A settlement has been reached in the class action lawsuit against Girls Gone Wild for sending and charging customers for DVDs they didn’t order. After ordering one DVD, defendants Mantra Films, Inc., MRA Holdings LLC and Joe Francis were alleged to enroll customers in a monthly video club plan without the member’s knowledge or consent and charge their credit card without authorizations. Depending on how much proof of purchase they have, class members can get a refund for the videos, shipping costs, or a discount on future jug-jiggling videos. More info at the settlement website, ggwsettlement.com.
joe francis

"Girls Gone Wild" Tax Indictment Teaches Us Not To Deduct Funny-Looking Numbers
Joe Francis, the quivering chumbucket behind the “Girls Gone Wild” franchise, got indicted Wednesday for tax evasion, as noted by commenter LAGirl. His story holds a lesson for all taxpayers: when claiming deductions, don’t use funny-looking numbers.

Joe Francis: Girls Gone Wild Founder, Violent Thug, Rapist
Breasts make men crazy. The hypnotic jiggling of rose-tipped orbs have been enough to make men do all sorts of insane things: bungee jump, wear leather pants, claim to have coined the phrase “Pardon my French.”