As if people aren’t bad enough, your future seatmate could feature large, pinchy claws. Well, sort of. [More]
dinner is served

Worms That Eat Through Plastic Bags Could Help Cut Down On Pollution
Plastic bags clog up our gutters, landfills, and waterways, but researchers hope that plastic-munching worms may hold a secret to making these messes more manageable. [More]

Lawsuit Claims Honda Refuses To Fix Vehicles With Soy-Coated Wiring That’s Irresistible To Hungry Critters
If a car’s insides are an appealing snack for mice, squirrels, and rabbits, should the company that made the vehicle pay to fix the soy-coated wiring when those critters throw themselves a feast? The plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed against Honda think so, and say the carmaker is refusing to pick up the tab for repairs. [More]

It’s Finally Happening: Newest Unicode Update Includes Emojis For Tacos, Hot Dogs And Cheese (!)

Chick-Fil-A Customer Buys $1,000 Worth Of Food For Customers In Drive-Thru Line Behind Him
The one and only time it’s probably great to still be in the drive-thru line instead of already through it? When someone in front of you decides to shell out $1,000 to pay for the orders of all the strangers in line behind him, like one generous Chick-fil-A customer did this week. [More]

Priceline Announces It’s Buying OpenTable For $2.6 Billion
Travel booking site Priceline seems to be hungry, and it it seems it’s found exactly what it wants to nosh on — restaurant reservation site OpenTable, which books tables for users in their cities. Priceline is forking over $2.6 billion in cold, hard cash to buy the company. [More]

Last Year We Bought Enough Instant Noodles To Provide 100 Billion Dorm Room Meals
Anyone who’s ever lived through some rather lean economic times knows that when it comes time to cut back on groceries, instant ramen noodles will be there for you at a low, low price. Heck, even if you’re not struggling, instant noodles are a popular mealtime option — so much so that 100 billion units were sold last year. [More]

My Melted Tyson Chicken Strips Look Less Than Tasty
Ah, the joys of cooking in the microwave! Reader Darren has bought and enjoyed Tyson pre-cooked “Grilled & Ready” chicken strips, so he thought he knew what he was in for when popping a couple in the microwave. He thought wrong. [More]