Rewarding people with cash has generally been a good way to motivate them to do things they are otherwise not obligated to do, but a new study claims that when you offer folks money for writing online reviews, it can backfire and result in fewer overall reviews. [More]
product reviews

Crest’s Chocolate Mint Toothpaste Is Tasty, Overpriced, And Has No Reason To Exist
A few weeks ago, we posted about the existence of the new Crest Be(TM) line of toothpastes. This line of products includes flavors that mix chocolate and mint, vanilla and mint, and lime and mint. When the product was first announced, we declared it gross, expensive, and stupid. Now that the product has hit stores, at least one reviewer agrees with that assessment. [More]
Your Review Isn’t Really About The Product? Don’t Whine When It’s Rejected
We often receive complaints from readers who have totally legitimate gripes about shipping or customer service issues at retailers, both online and in real life. Unfortunately, they chose to share these complaints with the world by writing about them in the retailer’s product reviews. The problem with this plan is that companies control which reviews are and aren’t posted. If they don’t post yours, it’s not because they hate free speech: it’s because you didn’t follow the directions. [More]

Beware Buying Advice From Bloggers On The Take
As review blogs have emerged, seizing marketshare and mindshare away from traditional publications, it’s become the Wild West out there as far as journalistic ethics are concerned.

Yet Another Company Learns The Difference Between Amazon Reviews And Ads
Instead of paying outsiders to give their products fake positive reviews on Amazon product pages like Belkin and other companies, DeLonghi cut out the middleman. Their communications manager, Tara Carpenter, simply went on Amazon and gave a variety of DeLonghi products five-star rave reviews herself.

A Fusion of Form and Dysfunction
Jeff at bought a new bagless Hoover Fusion vacuum and gave it a little test drive.

Why Is This Garnier Shampoo So Stinky?
What is this fell odor wafting out our Garnier shampoo bottle? Garnier products are great, especially the gel (oh my gawd, yes!), so we were surprised to open it this morning, having previously used it with no smelly problem at all–and gag.