
Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Diners Ask Restaurant For 47 Separate Checks… And That’s Before They Pulled Out Their Groupons

Doritos Bag Contains Only Three Chips

Call This Radio Shack Salesman On His Crap, And He’ll Call Security On You

Target Cashier Didn’t Charge Me For DVD. Should I Tell Them?

Where Did All The OB Tampons Go?

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

How to Get Financially Fit in the New Year [Wall Street Journal] “It’s time to think about getting in financial shape in 2011. Here’s a 12-month agenda.”

5 Expensive Things You Shouldn’t Buy [The Street] “Here are five things you should never buy unless you’re rich enough to stop working.”

5 Ways to Become Debt Free This Season [Yahoo Finance] “There are five clear-cut steps consumers should take to pull themselves free of their credit card debt.”

9 money goofs that won’t hurt much [MSN Money] “Worried that a late utility bill will wallop your credit scores? Stop fretting. These common lapses could lead to financial troubles, but they won’t ding your scores.”

How to Find the Hidden Cash in Your Attic [Smart Money] “SmartMoney asked the experts how down-sizers can make the most money — when they should bargain hard, when they should take the best offer they can get, and what items to give away.”


Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are ten of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post. I think that this week’s crop is exceptionally good, but I’m biased.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

The Best Gifts That Give to Charity [Smart Money] “if you really want the present you buy to bolster a nonprofits coffers, some options are more effective than others.”

10 Great Christmas Gifts That Won’t Cost You a Dime! [Money Watch] “Here are 10 FREE gifts you can give your loved ones this year without breaking too many laws.”

7 gifts that can change lives [MSN Money] “If you receive (or, in many cases, give) anything on this list — whether on impulse or after years of contemplation — be prepared for an amazing difference.”

Four Ways to Stop Gorging on Gratification [Bucks Blog] “We bought into the idea that shopping and spending money makes us happy and helps form our identities.”

5 Financial Gifts to Give Yourself [Kiplinger] “If you’re going to splurge on yourself this holiday season, put the money to good use.”


Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are nine of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

9 fast fixes for your credit scores [MSN Money] “If your credit scores are below 760, you may not be getting the best rates for loans or insurance — so burnishing your scores can save you money.”

3 New Ways to Save on Gas [Smart Money] “SmartMoney looked at three popular ways to get fuel on the cheap — and their potential savings and pitfalls.”

New Year’s Resolutions: 7 for Your Money [Money Watch] “Here are seven money resolutions that can improve your mind, spirit and bank account.”

Side Income: Is It a Hobby or a Business? [Money Under 30] “Almost everyone partakes in some sort of hobby without worrying about whether it will generate income. However, as soon as you take steps to attempt to generate a profit you’ve got a business on your hands.”

6 Simple Ways to Safeguard Against Bank Bullying [Wise Bread] “The joy of using the system against the banks? Priceless.”


Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are eight of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Cut Your Taxes: 5 Year-End Tips [Money Watch] “Here are some moves you can make right now to potentially reduce your financial exposure to Uncle Sam come April 15.”

Christmas Gifts That Make a Difference [Get Rich Slowly] “Make this the year when you pick presents that actually help.”

Everything You Need to Know About Christmas Trees [Money Talks News] “If you’re buying from a tree lot, the price, availability and tree types will depend on where you live, but you’ll often find the best deals at warehouse stories like Home Depot and Lowe’s.”

10 Things Your Landlord Won’t Tell You [Smart Money] “There’s more to negotiate than the rent.”

10 Cheap Ways To Get Someone A Great Gift For Under $5 [The Digerati Life] “Here are ten interesting ideas you could try the next time you’ve got a gift giving event coming up and you’re short on cash.”


Your Morning Cup Of TSA Backwash

Your Morning Cup Of TSA Backwash

American citizen with free time declines both backscatter scan and patdown upon re-entering country, ends up being able to walk through security without doing either even after cops are called. [NO BLASTERS!]
TSA head makes ad explaining why there’s nothing to fear. Message belied by ominous grey background. [YouTube]
Reporter goes through pat-down to show us how easy it is. “He uses the back of his hand to check the front of my groin area.” [KDAF]
An “I’ll be groped for Christmas” holiday jingle. [YouTube]
Man opts for third choice: stripping down to his skivvies. Is then arrested and walked through two terminals in his underwear. [NBC San Diego]
SNL reimagines TSA as a sexy 80’s hookup company. [Hulu]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Seven Smart Money Moves for the Holidays [Wall Street Journal] “Here are seven smart money tips to get the most bang for your (diminished) bucks this holiday season.”

Top 10 myths about job interviews [CNN Money] “Here is his list of the top 10 job interview myths, and how to deal with them.”

8 Ways Convenience is Screwing Your Finances [Wise Bread] “Here are a few reasons why we can’t seem to keep our budgets in check even though we keep getting huge raises.”

8 great Black Friday bargains [MSN Money] “Here are our 8 picks of the most awesome Black Friday deals.”

7 DIY Holiday Gift Ideas [Money Watch] “Here are seven out-of-the-box DIY ideas to get your creative juices flowing.”


Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Career Insurance: Insuring Your Most Valuable Asset [Free Money Finance] “This Career Insurance is not a product you can buy, but a series of actions you can proactively take to minimize the chance that your career will take a major hit.”

7 Ways to Save on Holiday Travel [Kiplinger] “Bargains are scarcer this year, but you can fly the holiday skies for less if you use these strategies.”

Make More Money: How to Supercharge Your Income [Get Rich Slowly] “Almost anyone should be able to find some ideas here to make more money.”

5 Tips to Win the Rebate Game [Money Talks News] “So what can you do to avoid rebate hell? Try these tactics.”

6 habits that will make you broke [MSN Money] “Even some well-intentioned practices like clipping coupons could result in your spending more.”


Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Top Posts Of The Week And Open Thread

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are seven of the best photos that readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

10 Riskiest Places to Give Your Social Security Number [Kiplinger] “Here’s how to lower the chances of your number falling into the wrong hands — and what to do if it does.”

Holiday Non-Shopping: 7 Items Worth Waiting For [Money Watch] “Here are the top 7 items that you may want to put on your post-holiday shopping list.”

How to Pick Your Next Computer [Smart Money] “Here is my annual fall computer buyers’ guide, a simplified road map to the key decisions shoppers must make.”

10 Things Recruiters Won’t Tell You [Wall Street Journal] “#1. There are better ways to find a job.”

20 Places to Find Free Books Online [Northern Cheapskate] “The following sites provide free books that can be enjoyed online, downloaded to your computer, or transferred to an e-reader or MP3 player.”