Tucson, Arizona is hosting a community shred-a-thon in October, where private citizens can show up with boxes of sensitive data and have it shredded for free. Back in July, the Wall Street Journal looked at the growing trend of community shredding events as an example of how regular people are taking action to prevent identity theft.

New York Real Estate Firm Dumps A Year's Worth Of Client Info On The Street
What are those papers blowing down Columbus Avenue? Why, those are your tax returns, driver’s licenses, credit reports, bank statements, and 401k statements. It seems that your real estate company, Citi Habitats, dumped an entire years worth of sensitive client documents in the streets of New York.

This Saturday (September 20th) is the Better Business Bureau’s “Secure Your ID” day: in select cities, “bring up to three boxes or bags of paper documents that contain your personal information and we’ll shred them.” Or, you know, just do it yourself all year long. [BBB]