5,000 Sex Chat Calls On Customer Accounts

The next time you’re disputing a 900 number call to a sex hotline and the CSR tells you nobody else could have made that call, remind them of this story. Over the past 10 months, a Verizon technician made 5,000 calls to sex chat hotlines, totaling 45,000 minutes of dirty talk at a cost of $220,000. He placed the calls from over 950 tapped residential and commercial accounts throughout Bergen county in New Jersey. He has since resigned, and been charged with theft by deception and theft of services.

Verizon Junk Mail Advertises Phone Sex Hotline

Verizon Junk Mail Advertises Phone Sex Hotline

The phone number in this Verizon mailer connects to “an exciting new way to go live with hot horny girls.” Can you hear me now, big boy?


In case you were wondering, yes, it is illegal to trade sex for a $100 gas card. [The Smoking Gun]

Spirit Airlines' Customer Service Number Leads To Phone Sex Line

Spirit Airlines' Customer Service Number Leads To Phone Sex Line

When you fly an ultra low budget airliner, you expect ultra low service, but even under that business model, it seems reasonable to assume that calling customer service won’t take you to a phone sex line. Reader Barbara would agree. She writes:

Woman Sues American Airlines Over Masturbating Passenger

Woman Sues American Airlines Over Masturbating Passenger

A woman has filed a $200,000 lawsuit against American Airlines alleging the flight crew failed to protect her from a passenger who moved into the seat next to hers while she was sleeping, then “masturbated to her” and—well, you’ve seen “There’s Something About Mary”? Yeah, that.

Verizon Customer Service Number Rings A Phone Sex Line

Verizon Customer Service Number Rings A Phone Sex Line

I called that 866 number, and there was a 15 second recording about ‘men and women chatting worldwide’ that gave an 800 number and then hung up the call automatically. If you call the 800 number that’s spoken by that recorded message, you are greeted as a ‘sexy guy’, and then the menu system proceeds to tell you about horny women that want to talk to you.


The Norwegian food safety authority suprise-inspected Norway’s “largest erotic chain store” and determined it was violating food labeling laws by not including nutritional info on things like penis-shaped pasta and edible panties. [Reuters]

Today Sponge Relaunches With Website That Appears To Be Aimed At 6 Year-Old Girls

Today Sponge Relaunches With Website That Appears To Be Aimed At 6 Year-Old Girls

The Today Sponge, the contraceptive sponge made famous by the TV show Seinfeld, has relaunched in the US with a brand new website and brand new package design…

Top 10 Most "Ho-Friendly" DC Hotels, Based On The DC Madam's Phone Records

Top 10 Most "Ho-Friendly" DC Hotels, Based On The DC Madam's Phone Records

If you want to have sex with a prostitute in Washington D.C., try the Marriott.

Objective Movie Rating Site For Parents

Objective Movie Rating Site For Parents

Want to know if a movie is appropriate for kids but don’t trust the crappy, arbitrary, and useless censorship of the MPAA? You might want to check out kids-in-mind. The site seems relatively free of pesky moral judgments; it sticks to listing potentially inappropriate stuff so that you, the consumer, can decide if the movie is ok for your kid.

Cook in the Kitchen, Cook in the Bedroom

That annoying Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus guy is taking money from Sears (yes, the department store) to study whether or not cooking more improves your sex life.

Verizon Corporate Relations Gets Sexier

Verizon Corporate Relations Gets Sexier

Verizon customer service just got a hell of a lot better.

DefendMyStreet Owner’s Bad Business History

DefendMyStreet Owner’s Bad Business History

Even before scaring people into giving up their email addresses by spreading tales of sex offender bogeymen, Florian McCann did not have a good rep in Denver. Commentors Pelagius and AcilletaM found several complaints and even news items about McCann’s Mile HI Aeration company. Consumers complained about being billed and turned over to collections for aerations that were never performed. Frequently, poor service and damage to lawn sprinklers appear among the complaints. The BBB has over 339 complaints lodged against the company in the past 36 months, most unresolved. When Channel 7 asked Mile Hi back in 2002 about why it refuses to address complaints, they said they “don’t kiss up” to its customers.

DefendMyStreet Investigated

DefendMyStreet Investigated

The Colorado Department of Public Safety just emailed us.