
Subscribe To Our Top Stories

Subscribe To Our Top Stories

We know it’s hard to read every Consumerist post, so a good way to catch up is to subscribe to our Top 5 Stories mailing list. Every Friday you will get an email showing you the five most popular Consumerist stories of the week. We will also use this (sparingly) when a particularly awesome post breaks. Just enter your email address in the box on the left hand side of the page where it says “Subscribe To.” As always, we will never sell your email address to advertisers. So if you want to stay on top of the hottest Consumerist stories, give subscribing to our top stories digest a whirl.

PC World Names Consumerist In 100 Best Products Of 2008

PC World Names Consumerist In 100 Best Products Of 2008

The editors of PC World have named Consumerist as one of the 100 best products of 2008. We’re not sure exactly what we did, but the press announcement says, “Each year, PC World chooses the 100 top technology products available to consumers. Some of the products are brand new, some have been on the market for years. What they have in common is attractive and efficient design, outstanding features and performance, solid usability and smart innovation.” Whoo, go us.

Intern For

Intern For

It’s time to get some fresh slaves in here. Ideal candidates for email internsare college student who, in order of decreasing importance:


Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Today is a half-day of posting and Monday we’re off. Weekend coverage continues as normal. Back full-strength Tuesday. Go out there and do some grilling and get some sunshine!


Thanks to everyone who reported that Consumerist RSS feeds and 2nd page of comments are not working. Tech is on the case and we hope to have everything fixed soon.

Introducing Jay

Introducing Jay

Hey everybody, meet our new writer, Jay Slatkin. After running The Consumerist Forums for over a year just because he wanted to, Jay had put in enough sweat equity that we figured he deserved a shot on the front page. Jay was born in Michigan where he lives today. He comes from a background which includes a stint as an airline pilot and more recently property management. He received his BA from University of Colorado and still holds his Commercial Pilot flight certificate. The Verizon Can’t Count story is what got him hooked on The Consumerist. He’s been doing great, displaying a knack for picking out great reader stories. Maybe all that time toiling in the forum mines taught him how to dig for gold. Please give me a hand in giving Jay a warm Consumerist welcome!

Fill Out Our Survey, Enter Drawing For $300 AMEX Card

Fill Out Our Survey, Enter Drawing For $300 AMEX Card

Our publisher’s advertising monkeys are giving you the chance to win a $300 AMEX card if you tell us a little bit about yourself in this 5-10 minute survey. Giving an email address is optional to complete the survey, but necessary if you want to be eligible for the drawing, otherwise we won’t have any way to contact you.

Subscribe To Author-Specific Consumerst RSS Feeds

Overwhelmed by all of the posts The Consumerist puts out? Looking to cut items from your feed reader budget? Subscribe via RSS to just the feeds from specific authors. Here are the necessary feed links (or you can just copy the link from the author’s byline and add /feed.xml to the end):

Conglomerist Shutters, Consumerist Returns

After a series of tense negotiations, Gawker Media Network was able to buy The Conglomerist back from Haberdasher Communications. The deal used equity raised by selling structured investment vehicles that capitalized on the securitization of pageviews. Chad Steelgate, April O’ Neil, and friends, have been transfered to a Convergys call center where they will work as retention specialists for what remains of America Online. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming, already in progress.

Irregardless Is A Real Word

Irregardless Is A Real Word

Dear Readers,

Introducing The Conglomerist

Dear Reader,

309-417-2821 Is The Consumerist Fax Line

309-417-2821 Is The Consumerist Fax Line

If you’ve got a hot tip or confession and want to fax it in, 309-417-2821 is our fax number. Several company insiders have expressed interest in sending us stuff via fax number since yesterday’s Verizon leak, undoubtedly attracted by the degree of anonymity a fax machine provides.

Stop Blaming The Victim

Mike writes:

I really like Consumerist. Your mission, the way it’s run, it’s great. But lately my head hurts reading your site and I have really dropped off in looking at it. Oh, once in a while I check in, but I can’t take it in large doses, or even every day. Why? The “Blame the victim” mentality is just too much to take. I almost suspect there are people out there just waiting for some new post and “blaming the victim” for fun, just to troll. It’s to the point that the “here’s why the OP is an asshat” sub-threads are dominating the topic at hand.


You may notice that the site looks different. Yes, we updated our template. Feel free to leave your thoughts or bugs (along with browser and OS type and version) in the comments. (BTW, we’re aware of the XP and IE6 viewing problems and are working hard to fix them).

Read Consumerist Via Twitter

Read Consumerist Via Twitter

You can now use Twitter to read the top stories from Consumerist more easily via the web, text message, IM, email or RSS. Just plug into the device of your choice and start Twittering away.

New Feature: Embed YouTube In Comments

New Feature: Embed YouTube In Comments

Sometimes you can’t think of anything to say, but you can think of a video on YouTube that will make your point perfectly. That’s when you might want to bust out a new feature we added to the comments. Just drop a link to a youtube video and then our computer gnomes will go make that video magically appear in the comments in a thumbnail size. When you see one of these, click “watch video” to watch it. Click “stop video” to make it go back to thumbnail. Nifty.


Did you know? We have an “Archives” section ( where you can quickly skip backwards through our posts by month. We also have a new feature where if you click on an author’s byline next to their post, you will only see the posts written by that author.

Consumerist Nominated For 3 Bloggies – Last Chance To Vote!

The Consumerist made it to the final round of the Bloggies and we need your votes by the end of today to get the gold. We’re finalists in three categories: Best Topical Weblog, Best Group Weblog, and Weblog of the Year. If you haven’t voted yet, today is the last day. Head on over to to let your voice be heard on who you think are the best of the blogs. Click the buttons under at least three categories. Complete the word verification test at the bottom. Enter a real email address that you can check. Wait for the verification email and click the URL inside to finalize your ballot. Last time we posted this, people were concerned about their email address getting sold to marketers. This is not one of those operations. And once again, should we win, on the day that it’s announced, all the posts during that day will be illustrated with cat-based photography.