If you have a problem with Keurig, makers of those coffee machines where the coffee comes in little pods that you just place inside, and regular customer service isn’t helping you, you can try nicely escalating to their Director of Customer Service or emailing their executive team.
phone numbers

Direct Dial AT&T Senior Tech Support
If you have an unresolved technical issue that regular AT&T Wireless customer service doesn’t seem to be able to or be interested in helping you, this is the direct number for their senior tech support:

Get DirecTV Executive Customer Service
If you’re having DirecTV issues, here’s two more top-level contacts for you to try:

Reach Comcast Corporate Escalations
Frank Eliason is a great pointman for escalating Comcast customer service issues, but what if he dies, gets promoted, a new job, or decides we’re all just too annoying? Then you might want to have some backup executive customer service info:

New Executive Customer Service Number For Time Warner Cable
Time Warner Cable is updating the phone number for executive customer service, the new number will be:

What To Do When The Mistaken Identity Robo-Calls Won't Stop
It’s bad enough when robots call you ad nauseum to pitch you their products and political causes and track down unpaid bills, but it’s even worse when the uncouth androids mistake you for another person.

Is The FCC's iPhone Investigation Really About Number Portability?
There’s been a lot of talk online the past week about extending the principal of network neutrality to wireless networks, which may be partly why the FCC has asked Apple, Google, and AT&T to answer some questions about the rejected Google Voice iPhone app. Todd Barr at Bandwidth.com thinks that the reason may actually have to do with the concept of number portability.

Reach Verizon Wireless Northeast Executive Customer Service
Got a Verizon Wireless problem that regular customer service won’t fix? Try escalating it to this guy. Just remember to be PP2P: polite, professional, and to the point.

Reach Half.com Customer Service
Stephanie reminded us of the little-known customer service phone number for Half.com. If you need to call them up, point your phone to 1-800-545-9857.

Updated Contact Info For Best Buy Execs
An anonymous tipster sent in an updated list of contact info for some of the people working at the top of the Best Buy food chain. Remember, don’t bug them until you’ve exhausted all other options.

Reach Qwest Executive Customer Service
Got a Qwest issue stuck in the quagmire? Escalate it to executive customer service with these phone numbers and email addresses.

Take Your Tmobile Complaints To The Tippity-Top
Here’s a big sexy pile of escalated T-mobile contact info in case you have an intractable complaint that regular customer service can’t or won’t help out with. Besides the senior management and internal reporting division, It includes a way to figure out how to dial a whole mess of executive customer service reps, as well as which specific government bodies to file complaints with the situation warrant.

Contact Info For Eastman Kodak Company
An anonymous tipster provides the following contact info for the Kodak executive team.

Phone Numbers For Yahoo!
If you’re in a pickle with Yahoo and regular customer service isn’t helping you, these phone numbers may be of service:

Sprint Rebate Line Expedites Rebates
Having trouble redeeming rebates for your Sprint phone? Keep getting denied for seemingly no good reason? Try calling the Sprint rebate line at 800-477-4127. Reader Emily wrote, “I have tried on several different occasions to get rebates on my phone. Seems as though you have to call the Sprint Rebate line and have them resubmit the rebate for you. I have had to do 4 separate rebates this way.” (Photo: hyku)

Reach Hewlett-Packard Executivce Customer Service
Expedite a quagmired Hewlett-Packard issue by calling their executive customer service at 1-800-756-0608 option 7. A guy named Tim Metcalf might be the one who helps you, or Dan or Yunsil. Their lines open at 8am, PST. (Photo: orangegeeky)