Thousands of students affected by the abrupt shutdown of all 130 ITT Tech campuses received a lifeline of sorts from the government this week, as it unveiled additional resources to help displaced students understand their new reality and to continue their education or receive federal loan discharges. [More]

FTC Rolls Out Interactive Resource For Victims Of Identity Theft
With seemingly daily reports of new data breaches and related scams, it’s no secret that identity theft is now more of a concern than ever. In an effort to help victims work their way through the process of restoring and protecting their identities, the Federal Trade Commission has launched a new online interactive tool. [More]
Too Bad We Can't Pump Natural Gas Into Cars — It's Crazy Cheap Now
Not all gas costs are soaring. Natural gas has dipped to its lowest price in 10 years, dropping to less than $2 per 1,000 cubic feet. The last time gas was cheaper than its current rate of $1.984 was January 2002. That’s a good sign for your home gas bills, but won’t do you any good at the pump. [More]

DOT Updates 'Fly Rights' Airline Consumer Guide
The Department of Transportation has updated its consumer guide to air travel, which provides a quick summary of what to look for when buying a ticket, and what protections you have during travel. It’s also a good starting point when you have an airline-related problem and need more information before deciding what to do next. [More]

University Launches Free Financial Education Website
We love free, and we love attempts to make people savvier about personal finance, so we really like this new personal finance website from the University of Idaho. It’s got all the basics covered, and there are things like checklists and downloadable worksheets so you can practice what they’re preaching. Some of the information is geared specifically to Idaho residents, but for the most part this is useful content that anyone can take advantage of.

Keep Track Of Your Prescriptions With This Free App
If you have to take meds, you know that one of the big issues is watching out for potential drug interactions—the last thing you want is to pass out at the supermarket from uncontrollable flatulence and a sudden onset of glaucoma. Consumer Reports has developed My Medication Tracker, a free desktop app that lets you privately keep a record of your medication history (and related costs), as well as watch out for potential interactions.

New FoodSafety Website Helps You Stop Accidentally Poisoning Your Family
The USDA and Health and Human Services (HHS) today unveiled a new website focused on food safety at It’s got lots of info on how to keep food from spoiling, but better still it’s a good launching pad for filing complaints, or keeping track of what’s going on in your state (check the “state agency” widget in the bottom right column).

"How Do I Stop Fax Spam?"
Harry keeps getting spammed via his fax machine. Frankly, we think fax machines stopped being relevant or useful in about 1998, but until the rest of the world catches up to our way of thinking, here are some ways you can try to limit the damages.

Biodegradable Coffins, "Composting At Its Best"
Biodegradable coffins allow you to rest in peace without putting a permanent dent in the planet or your wallet.

Cremation: The Cheap And Environmentally Friendly Alternative To Burial
Cremation is catching fire as Americans look for low-cost, low-resource alternatives to burial. Cremation often costs half as much as traditional funerals – $4,000 instead of $8,000 – and does not require wood or land space. This combination is putting the heat on traditional funeral homes.
In theory, death care should be immune from short-term economic swings. Death is one of only two sure things in life, and the U.S. population is aging.

Learn The Basics Of Money
Kiplinger has launched a new site designed to teach the basics of money management and handling your personal financial life. If you’re getting started, or starting over, there’s numerous good articles here about budgets, investing, picking banks, retirement plans, insurance, etc. etc, delivered in the straightforward and personable manner for which Kiplinger is known.

Find a Farmers Market Near You
Farmers markets are a happening thing right now—everyone who’s anyone knows that if you don’t buy your mud-covered carrots from a sleepy teenager who just drove four hours into the city that very morning, then your carrots will taste like sawdust, the dinner party will be ruined, and you won’t get that promotion. But how do you know where the nearest farmers market is located? You could ask around, or you could hit up this handy farmers market locator from the USDA, which lets you search by market name, state, city, county, zip code, or forms of payment.