You might already be used to having your backpack or purse searched upon entering concerts or sporting events, but now there’s one more venue that may take a look inside your belongings: Regal Cinemas announced it may search guests’ bags upon entry to any of its locations across the country. [More]
regal cinemas

Sony Pictures Entertainment Cancels Release Of ‘The Interview’
Throughout today, more movie theater chains have announced that they would prefer not to screen the comedy “The Interview” in the wake of vague terrorist threats against theaters screening the film. Sony Pictures Entertainment, had already canceled the scheduled premiere in New York City tomorrow and told theater operators that they were welcome to not screen the movie if they don’t want to. All of the major theater chains took Sony up on this offer, and now the planned Christmas Day release has been canceled. [More]

Tweet A Coke To Your Friends, If They Were Going To The Movies Anyway
Do you want to give your movie-loving friend a gift, but not a really good gift? Thanks to a partnership between Coke, Twitter, and Regal Cinemas, you can tweet a Coke-branded beverage to a friend… or to a random stranger, if that’s what you’re into. Why? So someone would write an article about it, I guess. [More]

Regal Cinemas Raising Ticket Prices 4% Because You’re All Still Gonna Pay
Thanks to innovations like 3D and IMAX (or IMAX-ish), going to see a movie in theaters is an experience that a home theater really can’t match, even if a home theater has the benefit of comfier seats and no obnoxious strangers. The bosses of Regal Cinemas, one of the chains that have consolidated Americans’ away-from-home movie experience, understand this. So they’re going to raise ticket prices some more. [More]

I Didn't Buy A Ticket To An R-Rated Movie So I Could Entertain Your Toddler
Baby-sitters must be hard to come by these days. That’s the only possible explanation for why Kelly found herself entertaining the small child next to her during a showing of the R-rated movie “Ted.” The encounter raised all kinds of questions. For example: why was this child sitting in a stroller that was positioned to block Kelly’s seat? Why didn’t Regal Cinemas staff do anything about the stroller? Why didn’t the child’s mother notice or care that the kid was yapping to Kelly? Then, of course, there’s the key question on which this entire problem hinges: why bring a toddler with you to an R-rated movie? [More]

Regal Cinemas Improves Sondheim, Adds Blue Screen Of Death To 'Ladies Who Lunch'
If the projection system at a movie theater fails and management gives you passes for readmission, should they give you passes that actually readmit you to the program you saw? Regal Cinemas charges a premium for filmed theatre and opera events shown on movie screens, almost double what it costs to watch a regular movie. Katie was watching a screening of the New York Philharmonic’s recent all-star version of the musical “Company” at her local Regal theater when the projection zonked out during a key song and was replaced by Microsoft’s famed Blue Screen of Death. Due to satellite problems, they missed most of the rest of the performance. Management gave out passes for another movie…which was nice, but they weren’t good for special events. Like, for example, the next screening of “Company” that people who missed a chunk of the show might want to see. [More]

IMAX Says It's Neither Length Nor Girth Of Screens That Matters — It's 'Perception'
As we established last week, not all IMAX screens are the same. Some are amazingly gimongous while others are only moderately gargantuan.

Does Your Local Cinema Have IMAX or Just IMAX Lite?
I can admit this here, and only thousands of people will judge me, but: I’m a sort of a nerd. I was really excited when the Regal Cinema at my local mall started knocking down walls to put in an IMAX theater. And none of this documentary-with-swooping-cameras motion sickness crap you get at the museum IMAX theaters, either—they were showing actual cinematic releases. Like “Star Trek.” And “The Dark Knight.” Also, “Star Trek.”

Regal Cinemas Facing Boycott After Pressing Charges Again Teen "Pirate"
You might remember this story from a few days ago: When 19 year-old Jhannet Sejas taped a 20 second clip of Transformers on her Canon Power Shot camera, she probably didn’t think she was committing a crime that calls for 1 year in prison and a $2,500 fine. If she did, she probably didn’t think the movie theater would call the police, have her arrested, and then press charges.