Sure, I use coupons, and I’m decent at it, but for me watching this video of the “Coupon Queen” is like a little kid enrolled in her first karate class watching an expert ninja.
saving money
Hey! Walt Disney Reuses Animation Sequences!
We were fascinated to discover today that Walt Disney reused animation cycles across different movies—the characters are unique (sorta) but the motions are cel for cel copies. It looks like the movies that reuse animation are from that infamous era in the 70s and 80s when Disney’s animation unit cut too many corners and churned out less “classic” fare. Well, they were copying classics—shouldn’t that count for something? Video clip below.
Do You Haggle?
Asking for a discount. Negotiating for a better price. Haggling. No matter what you call it, the concept is the same: working to get a seller to let you pay a lower price for a good or service than what was initially offered. The Digerati Life encourages shoppers to negotiate on price and offers the following tips (including a story about getting a discount at Home Depot) to make the most of the process:
Bills: Spend Less, Get More
Getting slayed by your bills? Gizmodo has a good roundup of how to save money by ditching your landline and tv, and renegotiating your monthly service rates. It’s recap and refresher for expert Consumerist readers, but a nice compendium of tactics that can get you started saving money today.
112 Ways To Save Money
You guys are some thrifty freakazoids. We asked you to submit your money-saving secrets and you dumped like 35 elephants on our heads in comments and emails. We’ve trimmed that down to 112 . Here they are! Enjoy your savings.
Hit With A Credit Card Rate Hike? Try Freezing The Account
Rosemary writes that Bank of America just increased the interest rates on her two credit cards by 12% and 15% because the balances were too high, after slashing the credit limits on both cards a month before. She’s frustrated, of course, but like everyone else who’s been hit with these increasing fees, she’s sort of stuck with their decision. But Mary Schwager at suggests you try placing your account on hold for six months or so, at which point your creditor may be less terrified of the economy and willing to work with you.
Why Do Some Stores Act Stupid About Coupons?
Some stores—like A&P Supermarkets and Bed Bath & Beyond, for example—seem to have a sort of antagonism against coupon users. (For that matter, some of our commenters do too, but they are wrong.) Steve Gosset notes on his “Reality Bites Back” blog that the shortsighted coupon policies at these two stores only ended up costing them more fees, or even a sale.
Save Money By Not Touching Stuff In The Store
Think you’re already a savvy shopper and smart saver? Well here’s a way to spend even less: don’t touch. A new study shows that if you touch stuff when you’re shopping, it increases your sense of ownership and makes you more willing to pay more for it. Here’s how the study came to that conclusion:
The website has launched a new blog named “Go Frugal,” aimed at helping consumers find ways to save money. [Go Frugal]
FatWallet Launches Coupon Search
Love deal site FatWallet but don’t feel like ragpicking through forum post after forum post? If so, check out their new coupon search function which arranges deals and coupons in a very easy-to-read, and Retail-me-not-esque fashion. If not, you may now return to your regularly scheduled animated smiling faces and OP attacks.
Shampooing Every Time You Shower? It May Be Too Much
Shampooing every day isn’t only wasteful, it can also harm your hair, according to NPR. Back in the olden days, when waterfalls passed for high-pressure showers, people would shampoo only once a month. That wasn’t enough, but if you shampoo more than three times a week, you’re actually making your hair oilier because your glands need to work overtime to replace the natural oils you’re washing away.
Seems More People Playing "The Penny Arcade" At TD Bank
So like I said I got $120 from the Penny Arcade this weekend, but I was far from alone. Here is the crappy cellphone picture I took of the line. All those people on the right (plus the dog) are waiting for their turn at the spare change counting machine.
Winning The Coin Jar Game
Yesterday was coin-jar payout day for me. I got $120! Woohoo! And since I took my can to the Penny Arcade at TD Bank, formerly Commerce Bank, they counted my change for free, unlike the Coinstars in supermarkets. Perversely, the past few weeks as my coin jar got close to full , I started to really look forward to getting change, to the extent I started to develop some irrational behavior…
Six D.I.Y. Tips For Cleaning Greenly And Cheaply
Harsh chemicals aren’t just bad for you and the environment, they’re bad for your wallet too. Cleaning most things, from clothes to your kitchen, can be done greenly and cheaply with these six nifty do-it-yourself cleaning recipes from Consumer Reports…
Save Money On A Funeral
Someone wrote to us this week that a person in his family is terminally ill, and that he was told “that the cost of the casket, funeral, viewing, and burial would possibly exceed 12,000 dollars.” He thinks that’s an “exorbitant amount of money,” and so do we. There is no reason to pay that much money for a kick-ass funeral that people will be talking about for years to come. You don’t need to be a cheapskate to manage this, either—you just need to be aware of your rights and know what traps to watch out for. Here’s our list of what to do the next time you have to plan a funeral.
T-Mobile Customers Can Take Advantage Of Cheaper Plans Starting Today
The rumor was true—T-Mobile has started offering cheaper unlimited voice plans to existing customers. Matthew wrote to us, “The TMO loyalty plans are showing up on the site as of today…we just moved to the Unlimited Loyalty Family Plan at $89.99, which is $10 cheaper than the 2000 minute Family Plan we’d been on.”
Save money by polishing your shoes with a banana. Monkeys have been doing it for millennia. [Huffington Post] (Thanks to daveburdick !)