
Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Three Easiest Ways to Earn More Money [Free Money Finance] “Here’s how I’d rank the three easiest ways to earn more money.”

Why Haven’t You Donated to Haiti Yet? [Smart Money] “As economists and social scientists have begun to dig around in recent decades into people’s true motives when they give to charity, what they’ve found hasn’t exactly been in keeping with the flattering way we humans like to see ourselves.”

Gourmet Coffee Recipes: Make Your Own Starbucks Coffee Drink [The Digerati Life] “You don’t have to spend money on that $4 latte if you’re fine with the DIY approach.”

4 smart fixes for your 401(k) [CNN Money] “To move beyond square one, follow these four steps.”

How I Got Married on the Cheap — And Loved It! [Get Rich Slowly] “How do you plan a wedding for a dozen people on $3000?”


Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are eight cool photos readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post. Also, be sure to check out our new Photo Gallery to see the latest additions all week long! [More]

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Bank Of America Seizes Wrong House, Causes Big Stink. No, Really.

EECB NBC To Save The Conan O’ Brien Show

Walmart Holds Another Customer Hostage

I Stopped A Nosey Target Clerk From Scanning My License

Girl “Grows Back Face” After Pain Relief Pill Made It Turn Black And Fall Off

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Are You Tracking Your Budget, Cash Flow, and Net Worth? [Dumb Little Man] “Tracking your net worth on some sort of regular schedule is a must for anyone serious about decreasing debt and increasing wealth.”

11 moves to supercharge your finances [Smart Spending] “11 steps you can take to easily improve your finances in the coming year.”

The Damage of Card Rewards [NY Times] “It’s possible that the poor pay subsidies to finance the rewards of the affluent.”

How Poker Can Make You a Better Investor [Kiplinger] “Learn to avoid emotional traps by playing a little Texas hold ’em.”

The Future of Plastic: 5 Credit Trends for 2010 [Smart Money] “If 2009 was the year of hammering out credit-card reform, 2010 will be the year consumers feel the effects of those changes.”


Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are eight wonderful photos readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post. Also, be sure to check out our new Photo Gallery to see the latest additions all week long! [More]

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Best Buy Optimization Is A Big Stupid Annoying Waste Of Money
10 Movie Theater Secrets
Man Buys $3 Billion CD-ROM On Amazon Just To See What Would Happen
Consumer Reports Science Proves Slap Chop Sucks
Um, Why Are All The $1 BK Double Cheeseburgers I Buy Tiny?

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

10 Steps to Financial Success in 2010 [Get Rich Slowly] “Here are ten simple but effective steps you can take to build a better financial future.”

The Best and Worst Jobs for 2010 [The Wall Street Journal] “The findings were based on five criteria: environment, income, employment outlook, physical demands and stress.”

Money 70: Best mutual funds and ETFs [CNN Money] “Our recommended list of mutual funds and ETFs will help you buy and hold your way to your long-term goals.”

6 Ways to Cut Gym Membership Costs [Smart Money] “Many new members can cut their costs by as much as 50%. Here’s how.”

Should you ‘Buy This Now!’? [Consumer Reports] “Usually not, based on our tests of 15 infomercial products.”


Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

AT&T Customer Service: “New York City Is Not Ready For The iPhone”
Giant Mold Universe Found Inside Chef Boyardee Can
HP Ink Costs More Than Human Blood
Customer Knows Her Stolen iPhone Is Being Sent To Apple, But Apple Says They Can’t Return It
Even Best Buy Staff Admit That Geek Squad Is Useless

Happy New Year, Consumerists!

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

It’s More Important to Be Happy Than to Be Rich [Get Rich Slowly] “While it’s certainly true that money can help you achieve your goals, provide for your future, and make life more enjoyable, merely having money doesn’t guarantee happiness.”

Nine Simple Things to Do to Get Ready for Tax Season Right Now! [The Simple Dollar] “There are many things we can do – starting right now – to make things easier for us when we actually file.”

10 lessons from a dismal decade [MSN Money] “Before we put the pain behind us, consider what we’ve learned.”

10 Best Financial Books of the Year [Smart Money] “Here are choices from our editors and writers for top books of the year.”

What You Need to Know About Roth IRAs in 2010 [Wise Bread] “A crash course in what exactly has changed in 2010 regarding the Roth IRA conversion opportunity and why it matters to you.”

FREE MONEY FINANCE (Photo: Lisa Brewster)

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Walmart Accused Of Secretly Videotaping Public Restroom
What Happened With Operation Chokehold
Company Forecloses On Wrong Condo, Throws Out Everything
GameStop Tells Me It Doesn’t Care It’s Violating Merchant Agreement
Closeted Lesbian Sues Netflix For Potential Outing

Happy Giftmas, Consumerists! Did Santa Cat visit your house? He brought me a cocker spaniel with stomach flu. It’s exactly what I wanted!

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

A Habit of Generosity [Wall Street Journal]“Turning generosity into a daily habit can be good for your career.”

3 ways to outsmart the market [CNN Money] “At times the market acts like the fool. Protecting yourself from its folly is simpler than you might think.”

The 19 most-overlooked tax deductions [MSN Money] “Don’t throw money away by missing these easy tax breaks.”

5 Alternatives to CDs [Kiplinger] “There are better things to do with your money than invest in another certificate of deposit if the one you have is maturing.”

7 Ways to Empty Flexible-Spending Accounts Now [Smart Money] “Assuming a last-minute doctor’s visit is out of the question, try these seven tactics to spend down your FSA.”

FREE MONEY FINANCE (Photo: This Year’s Love)

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are eight wonderful photos readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post. Also, be sure to check out our new Photo Gallery to see the latest additions all week long! [More]

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Delta Offers Gold Status To Victims Of Pyschotic American Airlines Stewardess
State Of California Doesn’t Know How To Accept $14 Fee
Craig Ferguson Badmouths Continental Airlines
17 Extinct Things You Probably Don’t Miss
Target Cancels Zhu Zhu Pet Order Placed In September, Ruins Christmas

Happy Friday! Who among you is brave enough to go near a mall this weekend? Not me.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Putting Santa on a Budget [Kiplinger]“Six ways to keep holiday spending on your kids under control.”

Lies that could kill your life insurance [MSN Money] “Insurance applicants often fudge on issues ranging from DUIs to drug use. But it’s hard to hide baldfaced lies — even though some folks go so far as shaving their heads.”

5 Beloved Tax Perks With Ugly Downsides [Smart Money] “[Here] are the five largest of our 165 tax expenditures, along with their projected cost to taxpayers over the next five years. All are beloved programs, but none are beyond criticism.”

Why It May Pay To Convert to a Roth IRA [The Wall Street Journal] “Some financial advisers say growing numbers of their clients are leaning toward a Roth conversion, even if they have to tap their traditional IRAs to pay the taxes.”

7 Ways to Help Unemployed Friends and Family [NY Times] “Most of us who are still lucky enough to have jobs know someone in a similar spot and want to find a way to help. So what’s the right way to do it?”


Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are eight cool photos readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post, and one silly one I just want you to see. Also, be sure to check out our new Photo Gallery to see the latest additions all week long! [More]

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

UPDATED: No, Wells Fargo, You Can’t Leave Animals To Die
Man Pays Best Buy For Washer/Dryer, It Doesn’t Appear, Takes Laundry To Store, Shames Store Into Delivering
Let This Comic Strip Show You How To Save Money At The Movies
Asking For Orange Juice On American Airlines May Violate Federal Law

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

The holiday shuffle [The Washington Post] “In the gift card game, the rules keep changing. So do the winners and losers.”

It Pays to Be True to Your School: 5 Ways Your Alma Mater Can Save You Money [Wise Bread] “Alumni associations are doing everything they can to make things better for graduates of their college during this difficult time. Amazingly enough, some of the savings are pretty substantial.”

Personal Finance 101: What Does FDIC Insurance Really Mean? [The Simple Dollar] “What exactly is FDIC insurance? How does it work?”

Give Wisely at Work [The Wall Street Journal] “Be careful when playing Santa at the office. Giving certain gifts could get you in trouble.”

10 creative ways to wrap gift cards [MSN Money] “Does giving a gift card seem cold or impersonal? The trick is all in the presentation. For a few extra bucks, add a personal touch to an otherwise generic package.”

FREE MONEY FINANCE (Photo: RichSeattle)

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are eight wonderful photos readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post. Also, be sure to check out our new Photo Gallery to see the latest additions all week long! [More]