Imagine that you do everything you can to avoid overdrafting your bank account, only to find that your bank has gone ahead and pushed you into the red — and that it doesn’t really care. [More]
td bank

My Bank Overdrafted My Account By Putting Two Holds On One Deposit; Doesn’t Care

TD Bank Gets Rid Of Coin-Counting Machines, Makes Pennies More Useless
Pennies just became a little bit more useless. TD Bank’s Penny Arcade coin-counting machines have been a useful perk for the bank’s customers and non-customers, letting them convert jars full of loose change into useful cash. After an NBC news test turned up inaccuracies in the machines and a customer sued over his miscounted coins, TD Bank is ending the program and will eventually remove the machines. [More]

Consumer-Friendly Checking Account Practices Vary Wildly From Bank To Bank
Unless you’ve been hiding under a bed for the last six years, you probably know that the banking industry isn’t exactly beloved by many American consumers. As a reaction to public sentiment (and threats of regulation), a number of banks have begun phasing in some more consumer-friendly practices, but a new study shows these changes are not industry-wide and that several banks are still years behind. [More]

TD Bank Teller Accused Of Stealing $100K From Customer Accused Of Cheating State Out Of $545K In Tax Refunds
Two wrongs don’t make a right, and stealing money from someone who stole it to begin with does not earn you a Get Out of Jail Free card. At least that’s what the authorities are telling a former TD Bank teller who stands accused of siphoning off nearly $100,000 from a customer who has been indicted on charges of deceiving the state of New Jersey into paying out $545,000 in tax refunds. [More]

How Does Eliminating Services 'Better Serve' Me?
Michael noticed a sign at the TD Bank ATM informing customers that postage stamps would no longer be available at that location. Aw, too bad. It’s fair if a business wants to discontinue a service because it’s unprofitable or problematic to offer. What annoys customers and insults their intelligence is when the change is spun as some kind of favor to customers. [More]

No, This Shady-Looking ATM Repair Is Totally Not A Card Skimmer
John has read our previous posts on ATM skimmers tacked on machines by crooks, and knows what to watch out for. If you see card slots and other components that don’t quite seem to match the rest of the machine and seem tacked on, that’s a big warning sign. So when he saw this rather sketchy-looking addition to a machine, he thought it might be a skimming device. When he called up the bank, he learned that it wasn’t: apparently, they just did kind of a crappy repair job. [More]

If The Bank Hands You A Counterfeit Bill, You're Probably Stuck With It
While financial institutions often go through various security checks to make sure that the $50 and $100 bills you hand to them are genuine, most consumers will accept these same bills from banks without giving a thought to whether or not they are bogus. Problem is, if you end up with counterfeit cash, you are most likely screwed. [More]

TD Bank Explains How To Avoid Its Fees
Responding to bad press it received over the announcement of a new fee and increases of other fees, TD Bank put out a press release clarifying aspects of its new $9-per-withdrawal charge for excessive savings account withdrawals (excluding ATM and teller withdrawals). Insisting the fee will affect only 1 percent of its customers, the release ends with some helpful advice on how to avoid its charges. [More]

TD Bank Decides It's A Great Time To Introduce A New $9 Fee
Tone-deaf to the lessons of Bank of America’s $5 fee debacle, TD Bank is trotting out a new $9 charge for each savings account withdrawal after customers exceed six monthly transactions (excluding deposits or ATM or teller withdrawals). The fee begins in December. [More]

TD Bank Charging Customers $2 To Get Cash From A Non-TD ATM
As Congress today debates over proposed caps on debit card swipe fees that would limit bank profits and lower costs for merchants, TD Bank has announced they’re going to start charging customers a $2 fee whenever they take cash out of a non-TD bank ATM. That’s going to be on top of any fee that you already pay the ATM. The only way to avoid the fee is to be in a higher-tier checking account. [More]

TD Bank Charges Non-Customers 6% Fee For Coin Counting
Sad day. TD Bank’s coin counter machines used to be free to all, but within the past month they’ve changed it so now non-customers will get levied a 6% transaction fee. [More]

Bar Charges Me Twice For A Drink, I Get $126 In Overdraft Fees
Freddy watches his balances like a hawk, so he was surprised when TD Bank hit him for $126 in overdraft fees. Turns out the bar he had gone to had accidentally charged his debit card twice for one of his drinks, and though he was careful to stay within his low balance, it set the stage for a cascade of fees. [More]

An Unexpected Win At TD Bank's Penny Arcade
At some heartless banks, a malfunctioning self-serve coin counting machine could lead to lost money and general sadness. Not at Flexo’s local TD Bank branch, however. A malfunctioning machine meant $32 more in his account. Unfortunately, this windfall came at the expense of the unknown previous customer to use the machine, to whom the $32 actually belonged. [More]

TD Bank Sells Overdraft Protection As A "Free" Service
Frank writes that he received a call from his bank, TD Bank, that insults the consumer savvy and the intelligence of their customers. TD kept calling him…unsurprisingly, to try to sell him on the idea of opting in to overdraft protection. Their sales pitch? Overdraft protection is a “FREE SERVICE.” Well, yeah, like many services, it’s free until you actually use it. [More]

TD Ratchets Up Overdraft Opt-In Push With Pop-Up Scare Tactics
TD Bank is really stepping up its efforts to try to get customers to sign back up for “overdraft protection,” which really just protects their right to charge you $35 if you want to buy a $2.00 candy bar and only have a $1 in your account. Now they’re greeting customers accessing their accounts online with pop-up ads trying to scare them into agreeing to signing up for the service. [More]

TD Bank Pushes Totally Flat Debit Cards
Run your fingers over one of TD Bank’s new debit cards and you’ll notice something missing. There’s no embossed numbers. It’s not a fake, it’s the future: a completely flat debit card that can be issued right on the spot when you open an account at a local bank, with no waiting for it to arrive in the mail. [More]

TD Bank Will Pay Off Your Mortgage
Free house! TD Bank is running a new contest: apply for a new mortgage, get a chance to have them pay it off in full for you. [More]