Your Friday night plans have just been validated by science: a new study finds that eating cheese with wine makes wine taste better. [More]

Pizza Shop Worker Admits It Was “Stupid” To Rub His Junk On Customer’s Pie
Today in Awful Things I’d Rather Not Know Happened But Well, Here We Are: A customer at a take-and-bake pizza shop has accused an 18-year-old worker of rubbing his downstairs bits on the pie as he got his order ready. The reason? He was allegedly annoyed at having to take the order right before the store closed for the night. [More]

Microsoft: One Out of 14 Net Downloads Could Be Bad For You
The Net is just rife with hackers and malcontents just waiting to pounce on unsuspecting Web surfers, right? So, of course, the brainiacs at Microsoft are saying its Internet Explorer 9 web browser can be your online guardian against the rising threat. [More]

Airlines Now Actually Have To Return Bag Fees If They Lose Your Bag
It’s sort of sad that the Department of Transportation actually had to force airlines to refund bag fees if they lose your baggage — but whatever, let’s not dwell. [More]

Vitaminwater Isn't Healthy, Rules Federal Judge
A federal judge ruled this week that Vitaminwater will not, as its labels promise, keep you “healthy as a horse.” Nor will it bring about a “healthy state of physical or mental being”. Instead, Vitaminwater is really just a sugary snack food; non-carbonated fruit coke disguised as a sports drink. Because it’s composed mostly of sugar and not vitamin-laden water, judge John Gleeson held that Vitaminwater’s absurd marketing claims were likely to mislead consumers. [More]

It's Probably A Bad Idea To Cash A Check For A Stranger
I bet if some guy approaches you on the street right as you’re about to walk into your bank or credit union and asks you to cash a check for him, you’d say no. That’s a good idea. Apparently at least two people in Madison, Wisconsin thought they were doing a good deed and helped the man out. It turns out that the checks were drawn on a closed bank account in Atlantic City, NJ. [More]

You Must Buy Candy At Checkout
A group of candy makers, publishers, and others threw down some cash on a study to find out what the big impulse buys are at checkout counters. The not-so-surprising results: candy topped the list, at 30% of all purchases. Hey, it’s their money. [More]

Save On Insurance By Calling Around. Duh.
Spotted this at the often quite good I Will Teach You To Be Rich blog.