Happy Pi Day! March 14, or 3/14, represents the first three digits of pi, an essential constant in math that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. This has important meaning even to those of us who aren’t math geeks: Restaurants and retailers mark the occasion with promotions featuring special prices on pies or on pizzas. You know, pizza pies, but they’re also both round foods. [More]

Patti LaBelle’s Sweet Potato Pies Are Back At Walmart, Company Calls It A “Christmas Miracle”
Thanksgiving may have come and gone, but that doesn’t mean Walmart’s ready to give up on the celebrity pie fever that swept the country last month. No siree. Instead, the company says it has restocked the unusually popular Patti LaBelle-branded sweet potato pie — with an assist from some two million pounds of sweet potatoes. [More]

How Did Patti LaBelle End Up Selling Super-Popular Sweet Potato Pies At Walmart?
You might expect people to be keen to purchase pie at this time of year, as our peak national pie-eating holiday approaches. Yet a pie fever is currently gripping the country: celebrity pie fever, as Walmart is suddenly unable to keep its new Patti LaBelle-branded sweet potato pie on the shelves. [More]

The Pumpkin Harvest Is Over And The Shortage Is Real
You might think that lots of rain would be good news for agricultural products, but it doesn’t really work that way, This year, high rainfall in Illinois, the area where most of our pie pumpkins are grown, means that pumpkin harvests are way, way down, and we might have to limit ourselves to only one slice of pie this Thanksgiving. [More]

How To Successfully Bake A Cherpumple Cake In Honor Of Pi Day
What a wacky thing Pi Day is — celebrating today’s date, 3/14, which is like the first three digits of Pi, 3.14, with dessert? Whatever! Pie is yummy, say the masses. You can ramp up that devotion to Pi/pie day with the cherpumple- – a cherry pie, apple pie and pumpkin pie, all baked into a cake. [More]

Pecan Pie Pringles Appear In Stores, We’re Not Sure Why
Last year, Pringles brought us a weird trio of holiday potato chip flavors: pumpkin pie, peppermint white chocolate, and cinnamon and sugar. Now the “dessert Pringle” theme continues, with another pie-flavored chip offering: pecan. [More]

BJ’s Apologizes For Crappy Pecan Pie That We Never Complained About
Jonathan’s family bought a pre-made pecan pie for one of the winter holidays…Christmas, Thanksgiving, something like that. He doesn’t even remember. The pie wasn’t all that great, but the family didn’t think to complain to BJ’s about it. They had other things to do during the holidays. So they were surprised when they received a coupon in the mail for a free replacement pie, along with a letter apologizing for the poor quality of the pecan pie. [More]

TSA: Pies Are OK, But May Be Subject To Additional Screening
The TSA has a holiday food travel guide up on its website and the verdict is in: Pies and cakes are OK, but “be advised that they might be subject to additional screening.”
Cleveland Airport Confiscates Passenger’s ‘Dangerous Liquid’ Pies
A Cleveland airport considers pie filling a dangerous liquid, while at JFK the pie loses its incendiary properties. TSA employees seized at least a dozen of the baked goods from travelers.