
New York Real Estate Firm Dumps A Year's Worth Of Client Info On The Street

New York Real Estate Firm Dumps A Year's Worth Of Client Info On The Street

What are those papers blowing down Columbus Avenue? Why, those are your tax returns, driver’s licenses, credit reports, bank statements, and 401k statements. It seems that your real estate company, Citi Habitats, dumped an entire years worth of sensitive client documents in the streets of New York.

Apple Store Institutionalizes Merchant Agreement Violation with Pretty Sign

Apple Store Institutionalizes Merchant Agreement Violation with Pretty Sign

Is Apple up to its old tricks again? More scandalous than your run-of-the-mill violation, it seems that Apple stores are now displaying a high-quality sign advertising their blatant ignorance of the Merchant Agreement.

Apple Pulls Anti-Virus Advice Due To Bad PR?

Apple Pulls Anti-Virus Advice Due To Bad PR?

According to Computerworld, Apple yanked a “controversial” support document from its website Tuesday, after it began a heated debate among the Apple faithful. What was the controversial advice? Apple suggested its users run anti-virus software.

Bank Sends You Another Copy Of Your Credit Card Just To Remind You To Use It

Bank Sends You Another Copy Of Your Credit Card Just To Remind You To Use It

Here’s a weird story. Chris at was dealing with some ID theft problems (random charges were showing up on his credit cards) when he got a random credit card in the mail. It was an extra copy of a card he did indeed have. Wondering if someone was trying to get copies of his cards — he contacted the bank:

Can I Change My Social Security Number?

Can I Change My Social Security Number?

Concerned about a recent incident in which his wife’s social security number may have been exposed (by a Bank of America employee, but that’s another story), Christian wants to know if you can change your social security number. In special circumstances, yes, the Social Security Administration will change your number. You need to show proof that 1) you’ve suffered harm from someone misusing your ss# and 2) you’ve made all reasonable efforts to otherwise solve the problem i.e. credit report freezes, closing accounts and changing account numbers, etc. If both of these apply, then you can simply visit your local SSA office, call, or visit

The Idiot-Proof Way To Securely Use Public Wi-Fi

The Idiot-Proof Way To Securely Use Public Wi-Fi

We talk a lot on this blog about personal data and privacy, but not so much about how to secure that data on your own computer. That’s because a.) we’re not Lifehacker and b.) the solutions frequently bloat into crazy, jargon-filled recipes that scare away the non-IT crowd. Not this time! For all you novices, here is a single idea you should consider that will help keep your personal data personal, and make your identity that much harder to steal.

New Color Coded Hospital Bracelets Save Lives, But Raise Privacy Concerns

New Color Coded Hospital Bracelets Save Lives, But Raise Privacy Concerns

Confusion about what those color coded bracelets mean can cause deadly medical mistakes, but if the bracelets are standardized — is everyone going to know your business?

Comcast Admits Error In Requiring SSN Under "Patriot Act"

Comcast Admits Error In Requiring SSN Under "Patriot Act"

Comcast’s customer service czar Frank responded to our post “Comcast: “The Patriot Act” Mandates We Need Your SSN” by saying it was an error on part of the agent. Via Twitter he said:

How To Get Utilities And Phone Service Without Giving Up Your SSN

How To Get Utilities And Phone Service Without Giving Up Your SSN

As several readers discussed in yesterday’s post, utility, phone, and cable companies usually require your Social Security number in order to perform a credit check before activating service. You don’t have to provide it, but they don’t have to extend their services to you either. Here’s one reader’s explanation of how he was able to turn on water, electricity, gas, and an AT&T land line without turning over his SSN.

LPC Has Pre-Approved Your Neighbor For Credit—Please Let Him Know

LPC Has Pre-Approved Your Neighbor For Credit—Please Let Him Know

I just opened my mail for today. I just received a pre-approved credit card application and they ::oops:: included another one for my neighbor, in my envelope.

Comcast: "The Patriot Act" Mandates We Need Your SSN

Comcast: "The Patriot Act" Mandates We Need Your SSN

Ryan wanted to order new Comcast service but balked at their request for a Social Security number. When he asked why they needed it, the Comcast chat rep said “The Patriot Act” required it. That doesn’t sound right to us, or to Ryan. His story and full screenshot of the chat, inside…

Online 'Security Questions' Can Be Too Easy To Crack

Online 'Security Questions' Can Be Too Easy To Crack

The ease with which a student was able to reset Sarah Palin’s Yahoo email password highlights a vulnerability of so-called “challenge questions” designed to verify your identity: if the questions are about personal details from your life, there’s a risk that somewhere out there on the web, that info is visible to the public. That might be a realistic risk only for public figures, but it’s also possible that friends or family members could answer your questions with a little guesswork. If you want better security, make up fake answers that you’ll remember.


This Saturday (September 20th) is the Better Business Bureau’s “Secure Your ID” day: in select cities, “bring up to three boxes or bags of paper documents that contain your personal information and we’ll shred them.” Or, you know, just do it yourself all year long. [BBB]

98,930 Affected In Forever 21 Data Breach

98,930 Affected In Forever 21 Data Breach

Forever21 announced Friday that the Secret Service told it criminals had jacked 98,930 credit and debit card numbers from its computers. Based on their forensic analysis, your digits could be in the hands of unsavory individuals if you shopped there on…

Charter Publishes Unlisted Numbers In The Phone Book

Charter Publishes Unlisted Numbers In The Phone Book

Tim enjoyed his unlisted phone number for over thirty years until Charter published it in the local phone book. Now he has two options: ditch his long-time number, or lose his cherished anonymity. Inside, Charter’s apology letter.

Court Changes Mind, Strikes Down Anti-Spam Law

Court Changes Mind, Strikes Down Anti-Spam Law

The court noted that “were the ‘Federalist Papers’ just being published today via e-mail, that transmission by Publius would violate the [current Virginia] statute.”

Ex-Countrywide Employee Sells Your Data, They Offer Credit Monitoring Service, Hang Up When You Ask For It

Ex-Countrywide Employee Sells Your Data, They Offer Credit Monitoring Service, Hang Up When You Ask For It

Re: Countrywide Sends Fraud Alert Letters: ‘Your Info May Have Been Sold,” Reader Esqdork writes, “Yesterday, I phoned Countrywide to get them to extend the credit monitoring service [that they offered in their apology letter] to my co-borrower and was promptly hung up on.” The only surprise here is that they even picked up in the first place.

Why I Quit Staples Easy Tech

Why I Quit Staples Easy Tech

Sick of seeing customers screwed over and billed for unnecessary repairs by undertrained technicians, a Staples tech writes in to tell the incident that made him quit. See this picture? This is the floor model computer where he was told to copy all of a customer’s hard drive data as part of their diagnostic process, then he had to leave the area and leave all the data up on the screen for any customer to see or snag with a thumb drive. The full story, inside…