When sitting down to eat a chicken sausage, you should be confident that there’s no meat, spice, or other substance in there that isn’t marked on the label. That’s not the case for two products distributed recently: Thin & Trim and Trader Joe’s chicken sausages have dairy and soy, respectively, in the sausages that aren’t declared on the label. [More]

Ekrich Recalls 90,000 Pounds Of Cheddar Sausage That May Contain Metal Pieces
Ready-to-eat sausage from Armour Ekrich contains pork, turkey, beef, cheddar cheese… and maybe some metal pieces. Wait: One of those ingredients is definitely not part of a tasty breakfast. Over 90,000 pounds of the breakfast meat has been recalled for possibly containing some metal, though no injuries have been reported to date. [More]

Perdue Recalls Organic Chicken Sausage Due To Plastic Pieces
Perdue’s Harvestland chicken sausage advertises that it’s made from chicken that’s never been exposed to antibiotics, and that it doesn’t contain nitrates, nitrites, or animal byproducts. Now the product is being recalled because of a problematic additive: Customers have found pieces of blue plastic in their sausages. [More]

Movie Theater Sorry For Playing R-Rated ‘Sausage Party’ Trailer Before ‘Finding Dory’
A movie theater in California issued an apology this week for making the mistake of playing a trailer for Sausage Party (R-rated, expletive-laden dark comedy featuring self-aware food facing imminent, violent death by human) to a bunch of people there to see Finding Dory (under-the-sea, feel-good family flick). Oops. [More]

Town Completes Its Quest To Successfully Grill A 200-Foot Bratwurst
Remember the town that was preparing to cook 200 feet of unbroken bratwurst by first grilling 100 feet of sausage? Of course you do, how could you forget such a meat feat? You’ll be happy to know, then, that the proud folks of that Illinois town can now say they’ve grilled a 200-foot bratwurst without breaking it. [More]

More Than 20 German Sausage Makers Fined A Total Of $461M For Price-Fixing
So you want to know how your sausage is made? Over in Germany, customers are finding out a bit more about their sausage — but instead of what ingredients go into their salami, liverwurst and knockwurst, the country’s regulatory office says more than 20 sausage makers were working together to fix prices for their meaty wares. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts Exec Commits Food Heresy, Predicts “Sausage Will Be The New Bacon”
Now I enjoy sausage just as much, maybe even more, than the average meat-eater, but no matter what form it takes — breakfast sausage, bratwurst, chorizo, andouille, kielbasa, etc. — sausage just isn’t bacon, which can be laid atop, wrapped around, and crumbled into just about any dish with good results. But one Dunkin’ Donuts exec believes there is truly untapped potential in the sausage. [More]

Walmart Throws Out $19,000 In Meat After Man Pokes Syringe Into Sausages
It’s a classic saying: One bad apple spoils the entire barrel, and a few syringe-poked packages of breakfast sausage causes Walmart to toss out the entire section of the meat department. [More]

McDonald’s: That’s Not A Lizard In Your Sandwich, It’s A Chicken Vein
A McDonald’s customer in Singapore recently caused quite a stir, alleging that their Sausage McMuffin came with a free baby lizard inside. The fast food chain says it has had the mystery meat tested and is trying to assure everyone that this is not lizard meat, but just an ugly chicken vein. [More]

Tainted Sausages Prompt Recall And A Whole Lot Of Elbow Nudging
Connoisseurs of sausage know that the meat is much better without pieces of plastic gloves in it, which is why one company is recalling 38,000 pounds of sausage suspected to contain such foreign bits. The Gwaltney mild sausage rolls come in a one-pound package and may contain “small pieces of glove particles.” [More]

Hillshire Farms Compensates For Your Forgetfulness With Free Sausages
Admit it, you’ve done what Matthew did at some point in your life. You’ve left perishable food in your car for an extended period after coming home from the store. He left a few packages of Hillshire Farms sausages out overnight. He wondered whether the sausages, being precooked and smoked and all, might be able to survive a night in his vehicle. So he called to ask. He expected advice…not coupons for free sausages. [More]

Sausage King Jimmy Dean Dead At 81
This is truly sad news for those of us whose best memories of weekend mornings is waking up to the smell of Jimmy Dean sausages wafting up from the kitchen. The man behind the delicious dishes has passed away at the age of 81. [More]

Whoever Designed This Ad Must Have Noticed The Subtext
Beer and sausages may indeed be the perfect combination for your Super Bowl gathering, but there’s something about this grocery store display from Budweiser and sausage maker Johnsonville that is terribly wrong. I think it’s the man’s expression as he points to his, er, bratwurst. [More]

Purplos: Disgusting New Zealand Purple Sausage
Did you know carrots used to be purple? It’s true — their distinctive fluorescent oranginess was bred into them by Dutch carrot breeders in the 18th century. Likewise, did you know sausages are initially purple? Drive your fist through the loins of a squealing sow, then pull out a steaming spool. See? Gross, but truth is stranger than fiction.