
Meet Chris, Guest Blogger

Meet Chris, Guest Blogger

Chris Walters is a veteran shopper who enjoys being outraged by mismanaged customer service experiences. Why, just last week he was treated rudely by an employee at the Nokia flagship store in midtown Manhattan, but then the store manager swooped in and replaced his malfunctioning headset without further problems, which is why there’s not a post on the Consumerist about Nokia refusing to replace faulty Bluetooth headsets.

A Call For Better Comments

This is a request for the comments to be more mature and civil, and have less name-calling, recommendations of violence, and in general, trying to bring people down. It’s gotten to the point of being depressing.

The Triumphant Return of Guest Blogger Mark Ashley

The Triumphant Return of Guest Blogger Mark Ashley

For those who don’t obsessively read the bylines at the bottom right of every post, to see who offered up the pro-consumer post of the moment, you may not have noticed an additional name — Mark Ashley — in the roster of Consumerists today. (It’s been a few months since I’ve posted here.) My normal blog home is Upgrade: Travel Better, where the subject is travel, the outlook is always pro-consumer, and the motto is “Living the First Class Life… at Coach Prices.” Consider this your personal invitation.

Actually, We Don't Have Any Advertisers Much In The Way Of Advertisers

Actually, We Don't Have Any Advertisers Much In The Way Of Advertisers

An ad has never been bought on The Consumerist. Those banner ads you see flickering all around? They’re run across the entire Gawker network. Nobody, to date, however, has bought any Consumerist-specific ads as such. If someone wanted to, we’re sure the Gawker ad team would welcome them with open arms.

Meet Amy, Flickr Intern #2

Meet Amy, Flickr Intern #2

We hired Amy Adoyzie to help out with our tagging photos in our Flickr pool, a magical place where readers submit photos for possible use in our posts.

Introducing Shannon

Introducing Shannon

We’ve hired Shannon to help tag our pictures and those in our Flickr pool (which now has 576 members and 7493 photos, wow!). She takes neat photos, loves Flickr, lives in Japan and was recently bitten on her left foot by a spider!

Seeking Email Intern

Seeking Email Intern seeks to add an email slave to its staff. We need someone to help us respond the growing number of letters and complaints that increasingly swell our email box.


Happy 4th of July! Celebrate your day of independence by shutting of the computer and going outside. Consumerist returns to regular posting tomorrow.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Tomorrow, The Consumerist will post half the normal amount of posts. Carey has pledged to keep posting over the weekend, because he’s hardcore like that. Monday will be a day of rest. Enjoy the three-day weekend. — BEN POPKEN

Consumerist Tshirt Is Here, And It's 15% Off

Consumerist Tshirt Is Here, And It's 15% Off

The new Consumerist tshirt is here, and as part of a Memorial Day weekend sale, it’s only $16.99. As part of the sale, if you buy multiple Gawker tshirts, shipping is free.

How To Deal With Vanishing Comments

You may have noticed recently that you click on a post with comments, only to scroll down and find they have all disappeared.

Introducing The Consumerist Mutual Fund

Introducing The Consumerist Mutual Fund

The Consumerist once promised to help fix capitalism. Today, we will realize that dream. We regularly stress the importance of saving for retirement. 401ks, Roth IRAs, they are good, but uncertain. They caution, “past performance does not guarantee future gains.”

We Read Our Tipline

We Read Our Tipline

We love our readers and the tips they send us. The Consumerist email address is But, unless your email needs attention by a specific editor, it’s not necessary to email the editors directly.

Gone Fishing

Gone Fishing

Ben is on vacation today through Monday, March 26th. Please welcome Samuel Glover and Mark Ashley (who starts tomorrow) in in his absence. Sam is a consumer lawyer and writes the Caveat Emptor blog. Mark writes the Upgrade Travel Better blog. Both guys have filled in before and do a stellar job. Ciao, we’re off to Florida with our girlfriend!

Link Wonkiness

Link Wonkiness

Gremlins are in our boxes temporarily. They’re temporarily making some posts inaccessible by external link, and making it impossible to comment on some posts. Tech is on it. Pardon the interruption. For accessing posts with extended entry (items with “inside” or “continue reading”) now may be a good time to read us in RSS.

Investigative Reporter Wanted

Investigative Reporter Wanted

We seek an investigative reporter with balls for assignment in New York area.

Introducing Your Weekend Editor: Carey!

Introducing Your Weekend Editor: Carey!

Carey Greenberg-Berger has been doing a smashbang job of writing posts these past two weekends (and yesterday) so we decided to make it official. He is bumped up from email reader to email reader plus weekend editor.

Meet Your Guest Bloggers

Meet Your Guest Bloggers

Ben is taking a break from full posting to do some work on the backend, so we’ve invited three writers to contribute in his stead.