It’s almost Halloween, which means everyone you know is probably posting adorable photos from the pumpkin patch. But folks looking for pumpkins to carve before the trick-or-treaters arrive may not be able to find the orange gourds at Home Depot locations in hurricane-ravaged Texas and Florida this season, as the retailer says it’s cutting back on pumpkin sales to let some stores focus on storm recovery. [More]

Shoppers Will Spend More Money On Carving Pumpkins Than On Buying Pumpkin Products
Every fall it seems like all anyone can ever talk about is “Oh I can’t believe someone is selling pumpkin spice potato chips” or “Really, do we need pumpkin spice shoelaces?” So it may be refreshing to know that when it comes to pumpkins, we’re spending more money to carve them up than we are on buying into the latest pumpkin-flavored craze. [More]

Some Brewers Struggling To Find Enough Pumpkins For This Year’s Pumpkin Beer Season
If you’ve had enough of the steamy summer months and are just dreaming of the fall day when you can crack open a crisp, cool pumpkin ale, you better get your game plan organized now: due to a pumpkin shortage, the season for drinking these brews could be a bit shorter than you’re used to. [More]

Study: One Pumpkin Latte Per Season Is Enough For Most People
Sure, everyone knows someone who starts posting about how fall is their favorite season because pumpkin lattes are back (“squeeeee!”) and they’re going to drink one every day, but for the rest of us, one per season is just fine, thanks. [More]

Some California Pumpkin Crops Ripening Way Before Halloween Due To High Temperatures
Californians might be making a rush on the fake pumpkin aisle for their Halloween displays this year, as high temperatures have pushed the gourds to ripen much faster than they usually would. That could mean a jack-o-lanternless holiday for many, at least when it comes to the hand-carved kind. [More]

Sales Of Actual Pumpkins Down Amid Pumpkin Spice-Flavored Craze
By now you’d have to be living under a rock where everything smells like dirt and wet rocks not to be aware of the annual pumpkin spice frenzy that overtakes menus across the land every fall. But while it’s not shocking to hear that things that are flavored to taste like pumpkin and/or the spices we love — allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. — are selling like pumpkin spice hotcakes, it’s kind of sad to learn that sales of actual pumpkins are sliding. [More]

Starbucks Announces Actual Pumpkin Will Be Added To Pumpkin Spice Latte
Well, it’s August, and we all know what that means: several more weeks of summer! Oh, and also that pumpkin spice lattes will soon be hitting your nearest Starbucks, because that happens well before fall begins. This year, Starbucks is drawing attention to the annual event by changing the recipe up a bit, removing caramel coloring and changing to a pumpkin sauce that has a small amount of pumpkin purée in it. [More]

Town’s Theft Of Hundreds Of Pumpkins Turns Out To Be Misunderstanding Over Pig Food
With all the corn snatching and onion stealing, not to mention previous pumpkin plunderings going on, it’s no wonder the organizers of a town festival who saw an entire pumpkin stash go missing thought something evil was afoot. This time, at least, it was all a misunderstanding. [More]

Okay, Enough Of This Trend Already: Thief Wipes Out Preschoolers’ Pumpkin Patch
First, it was corn stolen from farmers. Next, it was a class of fifth graders learning the harsh lessons of life when someone swiped their entire onion crop. And now we’ve gotten to the sad, low point of some awful, horrible, no good very bad person or persons stealing all the pumpkins from a patch belonging to preschoolers. What’s next, stealing milk from babies?!? [More]

Thief Returns Giant Stolen Pumpkin To Its 9-Year-Old Owner
Charlie Brown might be pleased to hear that at least one little boy didn’t have to suffer through a big Halloween disappointment. After winning a giant pumpkin at a local Oktoberfest by correctly guessing its weight, a nine-year-old boy was upset when someone stole it off his porch. All’s well that ends well, though — the thief apparently realized the error of his ways and returned the gigantic gourd with a note of apology. “I’m really sorry about taking your pumpkin. It was wrong of me. You earned the pumpkin.” [York Dispatch] [More]

Pumpkin Mania Goes Boozy With Pumpkin Spice Whiskey
Sure, beer fans love pumpkin ales, no matter how early in the season they appear. What about other pumpkin-flavored boozes, though? One company in Rhode Island has made a pumpkin spice whiskey that hits shelves this fall, perfect for adding to a homemade latte or sipping while you burn piles of leaves. [More]

The Burger King Pumpkin Burger Is A Thing – In Japan
Pumpkin is the fast-food flavor of the season, with pumpkin ice cream and coffee confections available in various delicious locations and an ever-growing selection of marshmallow pumpkins available. You’ll have to go all the way to Japan, though, to try Burger King’s newest pumpkreation: the pumpkin burger. [More]

Northeast Having A Pumpkin Shortage
If you live in the Northeast you’ll want to buy your pumpkins early this year because they’re going to run out fast, as farmers predicted last week. A rainy summer and flooding from Irene have ruined many pumpkin crops. Now that the official harvest has come in, it looks like instead of hunting for The Great Pumpkin, most people will just be hunting for “a” pumpkin. [More]

Flooding Could Result In High Pumpkin Prices This Halloween
The Northeast could be paying higher prices for pumpkins this Halloween. Hurricane Irene and subsequent flooding have submerged fields and drowned crops, and that could lead to a pumpkin shortage. That could mean people having to pay a higher cost per “boo.” [More]

Perk Up Your Fella's Private Parts With Some Pumpkin Pie
When many people think about the side-effects of a Thanksgiving feast, it usually involves either an expanding waistline or a post-meal nap on the couch. But a new study claims that the scent of one Turkey Day classic, pumpkin pie, can have some positive payoff in the bedroom. [More]

How To: Carve A Pumpkin Without Butchering Yourself
We like you, so in the interest of getting you and your family to Thanksgiving with all of your fingers attached, we’d like to direct your attention to some pumpkin carving “how to” info.

Too Much Rain In Illinois, Pumpkin Prices Are Up
Our home state of Illinois is the largest producer of pumpkins in the US (Yes, we really do think that’s cool, ok?)