Sales Of Actual Pumpkins Down Amid Pumpkin Spice-Flavored Craze

In a recent report from Nielsen, the data shows that the pumpkin flavor trend is nowhere near stopping, and has become a staple of the autumn season — 37% of American consumers bought a pumpkin-flavored product in 2014, accounting for $361 million in sales just in 2014, which is a 79% boost from 2011.
The hottest sellers on the pumpkin market include pie filling ($134,786,923 in sales last year), pumpkin cream ($47,907,993) and pumpkin coffee ($32,655,566). Again, this isn’t news — everywhere you turn these days there’s pumpkin pet food, pumpkin gum, pumpkin spice Twinkies, pumpkin milk and even pumpkin dish soap.
Fresh pumpkins are being left out of the fad fun, however, with sales declining every year in 2011, 2013 and 2014, Nielsen reports, accounting for 8.6 million fewer pumpkins going home from the pumpkin patch with a proud new owner.
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